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Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura: The Original Arcanum cRPG

Arcanum cRPG

Welcome to my cRPG blog on Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, a cRPG Definition developed by Troika (2001).

Arcanum Index

Arcanum System Requirements

Arcanum requires at minimum an Intel Pentium II 300 Mhz CPU, 64 megs of RAM and 8 megs of vRAM, but the recommendation is 450 MHz, 128 megs of RAM and 16 megs of vRAM or greater.

Arcanum was coded for Windows 95 to XP but is compatible with 7 to 11 as well (more or less; I have personally always been able get Arcanum going on various setups and OSes, from 2001-2024).

Supporting both 3D hardware acceleration and software aka CPU rendering, Arcanum was coded to display in square-pixel SVGA VESA 800x600 256-color graphics mode under the DirectX 7.0/8.0 API.

The Arcanum source code is owned by Tim Cain.

Arcanum Patch

Arcanum was patched by Troika to its final, official state of in Sept. 2001. My Arcanum commentary is based exclusively on this authoritative version.

Arcanum Character Creation

Gender Arcanum

There is plenty of flavorsome gender-based reactivity in Arcanum. In some cases, the reactivity is mechanical. For example, females may not enter the Gentleman's Club in Tarant without an invitation. Most notably, females are restricted in race choices (can't be Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings or Half-Ogres).


You are the male gender of your race. You tend to be stronger than a female, albeit with a lower constitution.


You are the female gender of your race. You can withstand pain, exhaustion and toxins better than males and receive a +1 to constitution, but you are slightly weaker and receive a -1 to strength.

Character Points Arcanum

In chargen, we receive five character points to spend on attributes, skills, spells and degrees. Choose wisely. Each time we level up, we receive only one point to spend. It is crucial to choose wisely here as well, especially in the early game. Note that character points can be held in reserve and only spent when needed. I've given examples of this in my walkthrough. The maximum character level in Arcanum is 50.

Attributes Arcanum

  • Strength (ST): Physical-based damage dealers. Modifies damage bonus, hitpoints and encumbrance Note that weapons have Strength requirements. Also, more Strength is required when off-handing a shield. 20 ST = double damage
  • Constitution (CN): Governs fatigue and resistance to poison and some spells. Does NOT govern hitpoints. 20 CN = Immunity to poison
  • Dexterity (DX): Max. Dexterity is the best attribute in Arcanum. Increases initiative (who goes first) and governs movement speed and armor class (AC) as well as attack rate and casting rate. Many skills (including Melee, Bow and Throwing) are governed by DX. 20 DX = 25 speed
  • Beauty (BE): Modifies Reaction (how NPCs perceive us, how much money merchants give us). 20 BE = 100% ReactionMedallion of Beauty + Beauty blessing in Stillwater.
  • Intelligence (IN): >=5 or idiot-talking, determines no. of spells active for Mages, governs the learning of tech disciplines. Buffs Expertise which governs our ability to assemble from schematics. If you subsequently crank to IN to >=5 in-game, you'll start talking normally and your journal entries will be updated accordingly. 20 IN = 10% bonus to all skills
  • Willpower (WP): Governs the learning of spell colleges. Modifies hitpoints and fatigue. The most important stat for Mages. 20 WP: Immunity to spells that are resisted by Willpower
  • Perception (PE): Useful for Firearms and a few thieving skills, but not for Bow or Throwing.  PE can also reduce to-hit penalties. 20 PE = Trap-spotting
  • Charisma (CH): Impacts max followers aka companions. Governs the important Persuasion skill. With 20 Charisma we can have five companions. Does NOT modify buying prices by itself though it governs the Haggle skill, which does (Beauty modifies Reaction, which modifies selling prices). 20 CH: Companions have 100% loyaltyEarly Charisma boosts and gypsy blessing.

Derived Stats Arcanum

In real-time, we can see the impact attributes have on derived stats when we spend our character points on attributes. Some of these stats are impacted by gender, race, backgrounds and items as well.

ALL resistances cap out at 95%. Note that Magick resistance is not as useful in Arcanum, as it is, in say, Baldur's Gate. This is because there aren't many spellcasting enemies in Arcanum.

Skills Arcanum

  • Combat Skills: Bow, Dodge, Melee, Throwing
  • Thieving Skills: Backstab, Pick Pocket, Prowling, Spot Trap
  • Social Skills: Gambling, Haggle, Heal, Persuasion
  • Technological Skills: Repair, Firearms, Pick Locks, Disarm Traps

As can be seen in the above graphick, skills increase in rank up to 5. The rank determines the effectiveness of the skill as well as the tier of training we can undertake. 

For a fee, skills can be trained by trainer-NPCs in the gameworld. The tiers are: Apprentice, Expert and Master. Trainers become rarer in proportion to their skill. For Masters, only one exists on the continent of Arcanum.

To become a Master, we have to do a quest for the master-trainer NPC. Example: Persuasion Master Quest. However, in most cases Expert-level is sufficient.

Each rank and tier bestows bonuses to the skill. For example, ranks and training in Bow, Melee, Throwing and Firearms modifies the speed rating of our weapon, which modifies the action point (AP) expenditure required to swing, throw or fire the weapon (attack rate).

Martial skills aside, the best skill in Arcanum is Persuasion (it allows us to bypass the Dredge, for example). Virgil cranks Heal. NPCs can repair items for us.

If we're a warrior, Dodge and Melee should be maxed because Dodge allows us to avoid an attack completely, and Melee impacts our to-hit chance.

The traps skills are all but useless because traps are not deadly enough and there are not enough of them. Some areas show the impact trap density and lethality could have had on character building.

Gunfighter and archer builds are difficult for newbies, early on. One perk of Throwing (other than it's fun) is that ammo is of no concern. Throwing is also mandatory for Explosives technologists.

Arcanum Bow trainer: There is actually apprentice training for Bows in Shrouded Hills: the halfling guard that patrols the town. If you can't find him, just wait outside Gaylin the Herbalist. He'll circle around eventually. For Expert training, we need to find the Elite Bow Captain in Dernholm (wears a Suede Jacket, wields Compound Bow). Master training is from Kietzel Pierce at Annabelle's Galley, Black Root (later found in Caladon).

Magick-Tech Dichotomy Arcanum

Characters in Arcanum can be of Neutral, Magic or Tech aptitude. As we spend character points in spell colleges or technological disciplines, our aptitude increases for magic or tech. This value is shown on the magic-tech meter. With high magic aptitude, equipped magic items function more effectively (cf. Arcane Platemail).

Conversely, magic-based characters should avoid using technological items such as firearms, though some tech-based items can be wielded without issue due to being of low-tech nature (Balanced Sword). 

Our aptitude determines which merchants are willing to deal with us (example at the end of this post).
Characters with high magick aptitude cannot ride on the steam train in Tarant. However, they usually have high Dex scores to compensate somewhat (movement speed). Conversely, dedicated Dwarven Mechanics, who may not be able to afford much in the way of Dex, take advantage of the train.

In determining which companions are willing to join our party, the dichotomy is also reactive.

Reaction Arcanum

The reaction value of NPCs changes with dialogue choices and can be viewed in realtime during dialogue segments. The reaction thresholds are as follows:

  • Love
  • Amiable
  • Courteous
  • Neutral
  • Suspicious
  • Dislike
  • Hatred

Those with anti-social backgrounds, or disabilities and disfigurement, can be friendly in dialogue in order to raise NPC dispositions from Dislike up to Neutral.

Reaction modifies selling prices, too. That is, the higher our Reaction score, the more money merchants will give us for our garbage.
As mentioned above, the Beauty stat modifies Reaction. Elegant Dress or Smoking Jacket = Reaction +20, which stacks with the bonus conferred by Purity of Water.

List of Reputations in Arcanum

Reputations impact the Reaction of citizens faction-wide or community-wide. If people and communities have 100 Reaction, they love and adore us whereas if they have -100, they hate us and want to kill us.

  • Savior of Bessie TooneThe people of Shrouded Hills have taken a liking to you as the person responsible for freeing the ghost of Bessie Toone. [Reaction +10: Shrouded Hills citizens]
  • The Hero of Shrouded HillsBecause of your heroic efforts in helping Doc Roberts stop the bank robbery, the people of Shrouded Hills are definitely friendlier to you than they once were. [Reaction +15: Shrouded Hills citizens]
  • Outlaw of Shrouded HillsEveryone in Shrouded Hills is looking to kill you for robbing their bank. [Reaction -100: Shrouded Hills citizens]
  • Member of the Thieves' UndergroundThis enables you to buy from black market stores and get free information and leads on jobs and other members. [Reaction +10: Thieves' Underground members]
  • Betrayer of Magnus Shale FistBecause you have betrayed the friendship of Magnus Shale Fist, you are his sworn enemy. [Reaction -100: Magnus]
  • Betrayer of Gilbert Bates: You will find the citizens of Tarant a bit less cordial towards you than they once were. [Reaction: Tarantians: -10]
  • Member of the Clan Maug. As such, you are a sworn enemy of the Pollock Gang, and there is a fair chance that they will attack you on sight.
  • Member of the Pollock Gang. As such, you are a sworn enemy of the Clan Maug, and there is a fair chance that they will attack you on sight.
  • Enemy of the Clan Maug. Members of the Clan Maug will generally attack you on sight.
  • Murderer of Kal-N'driel, the Healing Master. This act of infamy that has earned you hatred of all in Quintarra.
  • Killer of the beautiful Clarissa Shalmo, the Throwing Master of Caladon. This has earned you the disfavor of the guards of Caladon.
  • Pervert of Tarant. Your exhibitionist antics in Tarant have earned you the scorn of its citizens.
  • Debtor to Gurin Rockharrow. You owe Gurin Rockharrow  coins for gambling debts.
  • Deadbeat. You have defaulted on your gambling debt with Gurin Rockharrow.
  • Enemy of Qintarra.  You have become the sworn enemy of every elf in Qintarra.
  • Friend of the Molochean Hand.
  • Butcher of Stillwater. You will find that most citizens of the larger cities of Arcanum will have a dislike of you.
  • Champion of the Pit on the Isle of DespairBy defeating all of the pit warriors, you have gained the reputation of being the most grizzled pit fighter of them all.
  • Instigator of the Orc Riots. You are now considered an enemy not only of Tarant, but Caladon as well. Perhaps more armor is called for.
  • Honorary Ambassador to Tarant.  Because of your excellent performance in the negotiations for Caladon's membership in the Unified Kingdom, you are seen as a hero by many of Tarant's citizens.
  • Destroyer of the Dread Crystal SpiderFor killing the Dread Crystal Spider, you've become a hero in the eyes of the people of the Wheel Clan.
  • Killer of the Whytechurch Murderer. The people of Caladon have taken a liking to you for ridding their city of the dreaded murderer.
  • Rescuer of Thorvald. Because you have safely returned Thorvald to his clan, the dwarves of the Wheel Clan have taken a liking to you.
  • Hero of the Wheel Clan. As the person responsible for convincing Loghaire to return to the throne, you have become extremely well liked by members of the Wheel Clan.
  • Assassin of King Farad. As the killer of the beloved King of Caladon, you will find yourself in grave danger if you were to ever set foot in Caladon again.
  • Orator of Ashbury. Because of your rousing speech that enabled the townspeople of Ashbury to finally build their monument, you find the people there to be friendlier to you.
  • Thief of Shrouded Hills. Because of your repeated attempts to steal from the merchants of Shrouded Hills, the merchants and the guards there take a dim view of you and your activities.
  • Thief of Tarant. Because of your repeated attempts to steal from the merchants of Tarant, the merchants and the guards there take a dim view of you and your activities.
  • Thief of Ashbury. Because of your repeated attempts to steal from the merchants of Ashbury, the merchants and the guards there take a dim view of you and your activities.
  • Thief of Black Root. Because of your repeated attempts to steal from the merchants of Black Root, the merchants and the guards there take a dim view of you and your activities.
  • Thief of Caladon. Because of your repeated attempts to steal from the merchants of Caladon, the merchants and the guards there take a dim view of you and your activities.
  • Enemy of Shrouded Hills. Because of your cold hearted killing of guards and citizens in Shrouded Hills, you will be attacked on sight if you return there.
  • Enemy of Tarant. Because of your cold hearted killing of guards and citizens in Tarant, you will be attacked on sight if you return there.
  • Enemy of Ashbury. Because of your cold hearted killing of guards and citizens in Ashbury, you will be attacked on sight if you return there.
  • Enemy of Black Root. Because of your cold hearted killing of guards and citizens in Black Root, you will be attacked on sight if you return there.
  • Enemy of Caladon. Because of your cold hearted killing of guards and citizens in Caladon, you will be attacked on sight if you return there.
  • Enemy of Dernholm. Because of your cold hearted killing of guards and citizens in Dernholm, you will be attacked on sight if you return there.
  • Enemy of the Wheel Clan. For admitting to the murder of Loghaire Thunder Stone, you have become the sworn enemy of every dwarf in the Wheel Clan.
  • Enemy of Tulla. You have brought the wrath of every citizen of Tulla upon yourself.
  • Enemy of T'sen-Ang. Should you enter T'sen-Ang again, you should be prepared for a violent end.
  • Kerghan's Apprentice.  Because you have joined Kerghan, you are despised by most everyone.
  • Owner of the Bates Mansion. As the purchaser of the famed Bates Mansion, the people of Tarant have slightly more respect for you than they did before.
  • Liberator of Maug Maulman. Because you killed T'val Nor and broke the spell that was enslaving the Half Ogres of T'sen-Ang, you have earned their friendship, and the enemity of T'sen-Ang.
  • Winner of the Ancient Game.
  • The Most Honored Dialectician in the Known Universe. Because you have convinced Kerghan to turn from his diabolical plan, you are seen as the most skilled negotiator in the history of Arcanum.
  • Companion of a Fair Lady. Because the Lady Druella has joined your party, you benefit from a temporary increase in your Beauty and Charisma when dealing with others.
  • Master of Conveyance. All spells from this college now require half of the normal effort to cast.
  • Master of Divination. All spells from this college now require half of the normal effort to cast.
  • Master of Air. All spells from this college now require half of the normal effort to cast.
  • Master of Earth. All spells from this college now require half of the normal effort to cast.
  • Master of Fire. All spells from this college now require half of the normal effort to cast.
  • Master of Water. All spells from this college now require half of the normal effort to cast.
  • Master of Force. All spells from this college now require half of the normal effort to cast.
  • Master of Mental Magick. All spells from this college now require half of the normal effort to cast.
  • Master of Meta Magick. All spells from this college now require half of the normal effort to cast.
  • Master of Morph Magick. All spells from this college now require half of the normal effort to cast.
  • Master of Nature. All spells from this college now require half of the normal effort to cast.
  • Master of Black Necromancy. All spells from this college now require half of the normal effort to cast.
  • Master of White Necromancy. All spells from this college now require half of the normal effort to cast.
  • Master of Phantasm. All spells from this college now require half of the normal effort to cast.
  • Master of Summoning. All spells from this college now require half of the normal effort to cast.
  • Master of Temporal Magick. All spells from this college now require half of the normal effort to cast.
  • Bow Master of Arcanum. Your skill with a bow is unmatched.
  • Dodge Master of Arcanum. You have been trained by Adkin Chambers in Mastery of the Dodge.
  • Melee Master of Arcanum. Your skill in melee combat is supreme.
  • Throwing Master of Arcanum. Training with Clarissa Shalmo has made you the throwing Master.
  • Gambling Master of Arcanum.
  • Haggle Master of Arcanum. Your dealings with J.M. Morat have gained you the title of Haggle Master.
  • Persuasion Master of Arcanum. Your reputation for oratory and negotiation is legendary.
  • Master Healer. Since you were trained by Kal-N'driel in Quintarra, you are respected and admired there and favorably regarded in all other major cities.
  • Repair Master of Arcanum. Your brilliance with technological things is widely acclaimed.
  • Firearms Master of Arcanum. Your skill with firearms is unmatched.
  • Master Locksmith of Arcanum. Your understanding of locking mechanisms is unsurpassed in Arcanum.
  • Trap Master of Arcanum. Surviving Daniel McPherson's training has earned you fame and recognition as a Master of arming and disarming traps.

List of Blessings in Arcanum

Blessings and curses are permanent except in the case of altar-based ones which are overwritten (Lesser overwritten by Greater overwritten by Velorien).

  • Arbalah's Blessing. For returning Arbalah's sacred artifact to him, you have been given his blessing. [Reaction +5]
  • Gypsy Blessing. For helping Madame Toussaude, you received a gypsy blessing. [Charisma +1]
  • Priestess Brigitte has blessed you for returning the Idol of Geshtianna. [Beauty +1] [link]
  • Those who wear the Jewel of Hebe are blessed with many admirers. [Beauty +2, Charisma +1] [link]
  • Blessing of Ter'el, god of Wisdom. Because you have made an offering to the god Ter'el, you receive his blessing. [Perception +1, Bow +1] [link] [Offering: Li'tani]
  • Blessing of Makaal, god of the Hunt. Because you have made an offering to the god Makaal, you receive his blessing. [Dexterity +1] [link] [Offering: Heartstone]
  • Blessing of Alberich, the Stone god. Because you have made an offering to the god Alberich, you receive his blessing. [Strength +1] [link] [Offering: Lava Rock]
  • Blessing of Geshtianna, goddess of Love. Because you have made an offering to the goddess Geshtianna, you receive her blessing. [Beauty +1] [link] [Offering: Passion Root]
  • Blessing of Halcyon, god of Truth. You have completed the First Circle, that of Goodness. Therefore you receive the blessing of Halcyon. [Willpower +2, Perception +2, Heal +4, Spot Traps +4] [link] [Offering: Olive Branch]
  • Blessing of Torg, god of the Ogre Heart. Because you have made an offering to the god Torg, you receive his blessing. [Constitution +1] [link] [Offering: Ruby]
  • Blessing of Bolo, god of Thieves. Because you have made an offering to the god Bolo, you receive his blessing. [Pick Pocket +4, Pick Locks +4] [link] [Offering: Ring]
  • Blessing of Kerlin, the Golden God. Because you have made an offering to the god Kerlin, you receive his blessing. [Persuasion +4, Haggle +4] [link] [Offering: Mnura Coin]
  • Blessing of Shakar, god of War. Because you have made an offering to the god Shakar, you receive his blessing. [Melee +4, Dodge +4] [link] [Offering: Bone Dagger, Bone Butcher]Blessing of Moorindal, god of Shadows. You have completed the Second Circle, that of Evil. Therefore you receive the blessing of Moorindal, God of Shadow. [Backstab +8, Melee +4, Crit Hit +10, Prowling +4] [link] [Offering: Black Diamond]
  • Blessing of Kai'tan, god of Balance. You have completed the Third Circle, that of Nuetrality.  Therefore you receive the blessing of Kai'tan. [Charisma +1, Beauty +1, Bow +4] [link] [Offering: Geode]
  • Velorien's Blessing of Ultimate Power! You have joined the Three Circles, and offered your life to Velorien, the All-Father. Therefore, you receive his blessing of Ultimate Power! [Max HPs +100, Max Fatigue +100, Dexterity +4, Melee +12, Dodge +12, Persuasion +12, Pick Pocket +12, Firearms +12, DR +30, MR +30] [link] [Offering: PC]

List of Curses in Arcanum

  • Gypsy Blood Curse. For killing Madame Toussaude, you have received an ancient gypsy blood curse. [Charisma -2]
  • Stringy Pete's Curse of Pestilence! For killing Molly Williamson, you have received the evil curse of Stringy Pete! Your body feels weaker, almost as if you were diseased. [Constitution -1, Strength -1, Dexterity -1, Beauty -1]
  • Curse of Ter'el! Because you have made an offering to the god Bolo without the protection of Moorindal, you receive the curse of Ter'el, god of Wisdom. [Perception -1, Bow -4]
  • Curse of Makaal! Because you have made an offering to the god Torg without the protection of Moorindal, you receive the curse of Makaal, god of the Hunt. [Dexterity -1]
  • Curse of Alberich! Because you have made an offering to the god Shakar without the protection of Moorindal, you receive the curse of Alberich, the Stone God. [Strength -1]
  • Curse of Geshtianna! Because you have made an offering to the god Kerlin without the protection of Moorindal, you receive the curse of Geshtianna, goddess of Love. [Beauty -1]
  • Curse of Halcyon! You have recieved the curse of Halcyon!
  • Curse of Torg! Because you have made an offering to the god Makaal wihtout the protection of Halcyon, you receive the curse of Torg, god of the Ogre Heart. [Constitution -1]
  • Curse of Bolo! Because you have made an offering to the god Ter'el without the protection of Halcyon, you receive the curse of Bolo, god of Thieves. [Pick Pocket -4, Pick Locks -4]
  • Curse of Kerlin! Because you have made an offering to the god Geshtianna without the protection of Halcyon, you receive the curse of Kerlin, the Golden God.
  • [Haggle -4, Persuasion -4]
  • Curse of Shakar! Because you have made an offering to the god Alberich without the protection of Halcyon, you receive the curse of Shakar, god of War. [Melee -4, Dodge -4]

The Journal of Gilbert Bates

The Tarantian

The Pagan Gods of Arcanum

Aldous T. Buxington III lore-based dialogue:

Ancient diagram on the wall of 24 University Court:

The Pagan Gods of Arcanum  by Aldous T. Buxington III (click & mousewheel to browse):












Experience point progression

  • {1}{0}
  • {2}{2100}
  • {3}{4600}
  • {4}{7700}
  • {5}{11400}
  • {6}{15500}
  • {7}{20300}
  • {8}{25600}
  • {9}{31600}
  • {10}{38300}
  • {11}{45600}
  • {12}{53600}
  • {13}{62400}
  • {14}{71900}
  • {15}{82200}
  • {16}{93300}
  • {17}{105300}
  • {18}{118200}
  • {19}{132000}
  • {20}{146700}
  • {21}{162500}
  • {22}{179300}
  • {23}{197200}
  • {24}{216300}
  • {25}{236500}
  • {26}{257900}
  • {27}{280600}
  • {28}{304600}
  • {29}{330000}
  • {30}{356800}
  • {31}{385100}
  • {32}{414900}
  • {33}{446300}
  • {34}{479500}
  • {35}{514300}
  • {36}{551000}
  • {37}{589500}
  • {38}{630000}
  • {39}{672500}
  • {40}{717100}
  • {41}{764000}
  • {42}{813100}
  • {43}{864600}
  • {44}{918500}
  • {45}{975000}
  • {46}{1034200}
  • {47}{1096200}
  • {48}{1161100}
  • {49}{1229000}
  • {50}{1300000}
  • {51}{1380000}

List of Arcanum Story States

  • 0. Having been given the strange ring by Preston Radcliffe, you are currently attempting to find its owner.
  • 1. It seems that you must find and speak to someone at P. Schuyler and Sons, whose company name is inscribed on the ring.
  • 2. Currently, you are attempting to find out more about an individual named Gilbert Bates.
  • 3. Having killed Gilbert Bates, you are still searching for the location of the Black Mountain Clan.
  • 4. Now that you know the location of the Black Mountain Clan, you need to search their mines for clues concerning their disappearance.
  • 5. Because of the clues you found at the Black Mountain Clan, you are searching for the location of the Isle of Despair.
  • 6. Having obtained the location of the Isle of Despair, you must journey there to further investigate the disappearance of the Black Mountain Clan.
  • 7. Finding no trace of the Black Mountain Clan on the Isle of Despair, you must travel to the Wheel Clan in order to find out what may have befallen them.
  • 8. Your adventures in the Wheel Clan have shown you there is a deeper mystery concerning the fate of the Black Mountain Clan.  You must find Qintarra, ancestral home of the elves, in order to investigate the matter further.
  • 9. Having found out the location of Qintarra, you must travel there and speak with someone concerning the elves' apparent role in the disappearance of the Black Mountain Clan.
  • 10. It seems that an individual named Renford A. Terwilliger might be helpful in finding out exactly what is happening.
  • 11. After finding that Renford A. Terwilliger is dead, you need to obtain a copy of the book he wrote, "Horror Among the Dark Elves".
  • 12. You've discovered that there is one remaining copy of "Horror Among the Dark Elves", and that it resides in Caladon with Victor Misk.
  • 13. You've discovered that there is one remaining copy of "Horror Among the Dark Elves", and that it resides in Caladon, with Victor Misk.
  • 14. Having read "Horror Among the Dark Elves", you've discovered the location of T'sen-Ang, home of the Dark Elves.  It seems you must travel there.
  • 15. Events in T'sen-Ang have uncovered the machinations of Arronax.  You need to find out as much about him as possible.
  • 16. It seems that your answers lie with Nasrudin, a legendary elf who died almost 2000 years ago.  You need to find out as much about him as possible.
  • 17. Investigation of the remains of Nasrudin have led you to conclude that he was not buried in Caladon.  The island of Thanatos seems the next logical place to search for his remains.
  • 18. You need to find the fabled Vendigroth device, located somewhere in the deadly Vendigroth Wastes.
  • 19. Having retrieved the Vendigroth Device, you need to travel as quickly as possible to the Ring of Brodgar.
  • 20. As you've been banished to the Void, you need to find Arronax and confront him.
  • 21. Having been banished to the Void, you need to discover exactly what is going on.
  • 22. It seems that Arronax was not the ultimate evil that everyone had feared.  It is Kerghan the Terrible, first of the Dark Necromancers, who you must pit yourself against.
  • 23. You need to seek out the fabled Kryggird's Falchion, a powerful weapon that might help you in the final battle.
  • 24. Having finished the game, it seems you've figured out a way to prolong your role-playing experience.  Good Luck to you!

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