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Stillwater Location

Stillwater is situated north of Tarant and east of the Stonewall Mountains. Loghaire of the Wheel Clan can mark Stillwater on the Arcanum map.

The snowed-in town of Stillwater borders the Glimmering Forest in which the elven city of Qintarra is nestled. That's why we're here, to find the elves. Stillwater is where Gilbert Bates built his first steam engine, though the town never grew to Tarantian proportions.

The Stillwater blacksmith has teamed up with a wizard to forge and enchant Stillwater Blades, which are famous.

Note: While in Stillwater, be sure to acquire the Tempered Shield.

The quickest way to get through the town would be to pickpocket the Amulet of N'Tala from Myrth and deliver it to Gaylin the herbalist in Shrouded Hills, who then marks the location of Qintarra on our world map.

Otherwise, we have to jump through hoops for Myrth by way of the Stillwater Giant quest. Note that Myrth does NOT spawn unless Stillwater was map-marked by Loghaire. If we find Stillwater's location by exploring the overworld of our own accord, Myrth will NOT be there.

Patrons of the Thirsty Soul tavern tell us to seek out Myrth for info on the location of Qintarra. He dwells in a house north of the tavern.

Myrth Arcanum

The key to Myrth's dialogue is "Let him wait" x2 followed by:

In return for information on the location of Qintarra, Myrth requests that we retrieve the pelt of the Stillwater Giant, an ancient, mystical creature from the Age of Legends.

Myrth refers us to cryptozoologist Stanley Xavier Hippington, whose house is in the northeast. 

Stanley Xavier Hippington, Cryptozoologist 

Hippington gives us a cage and a scent with which to capture the beast, then directs us to a cave in the wilderness to the east. Put the cage in the quickslot, click the quickslot icon and then click on the bunny to capture it.

Dr. Tristan Fenwick, Zoological Society

For authentication of the specimen, Hippington directs us to Dr. Tristan Fenwick of the Zoological Society located at 93 East End Ave., Tarant, but the professor just laughs at Hippington.

Stillwater Giant Exhibit at H.T Parnell's

The professor points us to the Stillwater Giant exhibit at H.T Parnell's located at 17 Kensington Broadway. 

Parnell can sell us the pelt for 2,000 GP.

[2,000 XP]

Deliver the pelt to Myrth back in Stillwater, but tell him you stole it even if you didn't. Otherwise, you won't get the Arcanum waylay with the actual Stillwater Giant.

[9,200 XP, Hardin's Pass + Qintarra map-marked]

Stillwater Giant

En route to Hardin's Pass from Stillwater, we encounter a 30th level "Blue Bunny" that shapeshifts into the Stillwater Giant when attacked.

Authentic Stillwater Giant Pelt

[Fate Point +1] We can loot the Stillwater Giant's corpse for an Authentic Stillwater Giant Pelt and sell it to Parnell for 2,000 GP. There is no follow-up with Myrth, Fenwick or Hippington.

Now, let's cover other things of interest in Stillwater.

Bleeding Rose Inn, Stillwater

Back in Tarant, Joachim left us a telegram which told us to meet him in Stillwater:

If we now head over to the Bleeding Rose Inn...

Joachim's Book

Joachim is not there but the halfing innkeeper gives us a book of his:

Virgil interjects after an interval; starts to open up a bit:

Richard Leeks, blacksmith at the Falling Hammer, tells us a bit about the Stillwater Giant (a local legend), the Cult of Geshtianna (refers us to Brigette) and a missing local wizard by the name of Cyrus.


Cyrus' house is to the west and north, up a snow-laden pathway. There are pools of blood on the floor and footprints in the snow outside...

... which lead to a cave in the hillside. Inside, Cyrus can be found imprisoned in a locked cell: Unlocking Cantrip

Drog Black Tooth Arcanum

Slay the 30th level half-ogre, Drog Black Tooth, and loot the key from his corpse if you need it (Harm x4).

Return to the blacksmith.

[6,400 XP, Good +1, Stillwater Blade]

Brigette the Priestess of Geshtianna

Brigette the priestess is found in the garden behind the Geshtianna temple. She requests that we recover the idol that was stolen fom the altar. 

Word around Stillwater is that Marley probably stole the idol. 

Statue of the Goddess, Geshtianna

We can find him at home in the southeast, with the idol stored in a locked room. Because possession of the idol has eased a lifetime of suffering for Marley, he is prepared to fight to the death to keep it. We can slay him for the key and recover the idol or persuade him to give it up.

[6,400 XP, Good +1, Beauty +1]

Conveniently, the Passion Root offering is found to the right of the altar.

Gildor Nightwalk

Gildor Nightwalk can be found in his home located behind the blacksmith. He gives us a book to read and then requests that we retrieve the Great Ruby of K'alru from the Ruby Glade, which he marks on our map.

Note that we can teleport over the Grey Mountains and straight to the glade without going through Hardin's Pass.

Upon arrival, we are ambushed by half a dozen 13th level greater demons (unless we employ Prowl).

Great Ruby of K'alru

The ruby is found lodged in the altar. The corpse of an elf noble can be looted for Hero's Weakness Barbarian Armor, Arcane Gauntlets and Barbarian's Heavy Blade.

Return it to Gildor [4,600 XP, 1,500 GP]. Gildor can be pickpocketed for a Ring of Concealment (Prowl +2).

Ok, we're done with this backwater dump. Next up is Qintarra. But before you go there, make sure someone is carrying a sheet of Mithril Ore, which can be purchased from the Wheel Clan smith.

Hardin's Pass

If we don't have access to the teleport spell, we need to take Hardin's Pass through the Stonewall Mountain Range in order to reach the Glimmering Forest and the elven city of Qintarra. There is nothing to do in Hardin's Pass other than slay a whole heap of garbage as we make our way towards the southwest, to the exit.

cRPG Blog 8. Thieves' Guild Arcanum 17. Ashbury Arcanum
ARCANUM (Index)9. Cassandra Pettibone 18. Isle of Despair
1. Arcanum Walkthrough 10. Gilbert Bates 19. Wheel Clan Arcanum
2. Shrouded Hills Arcanum 11. Garringsburg Heist 20. Durin Stone Arcanum
3. Bessie Toone Mine 12. Madam Toussaude 21. Stillwater Arcanum
4. Jongle Dunne 13. Ancient Maze 22. Qintarra Arcanum
5. Doc Roberts Arcanum 14. Dernholm Arcanum 23. Bedokaan Village
6. Amulet of N'Tala 15. Black Root Arcanum 24. Persuasion Master Arcanum
7. Tarant Arcanum 16. Black Mountain Mines 25. Caladon Arcanum (to the end)

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