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IMPROVED CRITICAL, Neverwinter Nights 1, NWN1

Improved Critical NWN

Improved Critical is a king-tier General feat in BioWare's cRPG Definition of 2002, Neverwinter Nights. Almost without exception, by virtue of doubling the critical threat range, Improved Critical is taken by martial NWN builds such as Fighter, Rogue and Paladin.

Also Unarmed Monks, Kama Monks, Bards -- any build that wields a weapon takes IC.

Notably, this feat stacks with the Keen property from Keen Edge, Keen crafting or Keen item/weapon. And its prerequisites are dead-easy to meet (it doesn't even require Weapon Focus, only Proficiency).

The usefulness of IC is diminished in NWN modules that pack in crit-immune enemies, such as undead.

Undocumented in its description, is that IC is a prerequisite for Overwhelming Critical, itself a prerequisite for Devastating Critical.

Improved Critical Feat Rules

  • Type of Feat: General
  • Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon, base attack bonus +8 or higher.
  • Specifics: Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A longsword that normally threatens a critical on a roll of 19-20 would now threaten a critical on a roll of 17-20.
  • Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
  • Special: Halflings and Gnomes are small creatures and as such they can never use the following large weapons - dire mace, double bladed sword, doubleaxe, greataxe, greatsword, halberd, heavy flail, and scythe.

Keen scimitar wielded by Dwarven Defender with IC:

Weapon Focus NWN Power Attack NWN Great Cleave NWN Overwhelming Critical NWN
Weapon Specialization NWN Cleave NWN Improved Critical NWN Devastating Critical NWN

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