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Faldorn, Baldur's Gate 1 BG1 Companion

Faldorn Baldur's Gate 1

Faldorn Location

Faldorn is a Baldur's Gate companion in BioWare's cRPG of 1998, Baldur's Gate 1. Faldorn is found at x=650, y=2890 on the 3rd Cloakwood Forest map (AR 1600). It's the same one Eldoth is found on.

Note that the Shadow Druids of the Cloakwood forest do not attack the party if Faldorn is a member. This is the same as the Red Wizards not attacking if Edwin is a member.

Evil men have been defiling the woodlands with smoke and waste, all in a futile quest for the metal, iron.  Would you join me in my task.  I would destroy these men of the 'Iron Throne'.  Come with me, they dwell to the east within a fort.

Faldorn Stats

Man is the least grateful of nature's children.

Faldorn Biography

When asked about her past, FALDORN states that she was the child of a Black Raven Uthgardt woman. As an infant she was given over to an enclave of Shadow Druids as an offering, and was thereafter raised according to their beliefs. A splinter group of the main druidic order, Shadow Druids engage in very aggressive protection of nature, often relying on violence to achieve their aims. Faldorn showed great promise as she approached adulthood, and the order decided to send her to the Sword Coast to test her devotion to their ideals. Her ongoing mission is to use any means available to stop the despoiling of nature, no matter the risk or the cost to her life or any other. 

Faldorn versus Jaheira

Faldorn/Jaheira rivalry: Nature's Servant was raised by more tolerant Druids of the Tethyrian forest, whereas Faldorn - when charmed - reveals herself as a fanatical Shadow Druid who rages against all who threaten the Great Mother:

On more than one occasion, she challenges Jaheira's more balanced beliefs:

She also tries to provoke Jaheira through KhalidJaheira, your choice of a mate suits your weakling nature. But in what is probably an oversight or lack of time in the dev cycle, Jaheira doesn't respond to any of this.

Note that the Shadow Druids of the Cloakwood forest do not attack the party if Faldorn is a member. This is the same as the Red Wizards not attacking if Edwin is a member.

Faldorn quotes

  • I am Faldorn. I have been looking for those who would fight for the sanctity of this forest.
  • I will not waste my life here.
  • We have pleased Oak Father, I sense it.
  • Oak Father would frown on us now.
  • I cannot stand by people of such little character.
  • I will have nothing more to do with your lot.
  • I will do as best I can as your leader.
  • All of nature's children must rest sometime.
  • There is much to do, and little time to waste.
  • I am wounded.
  • The sanctity of these woods must be preserved.
  • Cities are a blight upon the beauty of nature.
  • Nature is all.
  • I am one with nature.
  • You want something?
  • I will do that.
  • Of course.
  • -grunt-
  • Why must man always despoil the Oak Father's gifts.
  • Man is the least grateful of nature's children.
  • Oak Father, please forgive your wayward brood.
  • I am angry, don't talk to me now.
  • You are a fool, Jaheira, to think that man can live with nature and not destroy it.
  • You dilute our order with your compassionate attitude.
  • One day woman, you and I will settle our differences.
  • Jaheira, your choice of a mate suits your weakling nature.
  • It's time that I rid our fellowship of your unwholesome influence.
  • I don't know why you speak to me so.
  • I have no quarrel with you, please don't create one.
  • I thank you.
  • You have more wisdom than the others give you credit for.
  • I am glad to adventure with one who respects our Oak Father's kingdom.
  • Your shallow regard for nature sickens me.
  • Death is a natural end that everyone must face.
  • Her poisonous influence has been ended.

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