Kama Monk Build
This is a Finesse-based, dual-wielding Kama Monk build; that is, a Dex-based Monk build and a pure Monk build. cf. Unarmed Strike Monk Build.
In the above screencap Flurry of Blows is activated but Flurry attack + Haste attack don't show on the stat-panel.
NWN Kama Monk Build Foundation
- Human NWN, Lawful Good
- Stats: 8-Dex 18-14-14-10-8
Bolded = player-selected feats, unbolded = monk auto-given feats
NWN Kama Monk Build Progression
01. Monk (1): Ambidexterity, Two Weapon Fighting, Cleave NWN, Evasion, Flurry of Blows, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, AB -1 or -3, -3 (dual-wielding)
02. Monk (2): Deflect Arrows, AB 0 or -2, -2
03. Monk (3): Weapon Finesse, Monk Speed, Still Mind, AB +6 or +4, +4
04. Monk (4): Dexterity +1, AB +7 or +5, +5
05. Monk (5): Purity of Body, AB +7 or +5, +5
06. Monk (6): Weapon Focus NWN: Kama, Knockdown, Improved Knockdown
AB +7/+4, +7
07. Monk (7): Wholeness of Body, AB +8/+5, +8
08: Monk (8): Dexterity +1, AB +10/+7, +10
09: Monk (9): Blind-Fight, Improved Evasion, AB +10/+7, +10
10: Monk (10): Ki Strike +1
AB +11/+8/+5, +11
11: Monk (11): Diamond Body, AB +12/+9/+6, +12
12: Monk (12): Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Diamond Soul, Dexterity +1
AB +13/+10/+7, +13/+10
13: Monk (13): Ki Strike +2, AB +13/+10/+7, +13/+10
14: Monk (14): AB +14/+11/+8/+5, 14/+11
15: Monk (15): Improved Critical: Kama, Quivering Palm, AB +15/+12/+9/+6, +15/+12
16: Monk (16): Ki Strike +3, Dexterity +1, AB +17/+14/+11/+8, +17/+14
17: Monk (17): AB +17/+14/+11/+8, +17/+14
18: Monk (18): Dodge or Toughness, Empty Body
AB +18/+15/+12/+9/+6, +18/+15
19: Monk (19): AB +19/+16/+13/+10/+7, +19/+16
20: Monk (20): Perfect Self, Dexterity +1
AB +20/+17/+14/+11/+8, +20/+17
21: Monk (21): EPIC MONK, Armor Skin
AB +21/+18/+15/+12/+9, +21/+18
22: Monk (22): AB +21/+18/+15/+12/+9, +21/+18
23: Monk (23): AB +22/+19/+16/+13/+10, +22/+19
24: Monk (24): Epic Weapon Focus: Kama, Dexterity +1
AB +25/+22/+19/+16/+13, +25/+22
25: Monk (25): Epic Toughness
(could be a bug, but I was able to select ET in 1.69 CR)
AB +26/+23/+20/+17/+14, +26/+23
26: Monk (26): AB +26/+23/+20/+17/+14, +26/+23
27: Monk (27): Epic Prowess, AB +28/+25/+22/+19/+16, +28/+25
Skills: Tumble NWN, Discipline, Hide / Move Silently (scouting).
Weapon Buffs: Darkfire NWN, Flame Weapon NWN.
10 Attacks NWN
By dual-wielding kamas, Monks can reach 10 Attacks per round: 6 on-hand from 16 BAB, 2 off-hand with Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat, 1 Flurry of Blows, 1 Haste spell.
List of Kamas in Neverwinter Nights
The following kamas can be found in NWN:
- Kama [nw_wspka001]
- Kama +1 [nw_wspmka002]
- Kama +2 [nw_wspmka008]
- Kama +3 [nw_wspmka009]
- Kama +4 [x0_wspmka001]
- Kama +5 [x0_wspmka002]
- Kama +6 [x2_wspmka003]
- Kama +7 [x2_wspmka004]
- Imaskari Kama [nw_wspmka007]
- Imaskari Kama: EB +8, +1d6 acid, Discipline +5 [x2_wspmka005] (Ch. III HotU)
- Hideo's Kama: EB +2, Parry +5 [nw_wspmka004] (HotU)
- Peasant Dynasty:
- EB +1, resist 5/- acid, cold, fire, electrical (Beorunna's Well, OC) [nw_wspmka005] (HotU boss chests)
- Empty Fields: EB +3, on-hit DC 14 Doom 50% / 2 rounds [nw_wspmka006] (HotU boss chests)
- Thread of Life: EB +2, Regeneration +1, Cure Minor, Moderate, Serious, Critical Wounds [nw_wspmka003]
- Desert's Fury: EB +1, +2 vs. Undead, +1d8 Fire dmg vs Undead (Oasis of the Green Palm, SoU)
Best Kama in NWN
The best Kama for Monk Rizolvir crafting is Empty Fields.
Robes of the Darkmoon
The best robes for monks are the Robes of the Dark Moon.
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