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DAGGER OF VENOM, Baldur's Gate 1 BG1

Dagger of Venom

Dagger of Venom

Dagger of Venom is a BG1 best weapon in BioWare's cRPG of 1998, Baldur's Gate 1. Due to its on-hit poison ability, Dagger of Venom is the best weapon in Baldur's Gate.

Veterans commonly have Fighter BG1 wield the Dagger of Venom due to their THAC0 BG1, ApR BG1 and weapon proficiency. The Dagger of Venom is much more damaging than weapons traditionally wielded by Fighters, such as Ashideena & Varscona.

Dagger of Venom Stats

The stats for Dagger of Venom short sword are THAC0 +2, 1D4+2 piercing, Speed Factor: 0.

  • Damage: 1D4 + 2
  • THAC0: +2 bonus
  • Poison Damage: 6 points per round up to a total of 15 damage
  • Weight: 2
  • Speed Factor: 0
  • Weapon Proficiency BG1: Small Sword
  • Type: 1-handed
  • Not Usable By: Cleric

Dagger of Venom Poison

Dagger of Venom features on-hit save vs. Death or Poison Damage: 6 points per round for max of 15 damage (stacks). No weapon in Baldur's Gate 1 can compete with that damage output.

Dagger of Venom Item Code

The item code for Dagger of Venom is MISC75.

Dagger of Venom Location

In Baldur's Gate 1 Walkthrough, the Dagger of Venom can be purchased from Thunderhammer Smithy in Beregost as early as Chapter 1. The only problem is that DoV is expensive, but veterans know how to overcome that (CHA + Friends + Rep).

Dagger of Venom Lore

The dagger of venom is a potent blade favored by assassins all across the Realms. This particular dagger of venom was created for use by the Shadow Thieves of Amn. Everytime it hits an opponent it secretes a venom into the blood stream of the creature. The venom works quickly and efficiently.

cf. Gnasher BG2 and Jhor the Bleeder BG2.

Baldur's Gate Items Baldur's Gate Best Weapons Composite Longbow +1 BG1
Dagger of Venom BG1 Ashideena BG1 Light Crossbow of Speed BG1
Drizzt Scimitars BG1 Sword of Balduran BG1 Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy BG1
World's Edge BG1 Spider's Bane BG1 Varscona BG1

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