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Jhor the Bleeder Baldur's Gate 2

Jhor the Bleeder is a BG2 best weapon in BioWare's cRPG of 2000, Baldur's Gate 2. This is an upgraded Dagger of Venom BG1 because it inflicts +base dmg, +poison damage and is also no-save.

Indeed, a single hit from Jhor the Bleeder results in  2d4 +2 + 19 poison dmg whereas DoV inflicts 1d4 +2 + 15 poison dmg (save vs. Death) and Gnasher BG2 inflicts 1d6 +2 + 9 piercing (no-save). 

However, DoV can be acquired early in BG1 and Gnasher can be acquired early in BG2, whereas JtB can't be acquired until the Underdark of BG2. In addition, clubs and daggers can be wielded by more classes and companions than bastard swords, because clubs and daggers are "simple" weapons.

Dual-wield BG2 with Belm BG2 off-hand at 10 ApR from Improved Haste BG2.

Jhor the Bleeder Stats

THAC0 +2, 2D4 +2 slashing, on-hit no-save 2 points of poison damage per round for nine rounds (stacks).

  • 2 extra hit points damage every round, until 10 hit points of damage done
  • THAC0: +2 bonus 
  • Damage: 2D4 + 2
  • Damage type: slashing
  • Weight: 7
  • Speed Factor: 6
  • Weapon Proficiency BG2: Bastard sword
  • Type: 1-handed
  • Requires: 11 Strength
  • Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief

Jhor the Bleeder Item Code

The item code for Jhor the Bleeder is SW1H38.

Jhor the Bleeder Lore

This blade belonged to Ho Mang, a traveler from Kara-Tur who accepted dubious service at court throughout Faerun. Skilled in "persuasion", he would use this sword to perform the "Death Of A Thousand Cuts", an ancient ritual from his homeland involving a lengthy series of small, painful incisions. The properties of the blade prevent blood from clotting, and the victim slowly bleeds to death. The sword was stolen, and its whereabouts have been a mystery until now.

Best Weapons BG2 IMoD BG2 Carsomyr BG2 Silver Sword BG2 Ravager BG2
Flail of Ages BG2 Gnasher BG2 Staff of the Magi Staff of the Ram BG2Axe of the Unyielding
Celestial Fury BG2 Tuigan BG2 Crom Faeyr BG2 Ixil's Spike BG2 Stonefire BG2
Belm BG2 Blackrazor BG2 Foebane BG2 Spectral Brand BG2 Jhor the Bleeder BG2

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