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Arcanum, Qintarra Side Quests: Part XXIII

Qintarra Side Quests

This post covers the sidequests that are offered in Qintarra. We don't really need the XP from these sidequests. Mostly, we'd want to complete them for Ellumyn's Bow and Staff of Xoranth.


Winde, who is standing nearby when we reach the tree-tops, requests that we locate an elven hunter in the Bedokaan Village, the location of which he marks the Arcanum map.

Bedokaan Village

When we arrive in the Bedokaan Village, we find the elf being held in a pit. 

Kan Kerai

The 45th level Bedokaan Chief, Kan Kerai, who is found northeast of the pit, requests that we slay human poachers in exchange for the elf's release. 

Robert Milton

But when we arrive at the poacher's camp, a poacher by the name of Robert Milton requests that we reveal the location of the lizards.

We receive 2,000 XP if we side with the lizardmen. For that, we must slay 4x 18th level poachers and the 20th level Robert Milton (Elephant Gun, Oiled Chainmail).

Winde also rewards us with a suit of Elven Chainmail.

We get nothing by siding with the poachers, and the elf also dies as a result of the poachers raiding the Bedokaan camp. However, we can return to Winde, tell him what dirty switch we pulled and slay him when he rages for the Elven Chainmail and Elven Hunter's Bow, anyway -- and Qintarra does not even go on high alert...


I was not able to get a peaceful solution to this quest as an elf, and that means I wasn't given the option to recruit Waromon as an Arcanum companion. Not only was Kan Kerai's reaction to me 95, but I was also a Master in Persuasion.

So I was able to mediate between the two most powerful cities in Arcanum, but I couldn't convince a pack of lizards to lay down arms.

I hate this game sometimes.


Nearby to Winde is Swyft. She wants us to take us to Tarant. Easy [1,700 XP].


Ellumyn can be found in the far eastern hut. He requests that we source a sheet of Mithril Ore.

The ore can be purchased from the Wheel Clan smith. The reward from Ellumyn is the best bow in Arcanum: Ellumyn's Bow [1,700 XP]. 


Whysper can be found in the central south. She gives us Whysper's Gem if we tell her our story. In addition, she requests that we gather the essence of the rare Vol'ars wisp. The essences of 6th level Will-o-the-wisp do not qualify [to be updated].


Finally, there is an angry elf in the north named Wrath:


Wrath is the mentor of the dwarven mage, Jormund, who can be found in the south. 

Jormund requests that we free him from his contract with Wrath. But if we return to where Wrath was, he's now dead. On his corpse, we find an empty wine glass with a strange pungent odor. 

Head south to find that Jormund has been arrested for the murder of Wrath. 

On Jormund's behalf, show the wine glass to Sharpe's wife, Ivory, who is near to Ellumyn. Advance time to evening and then by 2 hours. Ivory should leave the hut to perform her nightly meditations. The vase in the hut is holding a vial with traces of poison in it. 

Advance time to morning and show the vial to Ivory. It turns out that Wrath commited suicide in an attempt to frame Sharpe for his murder. Now, tell the guard the truth in order to secure the release of Jormund, who can also join the party [2,000 XP, Staff of Xoranth].

At 20th level, Jormund has access to all spells from Force and Fire colleges.

Next up is the Final Part, Caladon Arcanum.

cRPG Blog 8. Thieves' Guild Arcanum 17. Ashbury Arcanum
ARCANUM (Index)9. Cassandra Pettibone 18. Isle of Despair
1. Arcanum Walkthrough 10. Gilbert Bates 19. Wheel Clan Arcanum
2. Shrouded Hills Arcanum 11. Garringsburg Heist 20. Durin Stone Arcanum
3. Bessie Toone Mine 12. Madam Toussaude 21. Stillwater Arcanum
4. Jongle Dunne 13. Ancient Maze 22. Qintarra Arcanum
5. Doc Roberts Arcanum 14. Dernholm Arcanum 23. Bedokaan Village
6. Amulet of N'Tala 15. Black Root Arcanum 24. Persuasion Master Arcanum
7. Tarant Arcanum 16. Black Mountain Mines 25. Caladon Arcanum (to the end)

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