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Arcanum: Durin Stone: Part XX

Wheel Clan Side Quests

This post covers the side quests on offer at the Wheel Clan. These are acquired in its urban section in which there is an inn and various merchants at our disposal as well. Only the quests offered by Vegard and Arvid can be completed within the Wheel Clan; the other two require exploration of other locations in Arcanum.

Vegard Moltenflow

Vegard Moltenflow requests that we retrieve a family heirloom in the Dredge:

Toy Train

The key he mentions is found on the ground in the Dredge (near the Grey King werewolf, on Loghaire's side of the Dredge), and the Toy Train is found in a chest in a locked chamber of the Dredge (in the heart of the Dredge):

[6,400 XP, Good +2, Miner's Helmet]


Note: These Mines are not part of the Dredge dungeon.

Arvid Millstone

Dwarven Foreman Arvid Millstone can be found beneath the forked entrance to the Wheel Clan. He requests that we slay a colony of crystalline spiders nearby.

3x Molten Arachnid, 4x 7th level Widower, 2x 30th level Dread Crystal Spider, 1x 40th level Dread Crystal Spider, 5x 30th level Shadow Crawler, 3x 7th level Greater Spider, 2x 7th level Seether.

Destroyer of the Dread Crystal Spider

[8,500 XP, Good +30Reputation: Destroyer of the Dread Crystal Spider]

Thrayne Iron Heart

Thrayne Iron Heart tells us a little of the Dwarves' isolation from the outside world:

We also learn that the subject of Dwarven women is a sensitive one:

Assuming we didn't provoke Thrayne in such a grievous manner, he requests that we locate his brother, Erland, who is currently located in the Stonecutter Clan mines:

Stonecutter Clan Mines

Thrayne Iron Heart of the Wheel Clan can mark the Stonecutter Clan on the world map.

The Stonecutter mines are infested with the following undead: 9x 12th level Putrid Walker, 10x 22nd level Gore Guard, 25th level Black Defiler, 5x 15th level Black Defiler Slave, 20th level Undead Knight (summon).

The Disintegrate spell (it causes the victim to breakdance):

Erland Iron Heart

Erland Iron Heart is found holed up in a chamber to the north. He gives us a key to a locked door in the storage room to the south, which leads to a passageway that takes us to a necromancer's lab.

[6,400 XP, Good +8]

Inside the lab, we face off against a 30th level Bludgeoner which is highly resistant to the Harm spell. Since it drops no loot, I simply cast Disintegrate.

On a desk, we find a Medallion of Dark Magicks, Ring of Dark Magicks and Necromizer schematic.

Journal of Kerghan the Terrible

We also find the journal of Kerghan the Terrible, the Great Necromancer, who was the first dark necromancer. His "death" or banishment to the Void was the reason the ancient Order of the Dead were formed (Derian Ka), for whom the Molochean Hand were once assassins.

Kerghan was the first human Wizard to stand on the Elven Council. He wanted to prove that he was as well versed in the Old Magicks as the Elves. He believed he had the support of Nasrudin, but not of Arronax. In solitary research, he learned how to raise the dead, speak with them and command them to do his bidding: necromancy. When Arronax discovered his experiments and informed the Council, Kerghan was sentenced to death and banished to the Void.

Other loot: Quality Axe, Machined Hammer, Mithril Ore x1, Dwarven Ore x2.

The Durin Stone

Erick Obsidian

Back at the Wheel Clan, Erick Obsidian requests that we retrieve the Durin Stone from the lost burial ground of the ancient Iron Clan:

(A blatant reference to the legendary Tolkien Dwarf, Durin the Deathless.)

Schematic for the Key to the Iron Clan Chest

Erick gives us an ancient schematic with which to assemble the Key to the Iron Clan Chest

Heartstone & Mithril Ore

To assemble the Key to the Iron Clan Chest, we require a Heartstone and some Mithril Ore. The Heartstone is found after we reach Qintarra: on the ground north of the pit in the Bedokaan Village. Mithril Ore is purchased from the Wheel Clan smith.

Ancient Iron Chest

This key opens the Ancient Iron Chest that is being exhibited in the Zoological Society located at 93 East End Ave., Tarant. The chest is holding 3x Ancient Drums and a Map to the Place of Lost Voices.

Ancient Iron Machine

In the Place of Lost Voices, we eventually come upon an Ancient Iron Machine that is missing parts. 

Place the drums into quickslots and then add the drums to the machine. 

Book of Durin's Truth

The machine should activate and tell you to find the Book of Durin's Truth, which can be found in a display case at the Misk Residence located at 9 Gray Wolf Terrace, city of Caladon

Iron Clan Entrance: Ancient Iron Device

The Book of Durin's Truth reveals the location of the entrance to the Iron Clan...

... but to gain entry we need the glass key that is being held in one of Hadrian's display cases in the First Panarii Temple located at Dragon's Turnabout, Caladon.

Durin Stone Location

The Durin Stone is found in the Iron Clan located in the Stonewall Ranges, north of Shrouded Hills. Put the glass key in a quickslot, use it on the Ancient Iron Device, drop down the mechanical stairwell, slay the Iron Clan Guardian Automatons, and loot the barrels for the Durin Stone, Iron Clan Hammer and Iron Clan Armor.

Deliver the Durin Stone to Erick Obsidian at the Wheel Clan.


There is a beautiful Olive Tree growing in the subterranean gardens of the Wheel Clan:

We can collect one of its branches and offer it to the gods.

Altar to Alberich, Stone God of the Dwarves

Blessing of Alberich

Blessing of Alberich, the Stone godBecause you have made an offering to the god Alberich, you receive his blessing. [Strength +1] [Offering: Lava Rock]

Aptitude-based reactivity as regards merchants

As mentioned when we reached Tarant, tech-based merchants refuse to deal with us if our magickal aptitude is too high, and magick-based merchants refuse to deal with us if our technological aptitude is too high.




What that means is: even though I could have possibly taken advantage of the items offered by the inventor and blacksmith (for my companions), I'm unable to because my Magickal Aptitude is too high (I'm a Mage).

cRPG Blog 8. Thieves' Guild Arcanum 17. Ashbury Arcanum
ARCANUM (Index)9. Cassandra Pettibone 18. Isle of Despair
1. Arcanum Walkthrough 10. Gilbert Bates 19. Wheel Clan Arcanum
2. Shrouded Hills Arcanum 11. Garringsburg Heist 20. Durin Stone Arcanum
3. Bessie Toone Mine 12. Madam Toussaude 21. Stillwater Arcanum
4. Jongle Dunne 13. Ancient Maze 22. Qintarra Arcanum
5. Doc Roberts Arcanum 14. Dernholm Arcanum 23. Bedokaan Village
6. Amulet of N'Tala 15. Black Root Arcanum 24. Persuasion Master Arcanum
7. Tarant Arcanum 16. Black Mountain Mines 25. Caladon Arcanum (to the end)

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