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Arcanum, QINTARRA: Part XXII


Qintarra Location

Qintarra is an elven community situated in the Glimmering Forest, west of the Stonewall Mountain Range.  Qintarra is accessed via Hardin's PassGaylin in Shrouded Hills or Myrth in Stillwater can mark Qintarra on the Arcanum map.

Qintarra, the great elven tree-city, lay within the towering trees at the end of the clearing, hanging like a cut jewel in the crown of a king. The Mother Tree, almost 400 feet tall, housed the intricately carved Hall of Truth, which shone white and smooth in the noonday sun. Impossibly thin walkways wove in and out of the boughs of the great tree, not taking away from its natural beauty, but adding to it, as if the city were merely a convenient and beautiful tangle of leaves and branches, tattooed with the flowing runes and symbols in the ancient elven tongue. And among these, the graceful and lithe forms of the elves, singing their beautiful songs and looking down upon the rag-tag group of men with curiosity and amusement. - T'sen-Ang: Horror Among the Dark Elves.

This post covers the plot-critical aspect of Qintarra; the next post covers its optional sidequests.

Why are we in Qintarra? We're looking to find the elves responsible for banishing the Black Mountain Clan. We're on story state 9:

Having found out the location of Qintarra, you must travel there and speak with someone concerning the elves' apparent role in the disappearance of the Black Mountain Clan.

Qintarra Entrance

To enter Qintarra, we need to speak to the elf standing guard under the canopy:

Raven Arcanum

Once in the tree-tops, you may want to immediately pickpocket Fawn for the Amulet of K'an-el. Then, we can make our way to Raven who is standing outside the Silver Lady's sanctum.

In order to gain admittance to the sanctum, Raven wants us to convince human surveyors to leave the elven holy ground known as Falcon's Ache.

Raven marks our world map with its location:

Falcon's Ache Arcanum

At Falcon's Ache, to the south a little, we come across a camp of surveyors led by William Bench. Once we've bluffed our way through the conversation, this is the most important selection:

[6,400 XP]. If we attack the surveyors on elven holy ground, we die.

Silver Lady Arcanum

Having been granted admittance to the sanctum by Raven, we ask the Silver Lady about the Black Mountain Clan and M'in Gorad:

However, her responses are cryptic and Raven needs to interpret them.

First paragraph: Visions of BMC. Second paragraph: Visions of M'in Gorad, the Dark Elf.

What it comes down to: locate Renford A. Terwilliger in Tarant and learn about M'in Gorad by locating the village of the Dark Elves.

Story state 10: It seems that an individual named Renford A. Terwilliger might be helpful in finding out exactly what is happening.

Raven can't be recruited until post T'sen-Ang, after speaking with M'in Gorad about the fate of the BMC, and the gate for Arronax.

At this point, you may like to complete the sidequests in Qintarra.

Renford A. Terilliger Resting Place

Back in Tarant, if we ask people about R.A. Terwilliger, they advise us to check out the cemetary or Hall of Records located on East End Ave.

Yep, Terwilliger is dead. More on that below.

Perriman Smythe

If we head to the nearby Willoughsby residence at 19 Pickwick Alley, we can recruit Perriman Smythe into the party.

Edward Willoughsby

But not only that, we find that Edward Willoughsby, Chairman of the Tarantian Industrial Council, a 45th level gnome noble, has finally returned to Tarant from the city of Caladon.

Conveniently, Willoughsby is headed to the City Hall located on East End ave., which is also the location of the Hall of Records. The Willoughsby quest is aquired in the Hall of Records, but is covered in Master Persuasion. At the point we speak to Willoughsby in the Hall of Records, we should also ask about "The Boil", which I'll cover in a separate post as well [to be updated].

Once at city hall, head downstairs to the Hall of Records and request the clerk locate the obituary of Renford A. Terwilliger [3,100 XP]. This information can also be retrieved from a locked filing cabinet in the records room, which itself is locked.

Story state 11: After finding that Renford A. Terwilliger is dead, you need to obtain a copy of the book he wrote, "Horror Among the Dark Elves".

Curse of T'sen-Ang by Kendrick Wales

Our next stop is the Library of Tarant located around the corner at 15 University Crt. Instead of Terwilliger's T'sen-Ang: Horror Among the Dark Elves, the librarian has a copy of Curse of T'sen-Ang by Kendrick Wales

In short, Curse of T'sen-Ang reveals that the only surviving owner of T'sen-Ang: Horror Among the Dark Elves is Victor Misk of Caladon. Thus, is the location of the city of Caladon finally marked on our world map! See: Caladon Arcanum.

Story state 12: You've discovered that there is one remaining copy of "Horror Among the Dark Elves", and that it resides in Caladon with Victor Misk.

How to get to Caladon

Reading The Curse of T'sen-Ang by Kendrick Wales marks Caladon on the world map.

How to get to Roseborough

Bigham Schulefest at the Caladon cemetery can mark Roseborough on the world map.

How to get to T'sen-Ang

Reading T'sen-Ang: Horror Among the Dark Elves found in Phillip Misk's grave located in the Roseborough cemetary marks T'sen-Ang on the world map.

cRPG Blog 8. Thieves' Guild Arcanum 17. Ashbury Arcanum
ARCANUM (Index)9. Cassandra Pettibone 18. Isle of Despair
1. Arcanum Walkthrough 10. Gilbert Bates 19. Wheel Clan Arcanum
2. Shrouded Hills Arcanum 11. Garringsburg Heist 20. Durin Stone Arcanum
3. Bessie Toone Mine 12. Madam Toussaude 21. Stillwater Arcanum
4. Jongle Dunne 13. Ancient Maze 22. Qintarra Arcanum
5. Doc Roberts Arcanum 14. Dernholm Arcanum 23. Bedokaan Village
6. Amulet of N'Tala 15. Black Root Arcanum 24. Persuasion Master Arcanum
7. Tarant Arcanum 16. Black Mountain Mines 25. Caladon Arcanum (to the end)

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