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Montaron, Baldur's Gate 1 BG1 Companion

Montaron Baldur's Gate 1

Montaron Location

Montaron is a Baldur's Gate companion in BioWare's cRPG of 1998, Baldur's Gate 1. Together with Xzar, Montaron is found on the first wilderness map: the Lion's Way east of Candlekeep (the same one Imoen is on). 

Both Monty and Xzar want to go to Nashkel. Once we reach Nashkel and meet with Berrun Ghastkill, they stay in the party.

Monty and Xzar are Zhentarim agents. As such, they hate the Harper companions, Khalid and Jaheira.

Montaron has been known to wield the Dagger of VenomLight Crossbow of Speed and Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy.

Montaron Stats

If'n I'm not allowed to sleep, our next assailants may just live.

Montaron Biography

When asked about his past, MONTARON openly threatens you with bodily harm. He seems quite dangerous, and more than willing to engage in gratuitous violence. It would appear that he cares little for life, including his own. He works grudgingly with Xzar, even though he obviously despises the man. Whoever their employers are, they must be powerful indeed. These two would likely kill each other without a presence over their heads preventing it. Montaron might be willing to discuss the whole matter with you, but you get the feeling that you probably would not wake up the next morning.

Montaron quotes

  • Ye already be disturbed, now leave me be. Yer company be toil enough as is.
  • A pox on ye, I'll no lose my neck to this lot!
  • And the rivers run red!
  • Effective. I may not kill you after all.
  • Ye goody goodies make me sick!
  • Any more of yer nice-nice and I'm gone!
  • I'll suffer this group no more! Best ye sleep with one eye open!
  • I have no equal, but I prefer to work alone.
  • If'n I'm not allowed to sleep, our next assailants may just live.
  • A good blade must be fed. Find prey or I find you.
  • A death be in me if I no get help.
  • I hate the woods. Prey be so much easier to find in the city.
  • Dungeons! The dark is nice, but blast this damp!
  • I be much preferring the cover of night o'er this blasted daylight.
  • Ye spoke at me?
  • This better be good.
  • What need ye dead?
  • I'll do yer toil.
  • Go suck yer blade.
  • Sleep lightly taskmaster.
  • I warrant your attention?! Oh frabgerous day, kaloo kaley!
  • Arrrr!
  • Leave me be, lest your head leave yer neck.
  • What part of "I'm a loner" do ye not understand?!
  • That mad wizard is off on one of his "spells" again.
  • My "equal" is a talent of many men; all of them fools.
  • Do ye truly want yer last words to be so stupid?
  • Do not make light of me! My purpose is greater that you can imagine!
  • I've suffered yer company as long as I'm going to! Ye could be Harpers, the way ye irritate me so!
  • Yer wit be sharp as my blade! Do we exchange jabs, or will ye cease yer prattle?!
  • Mayhaps we should just befriend them all and go for tea, eh?
  • Ye live longer if ye don't annoy me. Mayhaps even a week or more.
  • Keep yer distance ye goody-goody. I no like the smell of charity.
  • Good or bad, you'll go the way of all flesh.
  • 'Tis a wonder you've lived as long as you have.
  • Fool! Now we'll need another mule!
  • And the mad wizard falls! Saves me the trouble!
  • Remove: As ye would have it. I likely would have put a dagger in ye eventually, but for now ye have been adequately useful. Come wizard, we are inseparable until the day ye die.

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Baldur's Gate NPCs Montaron BG1 Quayle BG1 Safana BG1 Shar-Teel BG1 Skie BG1
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