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ARCANE ARCHER BUILD, Neverwinter Nights, NWN1

NWN Arcane Archer Build

An Arcane Archer firing arrows into a floating skull.

The Arcane Archer Build is a NWN Build for BioWare's cRPG Definition of 2002, Neverwinter Nights 1.

Arcane Archer builds should fire from NWN longbows or NWN shortbows. Arcane Archers should wear Fletcher's Friend.

We must be elf or half-elf and begin with Bard or Wizard. Elves have Wizard as their Favored class whereas Half-elves have Any class as Favored.

tl;dr: Go with the 2nd build (the half-elf one).

An elven AA will incur a 20% XP point penalty if she takes Bard, but that is barely felt in Hordes of the Underdark (because we begin at 17th level). If we don't want to incur that XP penalty, we must begin as Wizard. The problem then is, we don't get access to UMD like the Half-elven Bard does. Again, not a deal-breaker but definitely notable.

Elven Wizard / Fighter / Arcane Archer Build

• Chaotic Good, Female, Elf NWN: 14-20-8-8-Int 14-8

01. Wizard (1): Point Blank Shot NWN

02. Wizard (1) Fighter (1): Weapon Focus NWN: Longbow

03. Wizard (1) Fighter (2): Rapid Shot NWN, Called Shot NWN

04. Wizard (1) Fighter (3): Dex +1

05. Wizard (1) Fighter (4): Weapon Specialization NWN: Longbow

06. Wizard (1) Fighter (5): Improved Initiative

07. Wizard (1) Fighter (6): Dodge

08. Wizard (1) Fighter (6) Arcane Archer (1): Dex +1, Enchant Arrow +1 (AA)

09. Wizard (1) Fighter (6) Arcane Archer (2): Imbue Arrow (AA), Improved Critical NWN: Longbow

10. Wizard (1) Fighter (6) Arcane Archer (3): Enchant Arrow +2

11. Wizard (1) Fighter (6) Arcane Archer (4): Seeker Arrow I (AA)

12. Wizard (1) Fighter (6) Arcane Archer (5): Dex +1, Enchant Arrow +3 (AA), Mobility

13. Wizard (1) Fighter (6) Arcane Archer (6): Seeker Arrow II (AA)

14. Wizard (1) Fighter (6) Arcane Archer (7): Enchant Arrow +4 (AA)

15. Wizard (1) Fighter (6) Arcane Archer (8): Hail of Arrows (AA), Spring Attack

16. Wizard (1) Fighter (6) Arcane Archer (9): Dex +1, Enchant Arrow +5 (AA)

17. Wizard (1) Fighter (6) Arcane Archer (10): Arrow of Death (AA)

18. Wizard (1) Fighter (7) Arcane Archer (10): Toughness

We can start taking epic feats at 21st. Note that we don't have many ranks in Tumble, and we can't take ranks in UMD (no Bard).

On the other hand, if we go for Half-Elf and begin with Bard...

Half-elven Bard / Fighter / Arcane Archer Build

[Items not optimized, crits for 130+]

• Chaotic Good, Female, Half-Elf NWN: 14-18-8-8- Int 13-11

01. Bard (1): Point Blank Shot NWN (crank Use Magic DeviceTumble, Spellcraft, Perform: 3 for Bardsong)

02. Bard (1) Fighter (1): Weapon Focus NWNsLongbow

03. Bard (1) Fighter (2): Rapid Shot NWN, Called Shot NWN
Make sure you take Rapid SHOT, not Rapid Reload NWN (that's for crossbows!)

04. Bard (1) Fighter (3): Dex +1

05. Bard (1) Fighter (4): Weapon Specialization NWN: Longbow

06. Bard (1) Fighter (5): Improved Initiative

07. Bard (1) Fighter (6): Dodge
AB +11/+6

08. Bard (1) Fighter (6) Arcane Archer (1): Dex +1, Enchant Arrow +1 (AA)

09. Bard (1) Fighter (6) Arcane Archer (2): Imbue Arrow (AA), Improved Critical NWN: Longbow

10. Bard (1) Fighter (6) Arcane Archer (3): Enchant Arrow +2

11. Bard (1) Fighter (6) Arcane Archer (4): Seeker Arrow I (AA)

12. Bard (1) Fighter (6) Arcane Archer (5): Dex +1, Enchant Arrow +3 (AA), Mobility
AB +20/+15/+10 (1-8 +5, Critical 19-20 x3)

13. Bard (1) Fighter (6) Arcane Archer (6): Seeker Arrow II (AA)

14. Bard (1) Fighter (6) Arcane Archer (7): Enchant Arrow +4 (AA)

15. Bard (1) Fighter (6) Arcane Archer (8): Hail of Arrows (AA), Spring Attack

16. Bard (1) Fighter (6) Arcane Archer (9): Dex +1, Enchant Arrow +5 (AA)

17. Bard (1) Fighter (6) Arcane Archer (10): Arrow of Death (AA)
AB +28/+13/+18/+13 (1-8 +7, Critical 19-20 x3)

18. Bard (2) Fighter (6) Arcane Archer (10): Curse Song [10 rounds] or Lingering Song 
(dump skillpoints in Perform 21, Tumble 21, UMD 21, Spellcraft 21 etc.)
AB +30/+25/+20/+15 (1-8 +7, Bludgeoning +1, Critical 19-20 x3) (Bardsong + generic longbow)

The above is going to be better because of the ranks in Tumble, Perform, Spellcraft and UMD (>20 ranks). Also, Deekin doesn't get Curse Song (a 10-round AoE debuff) even if he levels as Bard. We don't have the Charisma to advance in Bard spells, but that doesn't matter. Once we hit 21st/epic levels, we start taking epic AA/fighter feats such as:

Epic Weapon Focus NWN: Longbow (21st), Epic Weapon Specialization NWN: Longbow (22nd), Epic Prowess + Great Dexterity +1 (24th).

With Rapid Shot active, it should result in something like: +57/+57/+52/+47/+42 [see end post].

Crafted Bow (HotU):

Cost: 410,000 GP.

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