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PALADIN BUILD, Neverwinter Nights, NWN1

NWN Paladin Build

Three mighty Paladins wielding swords and holding shields.

The Paladin Build is a NWN Build for BioWare's cRPG Definition of 2002, Neverwinter Nights 1. The Paladin build is very powerful in low-magic campaigns because it doesn't need magical items to be effective. Just give the Paladin a sword, a tower shield and a set of armor, then buff and smite the evil!

Ok, so this is one of my fave builds. I love Paladins ever since I heard Ajantis cry, "For the glory of Helm!"

This is a pure traditional Paladin build that relies on divine spellcasting as well as Divine Might and Divine Shield feats.

Note that bolded feats are Paladin feats that are given automatically; we don't need to select them.

NWN Paladin Build Foundation

  • Human NWN, Lawful Good
  • Stats: (Conservative): 14-12-14-Wis 14-10-Cha 14
  • or (more focused): 14-10-12-Wis 14-10-Cha 16
  • or (ultra-focused): 14-08-08-Wis 14-10-Cha 18

NWN Paladin Build Progression

  • 01. Paladin (1): Weapon Focus: Longsword, Power Attack NWN, Divine Grace, Divine Health
  • 02. Paladin (2): Aura of Courage, Smite Evil
  • 03. Paladin (3): Cleave NWN, Turn Undead, Remove Disease
  • 04. Paladin (4): Charisma +1, L1 spells: 1 slot
  • 05. Paladin (5): Summon Mount
  • 06. Paladin (6): Divine Might NWN or Great Cleave NWN (if OC), L1 spells: 2 slot
  • AB +9/+4, 1-8 +2 (+4 DM), 19-20 x2
  • 07. Paladin (7): --
  • 08: Paladin (8): Charisma +1, L2 spells: 1 slot
  • 09: Paladin (9): Divine Shield NWN
  • 10: Paladin (10): L2 spells: 2 slots
  • 11: Paladin (11): --
  • AB +14/+9/+4, 1-8 +2 (+5 DM), 19-20 x2
  • 12: Paladin (12): Improved Critical NWN: Longsword, L3 spells: 1 slot, Charisma +1
  • 13: Paladin (13): --
  • 14: Paladin (14): L1 spells: 3 slots, L3 spells: 2 slots
  • 15: Paladin (15): Extend Spell, L4 spells: 1 slot
  • 16: Paladin (16): L2 spells: 3 slots, Charisma +1
  • AB +19/+14/+9/+4, 1-8 +2 (+6 DM), 17-20 x2
  • 17: Paladin (17): L4 spells: 2 slots
  • 18: Paladin (18): Toughness, Knockdown NWN, Extra Smiting, Blind-Fight, Dirty Fighting, Empower Spell or Great Cleave NWN, L1 spells: 4 slots
  • 19: Paladin (19): L2 spells: 4 slots, L3 spells: 3 slots, L4 spells: 3 slots
  • 20: Paladin (20): Charisma +1
  • 21: Paladin (21): EPIC PALADIN, Epic Weapon Focus: Longsword
  • AB +26/+21/+16/+11, 1-8 +2 (+6 DM), 17-20 x2
  • Self-buffed (ultra-focused): AB +41/+36/+31/+26, 1-8 +2 (+24 + 1d6), 17-20 x2

Skills: Tumble NWN (10), Spellcraft NWN (10), Heal, Persuasion (diplomat).

You could take Extra Smiting if you want to Smite more often (3/day).

For more info on Paladin spells, please refer to NWN Paladin spells.

Paladin Self-Buffing Spells

That is HUGE. What a divine warrior! Any enemy would run away screaming from a Paladin buffed like that.

Paladin Self-Buffing Charisma

Note that the effects of Eagle's Splendor and Aura of Glory stack.

So basically, +Charisma gives us big Smites, an epic bonus to saving throws and increases the duration of Divine Might and Divine Shield.

Buffed, but no items except a generic longsword equipped (conservative build):

Saving throws: 24-17-18, SR 16.

Paladin on-Self Resistances

We also have access to resistances and wards such as:

Party Buffs for Paladins

In addition to quaffing potions, Paladin builds can be buffed with NWN companion spells: Improved Invisibility and Stoneskin greatly increase the survivability of Pallies.

To make Pallies better offensively, they can be buffed with Flame Weapon and Haste. In addition, Clarity is a key ward vs. mind-affecting.


This Paladin build does not sacrifice spellcasting progression by adding in Fighter (for Weapon Specialization) and/or Champion of Torm levels. If you want to mix in four levels of CoT in order to gain Divine Wrath as well, go ahead. It's what I did in my Aielund Saga run, but I don't think it's worth it because we sacrifice spellcasting progression. This is a classical Paladin build of 21-levels.

Best Items for Paladin

In NWN OC, Belt of the Performer +5, Prophyro's Ring +4 + Nymph Cloak +5 = Charisma 35, which = Divine Might +12 dmg [NWN Item Codes].

Best Paladin Items in Shadows of Undrentide

Paladin-specific Items (SoU):

  • Valiant Plate [x1valientplate]: AC 8, AC +1, Charisma +1, 1st level spellslot +1, Persuade +1
  • Valiant Helm [x1valienthelm]: AC +1, Ultravision 3, 1/day
  • Valiant Defender [x1valientdefend]: [AC +3, AC bonus +1
  • Holy Avenger [holyavenger]: Longsword, Bright (20m) White, Dispel Magic 10, 1/day

Best Paladin Weapons in Hordes of the Underdark

HotU Longsword boss chests:

  • Aramil's Blade: EB +6, Strength +8, Keen, on-hit Vorpal DC 14, Dex -4, Call Lightning (10) 1/day [X2_WSWMLS005]
  • Cold Iron Blade: EB +3, +1d6 cold, Fort +1 [NW_WSWMLS007]
  • Soulrazor Minion: EB +3, +1d6 acid vs. Good, Vampiric +2 [NW_WSWMLS004]

Statically-itemized longswords:

  • Blade of the Gladiator: EB +2, +1d6 acid [NW_IT_NOVEL007]
  • Holy Avenger: EB +2, Holy Avenger [X2_WSWMLS007]
  • Blessing of the Daystar: EB +3, +5 vs. undead, +1d6 fire vs. Evil [NW_WSWMLS006]
  • Astral Blade: EB +8, +2d6 sonic [X2_WSWMLS006]
  • Angurvadal (Flametongue): EB +2, +1d6 fire [NW_WSWMLS005]
  • The Singing Sword: EB +5, +1 sonic, Light Normal (15m) Blue, no combat dmg [X1_WSWMLS002] (SoU)
  • Enserric the Longsword: EB +4, Vampiric Regeneration 5 [x2_iw_enserric] (HotU)

Best Armor for Paladin

The best armor for Paladins is Full Plate or Warlord's Breastplate. Paladins can increase their defense by off-handing a Tower Shield.

A Paladin kneeling at an altar to Tyr, God of Justice..

A Paladin bowing outside a temple.

A Paladin wielding what amounts to a light sabre.

Header image: Paladin in DoFT, in Swordflight and in Aielund Saga.

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  1. Hi, thanks for ur build it’s pretty nice, a bit hard for me at start but further become more fun to play, but I have overweight problems due to low str and heavy paladin equip :(

    1. Bags and boxes can alleviate encumbrance, as can companions, +Strength items and buffs to Strength.

      If you are playing the OC, you won't be able to use companions as mules.


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