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SNEAK ATTACK, Neverwinter Nights 1, NWN1

Sneak Attack NWN

Sneak Attack is a Rogue feat in BioWare's cRPG Definition of 2002, Neverwinter Nights 1. Sneak Attack is often desired by both ranged and melee NWN Builds as a solid damage source. For example, Fighters may take a Rogue dip in order to get some Sneak Attack damage.

Sneak Attack is often employed in conjunction with Hide in Plain Sight, Haste, Invisibility and Knockdown.

Remember Baldur's Gate backstab? Well, Sneak Attack doesn't work like that. Instead of burst damage that chunks the victim into gibs (one big hit based on a multiplier of up to x5), D&D Sneak Attack damage is additive but more easily dealt. In addition, it works with any weapon including two-handers such as Scythe NWN and ranged weapons such as Longbow NWN, whereas backstab is just that, a backstab from a dagger or a sword (or a backwhack, in the case of quarterstaffs or golem fists).

Without the ability to easily outrun or disappear from view, Sneak Attacks can still be executed if a tank companion draws the aggro, and keeps it at bay. However, it takes some getting used to.

Ranged Sneak Attacks in NWN:

Sneak Attack Feat Rules

  • Type of Feat: Class
  • Prerequisite: Rogue.
  • Specifics: Whenever the character makes a successful attack against an opponent who is flat-footed, cannot see them, or who is in combat with someone else, the character's blow delivers extra damage. This extra damage is +1d6 at 1st level and an additional +1d6 every two levels thereafter. This extra damage is not multiplied in the case of a critical hit.
  • Use: Automatic. Monsters of the construct and undead types are immune to sneak attacks, as are any creatures that are immune to critical hits.

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