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HARDINESS: Baldur's Gate 2, BG2

Hardiness BG2

In Baldur's Gate 2, Hardiness is a high level ability or BG2 HLA that is available to warriors such as Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian and Monk.

Hardiness stacks with other damage resistance BG2 sources as well as erroneously with itself above 100%, meaning the combat unit can become immune to slashing, crushing, piercing and missile damage.

Along with Greater Whirlwind Attack and Critical Strike, Hardiness is the best warrior HLA.

Calling upon hidden reserves of strength during times of danger, a warrior can use the Hardiness ability to gain 40% resistance to all forms of physical damage. The ability lasts for 1 round for every 2 levels of the warrior.

Wish for Imperviousness (party-wide Hardiness):

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