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Axe of the Unyielding Baldur's Gate 2

Axe of the Unyielding is a BG2 best weapon in BioWare's cRPG of 2000, Baldur's Gate 2. The Axe of the Unyielding is our greatest gift to Korgan BG2.

Most notably, AotU ultimately sports +5 enchantment, regeneration and on-hit vorpal BG2.

The axe is best dual-wielded with Belm BG2 at 10 ApR from Improved Haste, though at times Shield of Harmony may be preferred.

The on-hit vorpal can decapitate Maraliths at the Throne. If it happens, it's awesome. Bypassing deep HP pools with vorpal is FUN. AotU is the most impressive axe on the Infinity Engine after the Massive Greataxe of Flame.

Note that its 3 HPs regen will stack with regen conferred by the Ring of Gaxx BG2.

Pre-upgrade, AotU isn't better than Stonefire or Frostreaver, BOTH of which can be acquired in Chapter Two with much less bother. That's because +2 fire or +1 cold/+1 acid are so much more helpful than AC +1 and low regen rate. Fire and acid kills trolls, for example. And any elemental damage can potentially inflict spellcaster disruption through Stoneskin.

Of course, Flail of Ages BG2 and Celestial Fury BG2 are much better than all three, overall. Still, it's nice to have few decent axes to pass around in the party, isn't it.

Axe of the Unyielding Stats

The stats for the Axe of the Unyielding are THAC0 +3, 1d8 +3 slashing, Speed Factor: 4, AC +1regen 1 HP/round. For the upgraded Axe of the Unyielding, the stats are THAC0 +5, 1d8 +5 slashing, Speed Factor: 2, AC +1, regen 3 HPs/round, Con +1, on-hit 10% save vs. Death at -4 or VORPAL.

  • Improves AC by 1
  • User regenerates 3 hp/round
  • Increase user's constitution by +1
  • 10% chance of instantly killing an opponent by decapitation with each successful attack
  • THAC0: +5 bonus
  • Damage: 1D8 +5
  • Damage type: slashing
  • Weight: 5
  • Speed Factor: 2
  • Weapon Proficiency BG2: Axe
  • Type: 1-handed
  • Requires: 10 Strength
  • Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief

Axe of the Unyielding Item Code

The item codes for the Axe of the Unyielding are AX1H14 [+3] and AX1H15 [+5].

Axe of the Unyielding Description

This axe was last seen in the gnarled fists of Glimred Heavyhand, an aging dwarven hero who disappeared in the deepest caverns beneath the Marching Mountains.

Enhanced by the magic of the Baalor's Claw, the Axe of the Unyielding is now the most fearsome of weapons - a vorpal edged axe capable of severing an opponents head with a single blow.

Axe of the Unyielding Location

The Axe of the Unyielding is found on the corpse of the minotaur, Rock, on the fourth level of Watcher's Keep (as early as Chapter Two). Once in ToB, the Baalor's Claw (COMPON04) is looted from the corpse of the fire giant, Berenn, in Yaga Shura's Lair in the Marching Mountains. The axe is then upgraded by Cespenar in the Pocket Plane.

Best Weapons BG2 IMoD BG2 Carsomyr BG2 Silver Sword BG2 Ravager BG2
Flail of Ages BG2 Gnasher BG2 Staff of the Magi Staff of the Ram BG2Axe of the Unyielding
Celestial Fury BG2 Tuigan BG2 Crom Faeyr BG2 Ixil's Spike BG2 Stonefire BG2
Belm BG2 Blackrazor BG2 Foebane BG2 Spectral Brand BG2 Jhor the Bleeder BG2

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