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Quayle, Baldur's Gate 1 BG1 Companion

Quayle Baldur's Gate 1

Quayle Location

Quayle is a Baldur's Gate companion in BioWare's cRPG of 1998, Baldur's Gate 1. Quayle is found at the entrance to Baldur's Gate city on the Wyrm's Crossing (not in the city but on the bridge map, just outside it).

Quayle is one of the most annoying characters in the game.

As an Illusionist with Opposition School of Necromancy, Quayle may not cast Chill Touch, Larloch's Minor Drain, Horror, Ghoul Touch, Skull Trap, Vampiric Touch, Spirit Armor.

However, he is the best at casting Blindness.

Ah my loutish friends, that is my direction too.  Fate has crossed our paths and we could all benefit by traveling together.  It will be the classic pairing of you, the stalwart adventurers, and I, the intelligent one.  How could you refuse?  

Quayle Stats

I am so smart!  S-M-R-T!  I mean  S-M-A-R-T!

Quayle Biography

When asked about his past, QUAYLE talks for a good hour about his worship of Baravar Cloakshadow, how he is well on his way to mastering sorcery, and just generally how incredibly smart he is compared to everyone else in the party.  He was apparently encouraged to strike out on his own as soon as he came of age because, as he claims, he was simply too gifted to remain in that stifling environment. You get the feeling, however, that no one was terribly broken up over his leaving. He says that he apprenticed in the arts of magic and the worship of Baravar under a gnome named Gifos, though it was not long before this teacher also sent him on his way. Since then, Quayle has wandered the Sword Coast looking for people who were willing to accept his "his wisdom and instruction." It has likely been a long walk.

Gnome versus Gnome: Tiax and Quayle are both insufferable, but I'd say Quayle takes the cake.

Quayle is just so annoying and insipid:

And so Tiax snaps:

Thus, the two diminutives with the biggest egos ever seen on the Infinity Engine, go medieval on each other. It's very funny to watch this after hearing their carry-on for so long.

Quayle quotes

  • Walking alone on the Coastway road! How smart is this?
  • Live smart! Live long! Run away!
  • This group may be capable of learning after all!
  • 'Tis a wonder your brains can keep you breathing! Try to behave!
  • Only the truly inept would resort to such evil as this! I'll not stand much more!
  • I am getting stupid just being near you! You are unteachable! Goodbye!
  • At last you realize the potential of my amazing brain!
  • If I go too long without rest, I'll end up as stupid as you!
  • The mind atrophies with disuse! Let's do something!
  • Hello! I need healing here!
  • Deciduous, coniferous, and ... uhhh ... green.
  • If I'm so smart, what am I doing down here?
  • If I weren't so intelligent I might be a little nervous of the dark.
  • What do you need?!
  • You grunted?
  • Can I ... help you?
  • I'm too smart for this.
  • Is that all?
  • There's none better.
  • I am so smart!  S  M  R  T! I mean S  M  A  R  T!
  • Shake a paw! C'mon, shake a paw!
  • Feel my amazing brain! Go on, touch it!
  • I wile away the hours, conferring with the flowers, consulting with the rain.
  • Ruler of the world, hmmm? Only if chosen by virtue of an ... uncluttered mind.
  • Indeed you grow "grander" by the moment. Though how a fat head will help, I do not know.
  • Oh yeah?! Well I've got more smarts in my little finger, than you've got in your little finger!  No ... wait a minute.
  • Violence is a trademark of low intelligence!
  • Mind not what others say. The intelligent enjoy your music regardless.
  • Oooo, insult me again. Only this time, use your brain.
  • You don't expect me to believe you meant that? I'm too smart for your hidden insults!
  • Who taught this chimp to talk?! What they can't do these days!
  • Well I certainly would have handled THAT better.
  • If you were smarter, you'd enjoy my company more.
  • If you need any help ... y'now ... thinking, just let me know. I'm here to help.
  • The stupid will fall while the smart survive.
  • Ahh Tiax. Had you asked I would have said you were too dumb to live.

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