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Arcanum Persuasion Master Quest (Part XXIV)

Persuasion Master Quest Arcanum

Edward Willoughsby: High-Level Negotiation: Caladon

Edward Willoughsby
Chairman of the Tarantian Industrial Council

Post-Qintarra, after getting the M'in Gorad and Terwilliger leads from Raven, we find that Edward Willoughsby, Chairman of the Tarantian Industrial Council, a 45th level gnome noble, has finally returned to Tarant from the city of Caladon.

We spot him outside his residence at 19 Pickwick Alley.

Chairman of the Tarantian Industrial Council

Note that, in his absence, we might have already raided Willoughsby's basement for the Pyrotechnic Axe schematic.

Anyway, Willoughsby has pressing business to attend to so we meet him at the City Hall located on East End ave.

At his office in City Hall, Willoughsby, flanked by his half-ogre bodyguard, the 35th level Lorham, requests that we act as mediator in negotiations between Tarant and Caladon:

Remember what I said in Tarant: The chief rival of Tarant is Caladon. Indeed, councilman Braithe wants Tarant to go to war with Caladon whereas Willoughsby wants Caladon to unite with Tarant under the Unified Kingdom.

Willoughsby's Dossier

The dossier given to us by Willoughsby:

Note that, oddly, Caladon is NOT marked on the Arcanum map by the Willoughsby dialogue: we need to get the city map-marked by reading Curse of T'sen-Ang by Kendrick Wales, covered in Qintarra Arcanum.

Heinrich Jenks 
Assassinate King Farad of Caladon

As we take our leave of Willoughsby's office, Heinrich Jenks intercept us in the hall with an offer from conspiring powers who oppose Caladon becoming part of the Unified Kingdom: assassinate King Farad of Caladon (who rules the southwestern Kingdom of Arland, Arcanum).

Amusingly, we can tell Willoughsby of the conspirator immediately. Willoughsby shouts out orders to his half-ogre bodyguard who slays Heinrich, right then and there.

Caladon Castle


Once in Caladon, follow King's Way until it intersects with Temple Road and the castle. Renard is found waiting outside the castle. He gives us some tips on how to conduct ourselves once inside. 

Basically, don't talk to anyone representing Caladonian committees, consortiums, companies, banks, parliaments, departments or military forces, as it may influence us in opposition to what is outlined in the dossier.

Make your way through the throng gathered in the halls to reach the assembled Caladon councilmen and women (the King's advisors) in the throne room, who are awaiting the negotiation. We are asked to take the podium.

As an expert in Persuasion, the correct responses for each concern brought up by the council are as follows:

  • It benefits us all if Tarant controls ALL aspects of the railroads...
  • We must forget the old ways and usher in a new technological age...
  • Gates is a genius... his trade freedom assures Caladon's prosperity...
  • A full dismantling of your troops is a sign of good faith...
  • The heavier the tax, the more Caladon reaps the benefits...
  • An immediate and full change builds a sense of commonality...
  • Free use of the shipping routes builds a stronger economy for all...
  • Caladon is better protected if labor unions are outlawed...
  • Seniority must prevail in matters such as these... 2 votes only...
  • We must share EVERYTHING for prosperity. That includes grain...

If we weren't influenced by the bribes in the throng on the approach to the throne, the above options will be the top option in dialogue every time -- the strongly pro-Tarant option.

The favorable result:

Terms of Agreement

Deliver the Terms of Agreement to Willoughsby, who, by night and by day, and for all eternity, will be waiting outside for you. He rewards us with Persuasion: Master, 8,500 XP, 11,000 GP.


On the other hand, if bribes influenced the proceedings Willoughsby is pissed:

We can slay he and Lorham for Evil +2, but there is no notable loot on their corpses.

Unfortunately, there does not seem to be any press-based reactivity in regards to this quest outcome (newspapers).

Part XXV covers Caladon Arcanum as it pertains to the main quest.

cRPG Blog 8. Thieves' Guild Arcanum 17. Ashbury Arcanum
ARCANUM (Index)9. Cassandra Pettibone 18. Isle of Despair
1. Arcanum Walkthrough 10. Gilbert Bates 19. Wheel Clan Arcanum
2. Shrouded Hills Arcanum 11. Garringsburg Heist 20. Durin Stone Arcanum
3. Bessie Toone Mine 12. Madam Toussaude 21. Stillwater Arcanum
4. Jongle Dunne 13. Ancient Maze 22. Qintarra Arcanum
5. Doc Roberts Arcanum 14. Dernholm Arcanum 23. Bedokaan Village
6. Amulet of N'Tala 15. Black Root Arcanum 24. Persuasion Master Arcanum
7. Tarant Arcanum 16. Black Mountain Mines 25. Caladon Arcanum (to the end)

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