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Ashideena & Varscona

Ashideena and Varscona are BG1 best weapons in BioWare's cRPG of 1998, Baldur's Gate 1. Veterans have fond memories of their maiden acquisitions of these +2 magical weapons, which are made better by inflicting on-hit no-save elemental damage.

Ashideena and Varscona are precious because they can be found early, allow us to bypass the Iron Taint mechanic early (though they are by no means the only weapons that do), and are end-game wields: we can take down Aec'Letec with them.

Of note is that Varscona is backstab-capable and Ashideena is not, but Ashideena overcomes Armor Class mods more readily and is more effective against skeletal undead (which sport 50% slashing resistance). That said, due to its superior weapon roll, Varscona is going to be more damaging on average, overall, because there is a ton of crap to kill that doesn't resist its edge.

Ashideena and Varscona are usually wielded by Fighter BG1 due to their THAC0 BG1, ApR BG1 and Weapon Proficiency.

Ashideena: Warhammer +2

Ashideena Stats

The stats for the Ashideena war hammer are THAC0 +2, 1d4 +3 crushing, Speed Factor: 2, electrical dmg +1.

  • Damage: 1D4 +3  (+1 electrical)
  • THAC0: +2 bonus
  • Damage type: crushing
  • Weight: 5
  • Speed Factor: 2
  • Weapon Proficiency BG1: Blunt Weapons
  • Type: 1-handed
  • Not Usable By: Druid, Mage, Thief

Ashideena Location

Ashideena is found on the corpse of Bassilus BG1 on the map south of High Hedge BG1 (AR 3700).

Ashideena Item Code

The item code for Ashideena is HAMM03.

Ashideena Lore

Lady Ashideena was a remarkable strategist who honed her skills against the orc armies in the Year of the Black Horde. She met Dergat Wiltoon -the warrior that wielded this weapon- when he foiled an ambush led by the great orc Varstok, and soon after made him her Field Captain. After serving at each other's side for the entirety of the war they fell in love and eventually married. Historians report that Dergat named his warhammer after his bride to remind himself of the love he fought to protect. What Lady Ashideena thought of this is unknown.

Varscona: Longsword +2

Varscona Stats

The stats for the Varscona large sword are THAC0 +2, 1d8 +2 slashing, Speed Factor: 3, cold dmg +1).

  • Damage: 1D8 +2
  • Special: +1 Cold damage
  • THAC0: +2 bonus
  • Damage type: slashing
  • Weight: 3
  • Speed Factor: 3
  • Proficiency Type: Large Sword
  • Type: 1-handed
  • Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage

Varscona Location

Varscona is found on the corpse of Greywolf BG1 on the Nashkel Mines map (AR 4800).

Varscona Item Code

The item code for Varscona is SW1H06.

Varscona Lore

Blades of this type were long used by Sharran priests during the sacrificial rites of "Feast of the Moon" ceremonies. Legends say that, when she passed on, the remains of this sword's wielder were mummified and the blade was placed within her chest as a symbol of power.  In the first stage of a long forgotten ritual, she was to have been exhumed in a season, born again in some new form. Unfortunately, cult wars killed the few that knew of her existence; her tomb became a prison where she was forgotten, and there she developed a rage that bordered on insanity. Her grave was eventually found, but it was deserted and gave no indication of her whereabouts. Some venture to say that her anger was so concentrated, she became one with the very blade of her weapon. Regardless, after hundreds of years surrounded by constant hate, the sword harvested a power of its own. It is now exceedingly deadly in combat.

Baldur's Gate Items Baldur's Gate Best Weapons Composite Longbow +1 BG1
Dagger of Venom BG1 Ashideena BG1 Light Crossbow of Speed BG1
Drizzt Scimitars BG1 Sword of Balduran BG1 Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy BG1
World's Edge BG1 Spider's Bane BG1 Varscona BG1

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