Thief BG2
Thief is a BG2 class in BioWare's cRPG of 2000, Baldur's Gate 2. Unkitted Thieves should be eschewed in favor of kitted Thieves, as linked to below.
BG2 devalued Thieves in a variety of ways. How? By not making enemy traps deadly enough, by not flagging them as persistent until disarmed, by allowing the arcane repertoire to replace thief skills to a large degree, and by making almost every lock physically breakable (every plot-critical lock is definitely bash-able with solid Strength scores which all warriors will have).
Stealth has been separated into Hide in Shadows & Move Silently skills, but two very powerful skills have been added: Detect Illusion & Set Traps.
Utility Experience Points. Unlike BG1, experience points are dished out for opening locks and disarming traps. For example, there is 33,350 uXP up for grabs in the Prologue (17 traps & 9 locks) and 19,650 uXP in Mae'Var's thieves' guild (20 locks, 5 traps). However, uXP seems to be dependent on character level: at higher level, uXP increases. Not by much, though. Certainly not enough for me to go into more depth.
To accomplish his goals, for good or ill, the thief is a skilled pilferer. Cunning, nimbleness, and stealth are his hallmarks. Whether he turns his talent against innocent passers-by and wealthy merchants or oppressors and monsters is a choice for the thief to make.
- Prestige Classes, aka Kits: Bounty Hunter, Swashbuckler, Assassin.
- THAC0 progression: Thief
- Proficiency: Proficient (*)
- Backstab: Max x5 (Assassin x7)
- Alignment: All except Lawful Good
- Minimum stats: 3-9-3-3-3-3
- Recommended stats: 18-18-16-9-dump-dump
- Recommended Thief skills: Open Locks, Find Traps, Detect Illusion, Set Traps
- Recommended HLAs: Use Any Item, Set Spike Trap.
Set Snare BG2
Set Snare is a Thief modal ability that is tied to the Set Trap skill.
- Range: 1 yard
- Duration: Permanent until triggered
- Area of Effect: 1 creature within 35-ft. radius
- Saving Throw: Special
- 1st level: 2d8 +5 missile damage.
- 11th level: 2d8 +5 missile damage and 2d6 poison damage per round for 3 rounds.
- 16th level: 3d8 +5 missile damage and 4d8 +2 fire damage.
- 21st level: 3d8 +5 missile damage and no-save 20 poison damage; slays target on failed save vs. death at +4.
Best Classes BG2 | Thief BG2 | Bounty Hunter BG2 | Swashbuckler BG2 | Assassin BG2 |
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