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Mace of Disruption Baldur's Gate 2

Improved Mace of Disruption

The Improved Mace of Disruption, aka IMoD, is a BG2 best weapon in BioWare's cRPG of 2000, Baldur's Gate 2. As an on-hit slay weapon, IMoD makes short work of undead up to and including Kangaxx the Demi-Lich. Handily, IMoD also confers immunity to Level Drain.

As an item, IMoD receives a cRPG Itemization score of 8/10. While it is the go-to wield vs undead, it is not OP vs other enemies, and most players wouldn't even know how to get it without reading guides.

Note that Bodhi BG2 cannot be disrupted.

Mace of Disruption Stats

The stats for the Mace of Disruption are THAC0 +2 (+5 for the purposes of overcoming magical weapon immunity), 1D6 +3 crushing (2-12 +4 vs. Undead), Speed Factor: 6, Undead save vs. death at -4 or be disruptedImmunity: Level Drain.

  • Negative Plane Protection
  • 4-16 +8 damage to Undead, plus they must make a saving throw vs. death (-4 penalty) or be utterly destroyed
  • THAC0: +4 bonus
  • Damage:  2D4 + 4
  • Damage type:  crushing
  • Weight: 3
  • Speed Factor: 0
  • Weapon Proficiency BG2: Warhammer
  • Type:  1-handed
  • Requires: 16 Strength
  • Not Usable By: Druid, Mage, Thief

Mace of Disruption Item Code

The item code for the Mace of Disruption is BLUN12, and the item code for the Improved Mace of Disruption is BLUN25.

Illithium Ore Item Code

The item code for Illithium Ore is MISC5K.

Mace of Disruption Description

This heavy mace was created for a very specific purpose: to slay undead.  Any such creature hit by it not only feels the sting of weapon, but also has a chance of being simply blasted from existence.  There are legends that speak of a priest so holy a single glancing touch could send a vampire to oblivion, but whether the weapon empowered her or she empowered it is a topic for theologians. 

Now that the mace has been coated with illithium, it is even more potent, conferring to its user immunity to the life-draining powers of the more powerful undead.

IMoD is best dual-wielded with Belm BG2 at 10 ApR from Improved Haste, though at times Shield of Harmony BG2 may be preferred.

IMoD disruption in action:

Note that Anomen BG2 wields IMoD better than Aerie BG2.

Disruption of Kangaxx the Demi-Lich:

Mace of Disruption Location

We must acquire two things in order to have Cromwell forge IMoD: the Mace of Disruption +1 and one unit of illithium ore.

The Mace of Disruption is found in a blood pool in Bodhi's vampire lair located beneath the Graveyard district. MoD can be acquired at the beginning of Chapter 3 by employing Invisibility or Jan Jansen's conventional stealth. But to get the illithium ore we will have to jump through the following hoops:

  • Go to the Temple District and listen to Gaal's speech; after which, High Watcher Oisig will spawn and request that we rendezvous at the Temple of Helm. Go to the Temple of Helm and accept the quests offered by Oisig and Telwyn. Note that Telwyn will not offer us the required Sir Sarles quest until we have accepted to undertake the unrelated (and non-trivial) quest offered by Oisig.
  • Go to the Jysstev Estate in the Government District and agree to find illithium for Sir Sarles.
  • Go to the southern tier in Waukeen's Promenade and speak with Jerlia the ore merchant. On the side, have her fashion an alloy. However, Sir Sarles will not be duped. Return to Guardian Telwyn to receive your reward, anyway.
  • Now, to get the real illithiumGo to the Copper Coronet and speak with the duergar, Unger Hilldark (we must have spoken to the ore merchant beforehand).
  • Then, go to the Derelict House in the Bridge District, slay Neb and loot his corpse for the illithium.
  • Now you can have Cromwell of the Docks District forge IMoD for 7,500 GP.
Best Weapons BG2 IMoD BG2 Carsomyr BG2 Silver Sword BG2 Ravager BG2
Flail of Ages BG2 Gnasher BG2 Staff of the Magi Staff of the Ram BG2Axe of the Unyielding
Celestial Fury BG2 Tuigan BG2 Crom Faeyr BG2 Ixil's Spike BG2 Stonefire BG2
Belm BG2 Blackrazor BG2 Foebane BG2 Spectral Brand BG2 Jhor the Bleeder BG2

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