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Tiax, Baldur's Gate 1 BG1 Companion

Tiax Baldur's Gate 1

Tiax Location

Tiax is a Baldur's Gate companion in BioWare's cRPG of 1998, Baldur's Gate 1. Tiax is found standing outside the Flaming Fist compound located in the city of Baldur's Gate (AR 1100). 

Tiax is one of the funniest characters in Baldur's Gate.

Tiax's Ghast

Tiax can summon a Ghast (undead creature) that inflicts on-hit save vs. Death paralysis. Needless to say, it is useful.

Thou would'st presume to speak to Tiax the great?  Thy bravery is oddly tempered with foolishness.  Still, Cyric has decreed that I seek out the services of one such as thyself.  Tiax himself...myself will aid in your quest.  In return, when the time is right, your might will forge the way for my ascension to power.  Do you accept this honor?

Glorious Cyric has foretold of our meeting when thou wouldst join with me.  'Tis thy duty...nay, DESTINY  to stand by Tiax as the world kneels before him!  To this end I would travel with thee and do thy bidding.  Later, however, your power shall add to mine and great Tiax will ascend to the highest office in the land.  What say you?  Yea or nay to the grand scheme?

Tiax Stats

You are unworthy to sit at the feet of great Tiax! I shall find another for that exalted spot!

Tiax Biography

When asked about his past TIAX ignores you entirely, preferring instead to loudly proclaim what is in store for his future. He obviously worships Cyric, but also seems to share a touch of his madness. Tiax unquestioningly believes that he is destined to rule the world, and his fervor makes him blind to the ridiculous nature of the goal. He seems harmless enough for now.

Gnome versus Gnome: Tiax and Quayle are both insufferable, but I'd say Quayle takes the cake.

Quayle is just so annoying and insipid:

And so Tiax snaps:

Thus, the two diminutives with the biggest egos ever seen on the Infinity Engine, go medieval on each other. It's very funny to watch this after hearing their carry-on for so long.

In BG2, Tiax is found imprisoned in Spellhold.

Tiax quotes

  • You! Tiax would speak at you, for 'tis destined to be so!
  • Tiax will rule ... from a distance!
  • Tiax will smite thee!
  • Tiax is impressed with this group! You will continue to serve him once he rules
  • Tiax fails to see how this will aid in his ascension!
  • Continue with this ... unprofitable behavior, and Tiax will seek his destiny elsewhere!
  • You are unworthy to sit at the feet of great Tiax! I shall find another for that exalted spot!
  • As it should be! Tiax was destined to lead!
  • Tiax needs rest if he is to rule!
  • We get no closer to world domination just standing about!
  • Destiny had best hurry. Tiax does not feel well at all.
  • When Tiax rules, this forest will be lumber for but a leg of his throne!
  • When Tiax rules, the stones of this city shall build his castle!
  • Why must Tiax traverse this dank hole?! Cyric said nothing of soggy boots!
  • Tiax must squint in the sunlight! One day ... revenge shall be his!
  • Night would DARE hamper the sight of Tiax?!
  • Who dares prod Tiax?!
  • Tiax hears you.
  • Soon Tiax rules!
  • Tiax is as Tiax duz.
  • Tiax WILL rule ALL!
  • Tiax moves. Make way!
  • Ya lil' monkey-spanker.
  • When Tiax rules, breeches shall not ride up so wedge-like!
  • Tiax does as ye will, but one day'BOOM!  He rules!
  • The day comes when TIAX will point and click!
  • Where will your learning get you when Tiax rules? Duke of manure at best!
  • Sure you be smart, but none are grander than Tiax!
  • Thou would'st mock me?  Ye stiff-rumped foole!
  • All the world will tremble beneath the feet of Tiax!
  • Tiax and his greatness shall squash you as a bug, you ...  you ... insolent BUG!
  • Your insults carry little sting. Tiax knows he will rule in the end.
  • Ye cup-shot muttonhead! Tiax will slap you silly ... when he rules!
  • Give thy tongue a holiday! Tiax so commands!
  • Your goals are petty in comparison to the wonder of Tiax!
  • Do as ye will, but 'tis for naught! Tiax must rule!
  • Has Tiax mentioned he's going to rule? 'Tis inevitable.
  • Blast you! Escaping the inevitable rule of Tiax by dying! Coward!
  • Ha Ha HA! Smart guy dies, and Tiax goes on to RULE!
  • Remove (content): What?! You galley-whipped short-knickers! Tiax the grand will not stand to be cast aside! He shall ascend without your bumbling sneakery! The Great Tiax, betrayed on all sides by those seeking to undermine his coming rule, casts aside the refuse he once called his slaves! Mindless fools!  Breathe deep and fill your ill-fated lungs with the salty airs of your sorry destiny!
  • Remove (discontent): Yes, yes, the all-seeing Tiax thinks that his leaving would be best. He must finalize his stratagems and consult in secret with Cyric. You shall, of course, meet the Great Tiax again, at which point I will make my grand ascension and appoint you to your rightful place as whipper of the slaves and faithless.

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