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Arcanum, Cassandra Pettibone, Part IX

Cassandra Pettibone

In Tarant, Cassandra Pettibone is a human noble found standing at the corner of Lungsten Rd. and Kensington B'way:

If we inquire about work, she invites us to discuss the matter at her Pettibone residence located at 3 Lungsten Rd.

At the Pettibone's, providing we don't insult Cassandra in the following manner:

-- which can result in hostilities -- she offers us a quest to steal an elven funerary stone from excavated elven ruins situated on the Morbihan Plains:

Note the racial check. We can escalate that into hostilities as well.

Cassandra only offers us 250 GP for retrieving the stone, but if we appeal to her vanity by complimenting her taste and wealth:

Indeed, it is possible to talk her up to 400 GP with +Haggle.

Elven Ruins

The elven ruins are map-marked as being located on the Morbihan Plains:

Dark Elf Noble

On the plains, at the entrance to the underground ruins, we encounter four low-level Dark Elf nobles standing over the corpse of the leader of the excavation, Professor James, whom they have presumably slain. As an elf, we gain easy access to the ruins:

On the other hand, if we attempt to pose as an archaeologist, start talking about science, or say we're simply exploring the countryside, the Dark Elves attempt to slay us. But if we give them the name and address of Cassandra Pettibone, they let us go (and we find that Cassandra has "disappeared": presumably slain by the Dark Elves).

In the underground ruins there are zombies and ghouls lurking about. A magickal medallion is found in the south: Medallion of Silence (Prowling +2).

Elven Funerary Stone

The Elven Funerary Stone is found in the north of the elven ruins dungeon, guarded by several zombies led by a 6th level mummy. The artifact weighs a whopping 1,000 stone, which is why mules like Sogg Mead Mug are useful:

In this burial chamber we also find two magickal weapons: Elven Hunter's Bow and Lingering Sword.

Even though we're carrying the funerary stone on the way out, the Dark Elves don't bat an eyelid.

Upon delivering the EFS to Cassandra: [1,000 XP]

We can refuse to give the stone to Cassandra but there is no point other than for the laughs (because we can't actually give it to her high-society rival):

It is possible to resurrect the professor with a scroll or spell:

Other than the confirmation that he was slain by the Dark Elves, this doesn't reveal much, but it's a nice touch that we can raise NPCs from the dead and get some info like this.

Madam Lil

Madam Lil's cathouse is located on the corner of Devonshire Way and Ruede Avellone. She offers us a series of errands to run which can yield some nice early XP, GP and items.

Cassie's Necklace

Errand 1. First, Madam Lil requests that we retrieve Cassie's Necklace from the Mooreland Residence which is located at 46 Devonshire Way.

It turns out the Mooreland housekeeper, Laura, found the necklace and kept it hidden from Mr. Mooreland's wife, but Laura wants to be rewarded for doing so:

We can pick-pocket the necklace, slay Laura for it or convince her to hand it over and work for Madam Lil:

[2,500 XP] Note that Cassie's Necklace confers 40% Magick Resistance. If we want to keep it, we can pick Lil's pockets.

Collect 400 GP from Mr. Langley

Errand 2. Next, Madam Lil requests that we collect 400 GP from Mr. Langley at the Bridesdale Inn, which is located at 77 Vermillion Rd.:

Langley is the Halfling doorman standing outside the inn. Of course, he doesn't have 400 GP:

Amusingly, we can literally wait on the spot for five days as he earns it, which he does:

[2,500 XP]

The third errand is not available to female PCs.

Retrieve Medallion of Beauty

Errand 4. For our fourth and final errand, Madam Lil requests that we retrieve a Medallion of Beauty:

The easiest and cheapest way to get the medallion -- which confers Beauty +2 -- is to take it from the neck of the woman standing by the fireplace in the King's Inn & Pub of Dernholm. Indeed, it seems she can be slain with impunity (though pick pocket also works).

The medallion is also purchaseable from certain magick merchants such as Zeramin's House of Darke Magick located at 13 Torry Rd. in Tarant. Advance time to evening and then by another two hours; the shop should open and the clerk should take her position by the candle.

[2,500 XP, 600 GP]

cRPG Blog 8. Thieves' Guild Arcanum 17. Ashbury Arcanum
ARCANUM (Index)9. Cassandra Pettibone 18. Isle of Despair
1. Arcanum Walkthrough 10. Gilbert Bates 19. Wheel Clan Arcanum
2. Shrouded Hills Arcanum 11. Garringsburg Heist 20. Durin Stone Arcanum
3. Bessie Toone Mine 12. Madam Toussaude 21. Stillwater Arcanum
4. Jongle Dunne 13. Ancient Maze 22. Qintarra Arcanum
5. Doc Roberts Arcanum 14. Dernholm Arcanum 23. Bedokaan Village
6. Amulet of N'Tala 15. Black Root Arcanum 24. Persuasion Master Arcanum
7. Tarant Arcanum 16. Black Mountain Mines 25. Caladon Arcanum (to the end)

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