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Welcome to the Final part of my Arcanum Walkthrough for Troika's cRPG Definition of 2001, Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura. This final part covers the main quest of Arcanum from Caladon to the end of Arcanum.

Caladon Arcanum

Capital of the Kingdom of Arland, Caladon is located in the far southwest of the Arcanum map. Reading The Curse of T'sen-Ang by Kendrick Wales marks Caladon on the world map (see: Qintarra Arcanum). Caladon can be reached by ship or via Teleportation.

Bridging the Kingdoms of Cumbria (King Praetor) and Arland (King Farad), Gorgoth Pass cannot be reached via auto-map from east to west of the Stonewall range until we have first taken the Pass from west to east. However, it is possible to manually reach the Pass from east to west on foot. After carving through a horde of monsters while heading southwest through the Pass, we eventually arrive in Arland or the southwestern portion of the continent of Arcanum, from which Caladon can be reached. And while it is also possible to reach Caladon prematurely in this manner, plot progression variables are NOT updated accordingly.

Upon our (legitimate) arrival in Caladon, head to the Misk residence located at 9 Gray Wolf Tce. From Victor Misk's wife we find out that Victor died only a few days ago, that he hid his book somewhere that only he and his father would know, and that he is buried in the Caladon cemetery.

(As an aside, Lillian Misk can sell us the Book of Durin's Truth, which is required for Durin Stone Arcanum.)

At the Caladon cemetery, Virgil will leave the party to visit the grave of Lawrence Drummond. In the meantime, ask the dwarven gravedigger, Bigham Schulefest, about Misk. Sometimes you can get a shovel from him to dig up Misk's grave, other times you can't. Note that Ristezze in Shrouded Hills sells shovels.

(Place the shovel into a quickslot, click it in the quickslot, and then click on the grave.)

Dig up the freshly-filled grave out of line of sight of the guards, and loot it for a book that was purchased at the Roseborough gift shop: How Nasrudin Defeated the Nefarious Arronax.

Virgil rejoins the party now, and Bigham marks Roseborough on the Arcanum map.


While in Roseborough, be sure to acquire the Screaming Shield.

Head to the Roseborough cemetery and exhume the grave of Phillip Misk to find T'sen-Ang: Horror Among the Dark Elves, by Renford A. Terwilliger. Reading the book marks T'sen-Ang on the map.

T'sen-Ang Arcanum

You can't get into T'sen-Ang peacefully unless you are wearing a Molochean Hand Amulet. M'in Gorad's home is found in the north.

From M'in Gorad, persuasive characters find out what happened to the Black Mountain Clan: the Dark Elves banished the Dwarves to the Void in order to force them to build a Technological Gate that allows for Arronax's return. We can also slay M'in Gorad and loot her corpse for a note that gives us the required information.

First Blade of the Molohean Hand, Gideon Laier, attempts to assassinate us outside M'in Gorad's quarters. And Virgil will leave the party again once you have exited T'sen-Ang. However, if we make the outside guards hostile first, Virgil won't leave. If Virgil does leave, we can catch up with him again beneath the Sobbing Onion, Caladon (and we can also meet Elder Joachim).

Return to Raven and the Silver Lady in Qintarra. The Silver Lady tells us to investigate Nasrudin, and Raven can now join the party.

Make your way to the First Panarii Temple, Caladon. Read the Archaeon in the lobby, get Alexander to unlock the doors at the back of the temple, and then learn about the location of Nasrudin's remains from Hadrian, the archaeologist.

After talking to Gunther, exit the temple and drop down the sewer gate to arrive in Caladon's sprawling vermin-infested sewer system. The entrance to the crypts is just south of your starting position in the sewers. Head south, west and then north to reach the passage.

Once in the catacombs, simply head north, take the stairwell up to Nasrudin's tomb, loot Nasrudin's sarcophagus for the skull, and examine both the sarcophagus and its lid.

Return to Hadrian in the First Panarii Temple, give him the skull and learn that the remains are of Mannox, not Nasrudin. Gunther then points the way to the Isle of Thanatos, but also requests that we look into the discrepancies (as does Alexander).

Go to Roseborough and journey along its coastline in a westerly direction to arrive at a stone block, which is the entrance to Mannox's Stone Vault. Click the stone (Truth) to find an opening to a vault containing the Sword of Saint Maddox and Journal of Saint Maddox.

Return to Gunther, Alexander and Hadrian armed with the truth about Mannox. Hadrian removes the magical wards on the glass display cases, granting us access to Finger of Mannox, Eye of Kraka-tur and Glass Key. The Glass Key is used to access the Iron Clan Entrance to Durin Stone Arcanum.

Thanatos Arcanum

Head to Black Root, pay 50,000 gold to the ship builder, board the ship, and click on the ship's wheel to set sail to Thanatos.

We can also sail to Thanatos with Stringy Pete's ship.

From your starting position, head south to the campsite, loot the barrel for a book and read the book to get two Thanatos locations map-marked.

Nasrudin's Resting Place

Head to the landbridge, follow it south to a forest, and make your way through the forest, heading south and west whenever possible to reach Nasrudin's resting place, which is a shack located south of the forest, not in it.

However, Nasrudin is alive. Speak with him to learn about Arronax's banishment and the Vendigroth Device, which can be used against Arronax in the Void. Nasrudin also map-marks Gateway to the Wastes on the Arcanum map.

Gateway to the Wastes

Weldo Rubin can join the party. More importantly, he marks Tulla on the map.

Tulla Arcanum

Enter the above-pictured building and make your way upstairs to Jorian the Diviner. Gaze upon the mural in the main hall, return to Jorian and then take the door behind Jorian (which was previously locked) to speak with Simeon Tor, who gives some background on Pelojian, founder of Tulla.

Head back outside and cast Unlocking Cantrip (cf. Arcanum Spells) to unlock the doors to the four buildings each of which contains a book with Cantos in them. Each Canto gives hints to Pelojian's pool puzzle. In one of the buildings, Pelojian's Amulet is also found.

Equip the amulet and step on the pressure plates around Pelojian's Pool in the order of star, swirl, five-points, circled plus and three-pronged symbol to have the spirit of Pelojian appear and give the location of the Vendigroth ruins.

Mages can be become Masters of a spell college in Tulla. I would recommend Mastery in the Force college. cf. Arcanum Best Spells.

Vendigroth Ruins Arcanum

Vendigroth Ruins is a straight-forward, four-level dungeon crawl packed with spiders and automatons. Exploration is about finding keys and accessing wall-mounted vents. You should find 5x schematics and various ancient components en route to finding the Vendigroth Device -- including the schematics and components for the Vivifier, which grants permanent +1 all-stats. In addition, the Vendigrothian War Gauntlets and Droch's Warbringer schematics are found in the ruins.

Ring of Brodgar Arcanum

Before meeting up with Nasrudin, the party should complete any quests and stock up on items in Arcanum, as there is no going back once the Void is entered.

Consisting of a unmissable circle of stones, the Ring of Brodgar is located in the west of Roseborough. From this location, Nasrudin sends us to the Void.

This marks the point of no return. Once in the Void, we can never return to Arcanum. Therefore, we should make sure we are well-equipped before being banished.


The Void Arcanum

The Void is an abyss that links its levels by portals. There are 5 levels in the Void and 3 levels in Kerghan's Castle. Slay the void lizards (loot carcasses for Gorgoth), take the eastern portal, slay the araya and then go down the stairs to arrive in the prison.

In the prison, speak with the imprisoned Arronax and then slay the Spirit Snake outside his cell to free Arronax, who can now join the party (level 50, Fire, Force). Take the portal out of the prison.

Before crossing the bridge to Kerghan's Castle, we can take the portal to the south of the one we just arrived on in order to explore more of the Void, thereby locating the Exiles, Gorgoth, Kraka-tur, and Bane of Kree. Notably, this can yield powerful Arcanum companions as well as Torian Kel's Ancestral Sword and Kryggird's Falchion.

Kerghan's Castle

Cross the bridge to Kerghan's Castle, which is guarded by 25th level Dark Champions that will immediately attack when they catch sight of any Exiles in the vicinity. Otherwise, we need to slay them in order to gain access, anyway.

As in the Void, exploration of the castle is conducted via portals.

Inside, on Level 1, there are more Dark Champions as well as 20th level Blood Spirits to slay.

On Level 2, there are yet more Dark Champions guarding the Technological Gate that is being constructed by Black Mountain Dwarves in order to weaken the wards holding Kerghan in the Void.

On Level 3, we find many dead Black Mountain clan Dwarves and a 30th level Bludgeoner guarding a few survivors, including Silver Hammer. We must then cut a path through several 17th level Berserkers and four Bludgeoners en route to the final portal, which leads to Kerghan's Sanctum.

Kerghan Arcanum Boss Fight

There are three options with Kerghan: slay him, join him or convince him to give up. If we choose to join Kerghan, we need to slay the other Exiles. If we choose to slay Kerghan conventionally, we need to take on his serpentine form until he has incurred enough damage to revert to his humanoid form and retreat into his regenerative shell, at which point we should use the Vendigroth Device on him to disrupt the shield (which we also use if we choose the persuasion option).

Kerghan also reanimates 22nd level Lord's Slaves. Note that we can also slay Kerghan with Kryggird's Falchion.

cRPG Blog 8. Thieves' Guild Arcanum 17. Ashbury Arcanum
ARCANUM (Index)9. Cassandra Pettibone 18. Isle of Despair
1. Arcanum Walkthrough 10. Gilbert Bates 19. Wheel Clan Arcanum
2. Shrouded Hills Arcanum 11. Garringsburg Heist 20. Durin Stone Arcanum
3. Bessie Toone Mine 12. Madam Toussaude 21. Stillwater Arcanum
4. Jongle Dunne 13. Ancient Maze 22. Qintarra Arcanum
5. Doc Roberts Arcanum 14. Dernholm Arcanum 23. Bedokaan Village
6. Amulet of N'Tala 15. Black Root Arcanum 24. Persuasion Master Arcanum
7. Tarant Arcanum 16. Black Mountain Mines 25. Caladon Arcanum (to the end)

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