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Kivan, Baldur's Gate 1 BG1 Companion

Kivan Baldur's Gate 1

Kivan Location

Kivan is a Baldur's Gate companion in BioWare's cRPG of 1998, Baldur's Gate 1. Kivan is found standing under a tree on the High Hedge map, just south of the map we start on. Kivan's exact location is x=3650, y=1470, AR 3200.

Kivan is notable for his early-game THAC0, killspeed and cool archer portrait. Indeed, he is famous for all that but Coran is a better archer than Kivan and Khalid can eventually become a better archer as well.

A strange coincidence; I have a quest similar to your own. I have been hunting the bandits in the region for the past few months. Their leader, an ogre named Tazok, took the life of someone very dear to me. Perhaps if we worked together we would fare better. What say you to that?

Kivan's quest was not implemented in the original Baldur's Gate. Thus, he doesn't leave if we don't take out Tazok, who is found at the Bandit Camp and later with Sarevok.

Kivan Stats

My soul aches for my lost Deheriana.

  • ClassRanger
  • RaceElf
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Gender: Male
  • Strength: 18/12 
  • Dexterity: 17 
  • Constitution: 14 
  • Intelligence: 10
  • Wisdom: 14
  • Charisma: 8

Kivan Biography

When asked about his past KIVAN reveals that he hails from the forest of Shilmista, though he has not visited his homeland for quite some time. He has instead been traveling the world driven by the darkest of obsessions: revenge. Kivan and his mate Deheriana were apparently on a romantic sojourn years ago when they were waylaid by a group of Brigands. They were captured and tortured for the amusement of Tazok, the half-ogre that led the attack. Kivan eventually escaped, but Deheriana did not survive the encounter. Kivan is a man of few words, and obviously does not make friends easily. Likely he will not take much pleasure from life until he has revenged the death of his love.

Best Items for Kivan

Kivan & Viconia

The elven rivalry of Kivan and Viconia does not end in bloodshed, but it seems that it could have:

Kivan quotes

  • Hail! It is not often that I come across strangers in this part of the world.
  • Retreat you fools, we have no hope to win.
  • That was a noble deed.
  • I don't agree with our party's course of action.
  • I won't stand for such behavior again.
  • I cannot allow this to go on. Defend yourselves.
  • I will lead for as long as I am needed.
  • Oh please, we have tarried long enough.
  • I don't know how much longer I can go on.
  • The city is an example of man's excesses. I wish we would be gone from this miserable place.
  • Why must we emulate the ways of the dwarven folk by crawling about these warrens...
  • Yes?
  • What do you want?
  • Don't bother me.
  • As you wish.
  • Aye.
  • There is a time for talk, this is not such a time.
  • My soul aches for my lost Deheriana.
  • We must not waste time on idle chatter.
  • My need for revenge gives me strength to go on.
  • Stay away from me dark elf.
  • How are we to trust one who venerates the Spider Queen?
  • Your evil ways will bring your ruin, dark elf.
  • Don't make me warn you again, drow. Your next slip will be your last.
  • You dark-hearted bitch, you'll die for that.
  • Watch what you say.
  • Shut your mouth!
  • Your candor is appreciated.
  • You are a valuable companion.
  • Your courage shames the others.
  • Shut up, your chattering might drive us all insane.
  • One more friend to mourn.
  • May Viconia's soul rot in hell.

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