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FIGHTER BUILD, Neverwinter Nights, NWN1

The Fighter Build is a NWN Build for BioWare's cRPG Definition of 2002, Neverwinter Nights 1.

This pure Fighter build has been posted in order to show full warrior attack bonus (AB) progression and feat heaviness. It shows that taking too many pre-epic Fighter levels is a bit of a waste, feat-wise, since by multi-classing we would gain greater benefits in terms of power and versatility. We just don't need the amount of feat selections that we get access to.

On the other hand, this build is 100% viable. It is not "a bad build" by any stretch. Indeed, it is better than many fancy builds that end up failing on basics, such as attack bonus or feat progression. It is also common for power-gaming builds to suck ass at low levels. This build doesn't suck ass at any level. It's just that this build doesn't take advantage of D&D 3rd Edition cRPG multi-classing.

And while you think about that, think about this: heavily multi-classed builds can offend the sensibilities of AD&D 2nd Edition cRPG veterans, who prefer stricter restrictions on what characters can and can't do. As one such veteran, it took me years to accept 3.x multi-classing, and I still think, 20 years later, that most D&D 3rd Edition cRPG builds are rubbish. When I want to really get into a warrior character, when I want a classical adventuring experience that is plausible, I'm not going to take non-warrior classes just to qualify for Red Dragon Disciple. Just give me a Fighter and let me wave my weapon around: simple and fun!

Pick your NWN module -- this Fighter build will get you through it, guaranteed.

NWN Fighter Build Foundation

  • Human NWN, Male, Lawful Good
  • Role: Physical-based damage dealer and conventional tank.
  • Stats: Str 16, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 8

NWN Fighter Build Progression

Skills: Use Magic Device NWN is out but we can still take Tumble NWN and Spellcraft NWN as cross-class skills.

Fighter Build Stats

  • Base Attack: 25
  • AB: +37/+32/+27/+22
  • Damage: 1-6 +14 (crit: 15-20 x2)
  • AC: 16
  • HPs: 420
  • Saves: 21-13-11

The best weapon for this Fighter is scimitar NWN.

I'd wager this Fighter build could get through Swordflight providing it was buffed by potions and Zarala or other spellcasting companions. It doesn't get Use Magic Device (Rogue levels would fix that), but it does achieve 15 ranks in Tumble, Spellcraft and two other cross-class skills, 30 ranks in four different class skills, or a mix thereof.

The main thing is that it's got the accuracy, the attack rate, the Strength and the weapon focus feats. All we need to do is deck it out with appropriate NWN Items and employ sensible tactics in the battles, and no NWN module is going to give us much trouble.

A nice, easy way to make this build very powerful without putting much thought in, would be to add Champion of Torm levels. However, it is not necessary to do so in the vast majority of modules.

Best Armor for Fighters

The best armor for Fighters is Full Plate. Fighters can increase their defense by off-handing a Tower Shield.

Buffing Fighter Builds

In addition to quaffing potions, Fighter builds can be buffed with NWN companion spells. Improved Invisibility and Stoneskin greatly increase the survivability of Fighters. To make Fighters better offensively, they can be buffed with Flame Weapon, Haste and Bull's Strength. Key wards to cast on Fighters include Clarity and Freedom of Movement.

Dual-wield, Two-handed or One-handed & Shield

For martial melee builds, the choice between these three setups depends on enemy type, enemy number and cRPG itemization.

Two-handed Builds

That said, due to how offensively and defensively weak most hostiles in NWN modules are, two-handed builds are almost always best because of the bonus damage we get from Strength when wielding two-handed weapons. We just Cleave and Great Cleave the mobs down.

Also, if we are going up against spellcasters or foes with spell-like abilities (non-physicals), what does AC from a shield even matter? (Though some shields confer spell resistance and elemental resistances as well as immunities, which would indeed be useful vs. spellcasters.)

Sword & Board Builds

Shield builds don't do as much damage because we're wielding one-handed weapons that don't get the extra Strength bonus to damage, but the +AC conferred by shields increases survivability in general combat scenarios. If we're getting mobbed by tough enemies, or fired upon by crackshot archers, one-handed and shield is the safest, most enduring setup.

Imagine a module that has lots of accurate, hard-hitting enemies, doesn't throw healing potions around like confetti and enforces rest restrictions to ban rest-spam. That is, imagine a GOOD module. Suddenly, shield is superior.

If I was going to build a NWN module, I would often line up crackshot archers behind obstructions and have them mow down all the 2-handed powergaming builds with that underrated cRPG combat encounter design concept called TERRAIN ADVANTAGE, which most NWN builders have never heard of because they're too busy writing boring stories and lore.

I would force the player to switch to shield or be filled full of holes (though this would require tailored itemization). See also: cRPG Dungeons.

Dual-wielding Builds

For dual-wielding builds to be effective, we want a Dex-based build, high weapon enchantment level, lots of attacks per round and on-hit damage bonuses and on-hit effects that take advantage of those attacks per round, such as on-hit elemental, stat-drain and immobilization.

Due to the increase in attack rate, dual-wielding can be better than two-handed setups if, and only if, we have access to powerful weapon enchantments and on-hit effects. The reader can check out the Kama Build or Rogue Build linked to below for examples of such weapons.

Neverwinter Nights Builds Weapon Master Build NWN Wizard Build NWN
Red Dragon Disciple Build NWN Fighter Build NWNSorcerer Build NWN
Cleric Build NWN Paladin Build NWN Bard Build NWN
Monk Unarmed Build NWN Barbarian Build NWN Gnome Illusionist Build NWN
Monk Kama Build NWN Dwarven Defender Build NWN Druid Build NWN
Rogue Build NWN Arcane Archer Build NWN Shifter Build NWN

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