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SHIFTER BUILD, Neverwinter Nights 1, NWN1

NWN Shifter Build

An angry-looking Risen Lord shifter weaing a crown.

Risen Lord Weapon Master Shifter Build

Scythe-wielding Grim Reaper

The Shifter Build is a NWN Build for BioWare's cRPG Definition of 2002, Neverwinter Nights 1.

This build, which requires Druid NWN as base, employs Undead Shape: Risen Lord from Epic Shifter NWN as well as Weapon Master NWN for lethal scythe-wielding.

The main gimmick is that we're basically an undead creature and are therefore immune to sneak attacks, critical hits, death magic, disease, poison, paralysis, mind-affecting and negative energy.

These innate immunities offer even more than Undeath's Eternal Foe NWN. As if that's not enough, we also benefit from damage reduction and spell resistance.

To be able to laugh in the face of so many negative status effects, is impressive. And while we can probably be turned, I don't think the AI employs Turn Undead often, if at all. In addition, I suppose we would want to stay away from castings of Heal and Mass Heal, as well as undead disruption weapons.

This is a powerful build in certain situations, though it's a late-bloomer. While awaiting the Epic Risen Lord, we can certainly employ other shapes such as the spear-wielding Drider.

NWN Shifter Build Foundation

  • Human NWN, Male, Neutral Evil, Sociopath soundset
  • Stats: 13-13-14-14-14-10

NWN Shifter Build Progression

01. Druid (1): Animal Companion, Nature Sense, Dodge, Mobility
(crank Spellcraft NWN & Concentration for 5 Druid levels)
02. Druid (2): Woodland Stride
03. Druid (3): Trackless Step, Alertness (Shifter), Weapon Focus NWN: Spear (Drider)

04. Druid (4): Resist Nature's Lure

05. Druid (5): Wildshape I, Intimidate: 4 (WM), 3rd circle spells (Shifter)

06. Druid (5) Shifter (1): Expertise NWN, Greater Wildshape I (chromatic wyrmling dragon)

07. Druid (5) Shifter (2): --

08. Druid (5) Shifter (3): Greater Wildshape II (Harpy, Gargoyle, Minotaur)

09. Druid (5) Shifter (4): Infinite Greater Wildshape I, Spring Attack

10. Druid (5) Shifter (5): Greater Wildshape III (basilisk, drider, manticore)

11. Druid (5) Shifter (6): --

12. Druid (5) Shifter (7): Humanoid Shape (drow warrior, lizardfolk whipmaster, kobold commando), Infinite Greater Wildshape II, Whirlwind Attack

13. Druid (5) Shifter (8): --

14. Druid (5) Shifter (9): --

15. Druid (5) Shifter (10): Greater Wildshape IV (dire tiger, medusa, mindflayer), Infinite Greater Wildshape III, Weapon Focus: Spear (Drider shape)
Drider: AB +16/+11, 1d8 +3 (+2), critical 20 x3 

16. Druid (5) Shifter (10) Weapon Master (1): Weapon of Choice (Spear), Ki Damage
Drider: AB +17/+12/+7, 1d8 +3 (+2), critical 20 x3

17. Druid (5) Shifter (10) Weapon Master (2): --

18. Druid (5) Shifter (10) Weapon Master (3): Weapon Proficiency: Exotic

19. Druid (5) Shifter (10) Weapon Master (4): --

20. Druid (5) Shifter (10) Weapon Master (5): Increased Multplier, Superior Weapon Focus

21. Druid (5) Shifter (11) Weapon Master (5): Undead Shape (risen lord [Cleave NWN], vampire, spectre)
Risen Lord: AB +25/+21/+16, 2-8 +7 (+5), critical 20 x4

22. Druid (5) Shifter (11) Weapon Master (6): --

23. Druid (5) Shifter (11) Weapon Master (7): Ki Critical
Drider: AB +25/+20/+15, 1d8 +4 (+2), critical 18-20 x4

24. Druid (5) Shifter (11) Weapon Master (8): Weapon Focus: Scythe
Risen Lord: AB +28/+23/+18, 2-8 +7 (+5), critical 20 x4

25. Druid (5) Shifter (11) Weapon Master (9): --

26. Druid (5) Shifter (11) Weapon Master (10): --

27. Druid (5) Shifter (11) Weapon Master (11): Improved Critical NWN: Scythe

28. Druid (5) Shifter (11) Weapon Master (12): --

29. Druid (5) Shifter (11) Weapon Master (13): Second Weapon of Choice: Scythe
Drider: AB +28/+23/+18, 1-8 +3 (+2), critical 18-20 x4 
Risen Lord: AB +34/+29/+24, 2-8 +9 (+5), critical 17-20 x5

30. Druid (5) Shifter (11) Weapon Master (14): Epic Weapon Focus NWN: Scythe

We can see that the enchantment level of TS carries over (merges) as well its Keen NWN property and elemental damage. TS is adding +5 AB over the Risen Lord scythe (itself +5), and the other +5 AB is coming from a Belt of Storm Giant Strength (the +8 dmg is coming from the belt, too).

Dwarven Defender Shifter Build: Supertanker

We can sub out Weapon Master NWN for Dwarven Defender NWN in order to gain insane damage reduction and Defensive Stance. To state the blatantly obvious, the WM variant is offense-focused whereas the DD variant is focused on defense. 

If you want Str-based epic feats post-level 30 on the WM variant (Overwhelming Critical, Devastating Critical), you should be pumping Strength throughout the build whereas if you want Epic Damage Reduction on the DD variant, crank Constitution. I think it's tough to squeeze in Overcrit and Devcrit, though.

Continuing with Captain Obvious, DDs must be Dwarf NWN. However, there is an alignment incompatibility that will have to be overcome: DDs must be Lawful Good whereas Druids cannot be Lawful Good.

We can get the DD build to the point of "you hit me for 50 dmg, I take 1 dmg". Not in the HotU cap, though. This is the limit:

I prefer the WM variant because we don't need the DR in most NWN modules.

Neverwinter Nights Builds Weapon Master Build NWN Wizard Build NWN
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Monk Kama Build NWN Dwarven Defender Build NWN Druid Build NWN
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