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Arcanum, Thieves' Guild quests, Part VIII

Thieves' Underground Quests

In Tarant, successful completion of the Thieves' Underground doesn't strictly require a dedicated thief build or even a Technologist- or Magick-thief build. 

Pure Mages can work, too, IF they are built with utility spells such as those from the Phantasm and Conveyance colleges (Invisibility + Unlocking Cantrip). 

A big dumb brute of a build, on the other hand (assuming it managed to somehow gain underground contacts in the first place), will struggle to complete the quests without drawing aggro, murdering innocents, and inflicting property damage. That said, in at least one quest a physically strong build is welcome.

If we are a mechanical technologist or have Magnus in the party, we can assemble an Auto Skeleton Key which makes picking locks easier during these quests.

Thieves' Guild Contact

A nameless underground contact is found lurking in an alleyway between the Pettibone Residence and Castleton's General Store:

If we can't mention Lukan the Witless to this contact, it's either because we didn't employ Persuasion or Sabotage, OR it's due to having a positive alignment. Good +6 seems fine but Good +32 is too "lawful", and he'll brush us off. 

Thaddeus Mynor

Regardless, Thaddeus Mynor's dialogue does not check for alignment, it does not check for positive reputations such as "Savior of Beesie Toone" or "Hero of Shrouded Hills", and nor does it check if we've spoken to this contact, so we can just skip this contact and go straight to Thaddeus, who is holed up in a house on the corner of Westrel South and Quilton Bend.

That said, if we have not heard of the Thieves' Underground from Lukan (by means of Persuasion or Sabotage), then TM does not offer us work of any kind. Indeed,  he wonders what the hell we are even doing in his house, asking for work. In that case, the door is shut to the Thieves' Underground in Tarant, and there isn't anything we can do about it -- ever. Such is Arcanum's reactivity.

Thaddeus Mynor is a 45th level human thief who offers us a few quests on behalf of the underground, and other interested parties.

Map of the Sewers

The first Thieves' Guild job is to procure a Map of the Sewers of Tarant. Thaddeus Mynor wants us to steal a map of the Tarantian Sewers from the City Hall located at 87 East End Ave:

We head over to the City Hall and try asking for the map first:

At 10:00 p.m. the clerk goes to bed (Advance Time: Evening, Advance Time: Two Hours). We simply follow him into the room and pick the lock to the safe holding the map (or get Virgil to do it), while he is sleeping. Or we can pick-pocket the safe key from the clerk. Note that casting Unlocking Cantrip on the safe awakens the clerk, who turns hostile and calls for the guards. The spell is only useful if we can cast it out of earshot and LoS of the victim of the theft (at a distance or behind a closed door), which we can't do here. For the clerk and each guard slain, we gain one point of Evil.

Thaddeus Mynor is impressed:

[1,200 XP, Evil +1, 350 GP, location of fence: 11 Low Dervish Row.]

Member of the Thieves' Underground

We are now members of the Thieves' Underground.

ReputationMember of the Thieves' UndergroundThis enables you to buy from black market stores and get free information and leads on jobs and other members. [Reaction +10: Thieves' Underground members]

Note: Before taking on the second and third jobs offered by Thaddeus Mynor (which are rather involved and difficult, respectively), it may be best to head over to Vermillion Station in order to speak with the Halfling contact who hangs out there. This artful dodger offers some nice easy jobs if we have done TM's first job and been made a member of the underground. In addition, those jobs won't impact other quests unless we slay the victims of the thefts.
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Sabotage Bates' Prototype Steam Engine

The second Thieves' Guild job involves Cedric Appleby and the Sabotage of Bates' Prototype Steam Engine. If we complete this quest (sabotage Bates' steam engine), we will only be able to get into the Bates Estate under-handedly rather than by normal, open means because the Captain of Bates' Guard will know that we are in league with Appleby or an agent of his:

Indeed, the quest the Captain would have given us pertains to protecting Bates' steam engine from Appleby's saboteurs; it stands in direct opposition.

(The other, under-handed way into the estate is through the cemetary sewers, but we still need disguises once we reach the estate's interior or we'll be attacked by the guards.)

Moreover, if we satisfy Appleby's request to deliver "incriminating evidence" against Bates and expose him as "a fraud" -- an Evil act because Bates is not a fraud who willingly passed himself off as the inventor of the steam engine (we learn that from his journal, and from Bates) -- then the main quest gets impacted because Bates' leaves Tarant forever.

Thus, for players conducting maiden runs of Arcanum, sabotaging Bates' steam engine is ok in that it doesn't impact Bates' main-quest participation, but falsely exposing Bates as "a fraud" DOES, and isn't as interesting, informative or entertaining as not doing so.

Cedric Appleby

If his blown up steam engine is anything to go by, Cedric Appleby is an incompetent technologist. He is also butthurt about Bates' success as Arcanum's greatest industrialist. Thus, he wants us to sabotage the prototype steam engine in Bates' factory:

Gilbert Bates' Steam Engine Factory

Gilbert Bates' massive steam engine factory is located at 18 Ten Hands Alley in the Warehouse District. To dodge the stationed guard at the front door, we can enter the factory through the locked side door using Unlocking Cantrip provided that no patrolling guards are walking by, and the course is clear.

The steam engine is being tested at the backend of the factory but, unless we employ Prowling or Invisibilty, the guards -- who range from 12th to 32nd level -- are going to go aggro when they catch sight of us. For each one slain, we shift one point towards Evil. That actually isn't a big deal since there are only a few of them.

Destroy the Steam Engine

In order to disable the steam engine, we must destroy its control box in the same way that we (may have) sabotaged the lumber for Lukan and disabled the steam engine for Jongle: click the combat toggle, hold down the Alt key and left-click the control box:


We return to Appleby:

[800 XP, Evil +5, 300 GP, Servant's Dress.]

Uncover Incriminating Evidence against Bates

Next, we "need" to gain access to the Bates Estate using the Servant's disguise Appleby just gave us. Or go by way of the cemetary sewers (though that is far more difficult); it doesn't matter. Once in, Appleby wants us to uncover incriminating evidence against Bates:

The Capt. of the Guard stationed at the gate demands that we leave our "riff-raff" -- that is, our companions -- outside the gate. Simply right-click their portraits and ask them to wait.

The Journal of Gilbert Bates

The "incriminating evidence" Appleby needs is The Journal of Gilbert Bates, which is held in a locked chest in the master bedroom on the first floor (up one flight of stairs).

Stealth must be employed or we end up slaying two, three or maybe four 35th level guards at the worst, but the main thing is that Bates won't turn aggro if we slay them down the far end of the hall because we are out of LoS + earshot (that's important if we want to speak to him).

When we speak to Bates or read the journal, we gain knowledge of the location of the Black Mountain Clan Mine (a mine of a clan of Dwarves) which opens the main quest for advancement.

[1,200 XP, Fate Point +1]

• The Journal of Gilbert BatesPage 1Page 2Page 3Page 4Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8.

The conversation with Bates (as well as other ways to get into his estate) are covered in Tarant.

Other loot in the estate: Top Hat, Smoking Jacket, Tesla Coil, Magnesium and some chump change.

The filing cabinets hold NOTHING. Don't bother torturing yourself trying to open them in close proximity to Bates and Chukka.

Now we can deliver the journal to the asshole, Appleby (not recommended for maiden Arcanum runs! Last chance to bail out!):

[800 XP, Evil +10]

Highly energized, Appleby readies to take the journal to the press:

Gilbert Bates Exposed as Fraud

And indeed, he wastes no time. One day later, we buy the Tarantian from a paperboy:

That's a dirty switch we just pulled...

Betrayer of Gilbert Bates

ReputationBetrayer of Gilbert Bates: You will find the citizens of Tarant a bit less cordial towards you than they once were. [Reaction: Tarantians: -10]

Cedric Appleby Found Dead

But if we only sabotage the prototype but don't give Appleby Bates' journal:


Golden Idol of Kree

The third Thieves' Guild job involves procuring the Golden Idol of Kree from a barren wasteland on the Morbihan Plains.

If we're >=20th level, this job is actually given to us at the same time as the second, Appleby one. This is a nasty, nasty quest in terms of difficulty. Don't even bother attempting this quest unless you're of 20th level, have a stealthy build or know Arcanum well, because you will be ripped a new asshole over and over again.

Thad gives us the job:

And now we travel (or teleport) southeast of Tarant to Kree:

Kree is a barren wasteland. We need to navigate maze-like ruins in order to reach an altar where the idol is kept.

As we move in a northeasterly direction towards the altar, we must hack and blast our way through no fewer than twenty 25th-30th level barbarian bandits, who hit like trucks (3 ApT) and can cover great distances in one turn (in 800*600 viewport, they can cover 1200px in one turn).

The toughest encounter is staged just at the entrance to the altar. My elven mage softens up the pack guarding it by virtue of Fireflash:

Golden Idol of Kree Location

With the Barbarians slain, the idol is easily looted from the altar in Kree:

Other items found:

• Weapons: Sword, Quality Iron Sword, Broadsword, Flamberge (can be wielded by Sogg on-handed).
• Armor: Dark Barbarian Clothes, Bronze Barbarian Clothes, Dread Armor
• Shield: Battered Wooden Shield, Dented Iron Shield, Quality Iron Shield
• Other: Fine Stout Boots, Fine Helmet, Black Powder

[10,900 XP, 1,000 GP, Evil +1.]

Altar to Shakar, Orcish God of War

Also at Kree, there is the altar of Shakar. [There will be a dedicated post on the gods and their altars]


Minor Thieves Guild Quests

These thieves' guild quests (mini-quests) are given by the Halfling pick pocket at Vermillion Station in Tarant. We can have four quests active at any given time. The quests are drawn randomly from a preset quest pool but all of them eventually become available to us, regardless of draw order.

The items yielded are to be fenced to Mr. Black for XP and GP rewards, as well as quest closure. He is located at 11 Low Dervish Row. For items we may want to keep, we simply pick pocket Mr. Black after delivering them. The magick substitutes for Pick Locks and Prowl are Unlocking Cantrip and Invisibility. There is no magick substitute for Pick Pockets, though we can simply slay the NPC if we don't mind the consequences (-Reaction of Good-aligned companions, possible +aggro from guards). Do NOT slay any NPC unless you 100% know they won't be needed later.

If you're weighing up whether or not to go through this, the only truly valuable item yielded is the Ring of Virility (Constitution +2). But we do yield XP, GP and lore as well.

Flawless Dwarven Rubies Location

Flawless Dwarven Rubies are held in a locked barrel near a ship anchored at the docks. There is one guard getting about. Wait until he moves away, unlock the barrel conventionally or with the Unlocking Cantrip and then fence the bag to Mr. Black [1,200 XP, 500 GP].

Napha Water Location

Napha Water is held in a wood chest at the Halster Residence located at 48 Devonshire Way. The water can be taken from the chest in broad daylight, even though Regina Halster is present. Unlock the chest and take the bottle of water to Mr. Black [1,000 XP, 150 GP].

Ring of Virility Location

Ring of Virility is held by Mr. Franklin in the Franklin Residence located at 64 Grimson Way. Acquisition of the ring requires the pick pocket skill unless we are prepared to slay an innocent. [1,700 XP, 200 GP]

Note: Ring of Virility confers Constitution +2, which is very useful.

Plans for Schrek's Multi-Barreled Pistol

Plans for Schrek's Multi-Barreled Pistol are held in a wood chest in the Bates Factory located at 18 Ten Hands Alley. It's best to take the side door, which is locked but unguarded. Employ Prowl or Invisibility; though slaying the guards is also an option that does not have negative consequences. [1,500 XP, 400 GP]

Heron Device Location

Heron Device is held in locked crates in the back-most room of a Bates-owned warehouse located at 46 Mulligan Bone Alley. By day, the front door is rigorously patrolled by a guard who holds the key to the door. We can pick pocket the key or unlock the door from a distance with the Unlocking Cantrip. Inside, there are two more locked (and trapped) doors to get past. [1,000 XP, 500 GP]

Lucky Medallion Location

Head to 13 Low Dervish Row and wait in the sleeping area of Poone's Flophouse until late in the evening (evening + 4 hours). A "human city dweller" should walk in and go to bed. Pick pocket him for the Lucky Medallion. [1,000 XP, 150 GP]

Note that the Lucky Medallion confers Gambling +2.

Potion of Dark Power Location

Potion of Dark Power is held in a locked chest in the house of Frederick T. Fitzgerald, located at 40 Polton Cross. Watch out for patrolling guards outside, on the street. [1,700 XP, 500 GP]

Cassie's Jewelry Location

Cassie's Jewelry is held in a wood chest in a small room at the back of Madam Lil’s on Devonshire Way. The door to the small room is locked and trapped, and the chest is being watched over 24/7 by an annoying maid called Winno Whitewash. Employ Prowl, Invisibility or simply slay the maid. [1,500 XP, 400 GP]

Madam Lil's Music Box Location

Madam Lil's Music Box needs to be pick pocketed from Madam Lil who is standing in the reception area of Madam Lil's. [1,700 XP, 150 GP]

Jewel of Hebe Location

Jewel of Hebe is held in a locked chest in the Panarii temple located at 7 Lion's Head Circle. Employ Prowl or Invisibility to unlock the chest in front of the priest, or simply cast Unlocking Cantrip from a distance. [1,600 XP, 500 GP]

Enchanted Glass Location

Enchanted Glass is held in a locked chest in the Pettibone Residence at 3 Lungsten Rd. Employ Prowl or Invisibility to unlock the chest in front of the Cassandra. If you haven't spoken to her at the corner of Lungsten and Kensington, she won't be home. [1,000 XP, 100 GP]

Derian Ka Sword Location

Derian Ka Sword is held in a trapped and locked safe in the back room of the Appleby Residence located at 29 Low Dervish Rd. [1,500 XP, 500 GP]

Essence of Will-o-the-Wisp Location

Essence of Will-o-the-Wisp is held in a locked chest in H.T. Parnell's bedoom at the Emporium of Wonders located at 17 Kensington B'way. [1,000 XP, 200 GP]

Lethe Wyvern Venom Location

Lethe Wyvern Venom is held in a chest in the back room of the Zoological Society located at 93 East End Avenue. Employ Pick Lock and Prowl to access the chest without Dr. Fenwick seeing. [1,000 XP, 200 GP]

Thieves in the Sewers

This is not really a quest, per se, but I think it should be posted at this point because it involves a thieves' hideout in the sprawling sewers under Tarant. Like the Kree job posted above, I don't recommend tackling this quest unless you're high level or know Arcanum well.

Access the sewers by way of the trapdoor in the building located at the docks near the ships:

Slay ghouls and "slither" monsters en route to a bandit hideout. The hideout is actually adjacent to and just north of our starting position, but we need to negotiate a maze of sorts, and arrive there in a roundabout way.

In the hideout, we face off against five bandits ranging from 19th to 26th level. The elven mage may summon one or even two 35th level fire elementals. If that happens, kill the mage to despawn the summons. Note that fire elementals damage and destroy armor when they hit us, and damage and destroy our weapons when we hit them. Nasty.

My elven mage spams Harm on the rival mage in order to quickly slay him and despawn his nasty summon:


  • Barrel: 3x pure ore.
  • 3x Chests: Nothing.
  • Half Ogre Bandit: Quality Axe, Large Guard Leather
  • Elf Bandit: Magick Robes
  • Dwarf Bandit: Small Chainmail, Shotgun
  • Human Bandit x2: Broadsword, Chainmail

cRPG Blog 8. Thieves' Guild Arcanum 17. Ashbury Arcanum
ARCANUM (Index)9. Cassandra Pettibone 18. Isle of Despair
1. Arcanum Walkthrough 10. Gilbert Bates 19. Wheel Clan Arcanum
2. Shrouded Hills Arcanum 11. Garringsburg Heist 20. Durin Stone Arcanum
3. Bessie Toone Mine 12. Madam Toussaude 21. Stillwater Arcanum
4. Jongle Dunne 13. Ancient Maze 22. Qintarra Arcanum
5. Doc Roberts Arcanum 14. Dernholm Arcanum 23. Bedokaan Village
6. Amulet of N'Tala 15. Black Root Arcanum 24. Persuasion Master Arcanum
7. Tarant Arcanum 16. Black Mountain Mines 25. Caladon Arcanum (to the end)

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