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DEVASTATING CRITICAL, Neverwinter Nights 1, NWN1

Devastating Critical NWN

Devastating Critical is an Epic combat feat in BioWare's cRPG Definition of 2002, Neverwinter Nights. For such a powerful feat that verges on vorpal BG2, Devastating Critical's prerequisites are laughably easy to meet. Note that, unlike Death Ward vs. vorpal on the Infinity Engine, immunity to death magic does not ward against Dev-crit.

Dev-crit is taken by most martial NWN builds that bother achieving epic levels, such as Fighter, Paladin and Barbarian.

This really is an overpowered feat shouldn't exist. I mean, this Barbarian Build was able to take the feat at just 24th level

And note how there is no level requirement over Overwhelming Critical, meaning that Red Dragon Disciples can take Dev-crit at 21st level, straight after taking Over-crit at 21st. 

And imagine what Weapon Master Build can do with Dev-crit by virtue of their crit threat range?

Also, like its little brother, Improved Critical NWN, Dev-Crit isn't much use against crit-immunes, such as undead. Or enemies with solid Fortitude saving throw scores. It depends on cRPG combat encounter design.

Note, however, that Savant removed Dev-crit from Aielund Saga due to what he perceived as its OPness.

Devastating Critical Feat Rules

  • Type of Feat: Combat
  • Prerequisite: Strength 25+, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (weapon to be chosen), Overwhelming Critical (weapon to be chosen), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (weapon to be chosen). 
  • Specifics: Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly (DC = 10 + ½ character level + Str mod). Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat.
  • Use: Automatic.

Weapon Focus NWN Power Attack NWN Great Cleave NWN Overwhelming Critical NWN
Weapon Specialization NWN Cleave NWN Improved Critical NWN Devastating Critical NWN

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