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BARBARIAN BUILD, Neverwinter Nights, NWN1

NWN Barbarian Build

A Barbarian clad all in red, resting a Greataxe on his shoulder.

The Barbarian Build is a NWN Build for BioWare's cRPG Definition of 2002, Neverwinter Nights 1.

This is a super-basic Barbarian build that gets the job done without having to think too much. Get ready to rip things new assholes all over the place!

Feel free to wield any two-handed weapon, but I chose Stonefire Axe for 1d12, crit x3.

NWN Barbarian Build Foundation

NWN Barbarian Build Progression

  • 01. Barbarian (1): Weapon Focus NWN: Greataxe, Barbarian Rage, Barbarian Fast Movement
  • 02. Barbarian (2): Uncanny Dodge I
  • 03. Barbarian (3): Power Attack NWN
  • 04. Barbarian (4): Strength +1
  • 05. Barbarian (5): Uncanny Dodge II
  • 06. Barbarian (6): Cleave NWN
  • 07. Barbarian (7): --
  • 08: Barbarian (8): Strength +1
  • 09: Barbarian (9): Great Cleave NWN
  • 10: Barbarian (10): Uncanny Dodge III
  • 11: Barbarian (11): Damage Reduction I
  • 12: Barbarian (12): Improved Critical NWN: Greataxe
  • 13: Barbarian (13): Uncanny dodge IV
  • 14: Barbarian (14): Damage Reduction II
  • 15: Barbarian (15): Toughness, Greater Rage
  • 16: Barbarian (16): Uncanny Dodge V, Strength +1
  • 17: Barbarian (17): Damage Reduction III
  • 18: Barbarian (18): Blind-Fight
  • 19: Barbarian (19): Uncanny Dodge VI
  • 20: Barbarian (20): Damage Reduction IV, Strength +1
  • 21: Barbarian (21): EPIC BARBARIAN, Overwhelming Critical NWN
  • 22: Barbarian (22): --
  • 23: Barbarian (23): Epic Barbarian Damage Reduction
  • 24: Barbarian (24): Devastating Critical NWN, Armor Skin, Strength +1
  • 25: Barbarian (25): --
  • 26: Barbarian (26): --
  • 27: Barbarian (27): Thundering Rage

Skills: Discipline (30), Heal (30), Tumble NWN (15), Spellcraft NWN (15)

Don't listen to any "elite" NWN player who smugly tells you that Cleave and Great Cleave are not good feats. These people only know how to play NWN in slo-mo.

We could take four Fighter levels in order to net Weapon Specialization NWN.

Buffing Barbarian Builds

In addition to quaffing potions, Barbarian builds can be buffed with NWN companion spells. Improved Invisibility and Stoneskin greatly increase the survivability of Barbs.

To make Barbs better offensively, they can be buffed with Flame Weapon, Haste and Bull's Strength. Key wards to cast on Barbs include Clarity and Freedom of Movement.

Best NWN Greataxes

• Boss chest greataxes:

  • The Sandstorm: EB +2, on-hit: Blindness DC 16 10% / 4 Rounds [Item Code: X1_WAXMGR001]
  • Gruumsh Hand: EB +2, +1d6 acid vs. Human, Parry +3 [NW_WAXMGR006]
  • Axe of the Culling: EB +3, +1d6 fire, on-hit Dispel Magic DC 14 [NW_WAXMGR004]

• Statically-itemized greataxes:

  • Stonefire Axe
  • Slash of Koth: EB +5, Keen, +1d10 electrical [qx_slasher]
  • Netherese Axe: EB +1, Listen, Lore +3, SR 10 [NW_WAXMGR003]
  • Re's Redemption: EB +2, EB +4 vs. Orc, 1d6 electrical vs. Evil [NW_WAXMGR005]

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Monk Unarmed Build NWN Barbarian Build NWN Gnome Illusionist Build NWN
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