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Archer Cleric Dual-class, Baldur's Gate 2

Archer Cleric Build BG2

Archer Cleric is a BG2 Best Class in BioWare's cRPG of 2000, Baldur's Gate 2. This build dual-classes Archer BG2 kit into Cleric BG2.

In the original BG2, Archers can dual-class to Cleric in two ways:

Archer (13) / Cleric  (36). Scouter, stat-draining Sniper, decoy summoner, big ranged damage dealer, Divine-based spellcaster.

Why go for Archer / Cleric? Presumably, because we like the idea of firing the Sling of Seeking with max Strength, max bullet dmg roll and cumulative on-hit debuffs.

Mode of operation is as follows: buff with Draw Upon Holy Might + Righteous Magic, activate Called Shot, and see what kills the victim quicker: raw damage or stat-drain. To our delight, this build also has access to full divine spellcasting for top-tier versatility and staying power.

Overview. Obvious 13th level warrior perks aside [1], 12 Archer levels grants us THAC0 +4/dmg +4 and Called Shot's on-hit cumulative Strength-drain for HP-bypassing stat-drain kills. Enemies first debuffed by Ray of Enfeeblement are dead meat.

The Cleric levels grant not only Turn Undead capping out at capability for demi-lich disruption but also access to divine circle spell range of 12-14-17-17-17-14-24 and divine circle spell slots of 12-12-11-12-10-8-6.

This allows for warding, healing, buffing, debuffing, immobilization, summoning, direct damage and passive stealth-based kills (Sanctuary + Globe of Blades).

Draw Upon Holy Might + Righteous Magic stack for 25 Strength which equals +14 dmg per hit. Righteous Magic also maxes the bullet damage roll (1d4 becomes 4 flat).

Once buffed with DUHM + RM, a newly dual-classed Archer 13 / Cleric 15 sports THAC0 -4 and is capable of inflicting 30 dmg hits and 60 dmg crits at 2½ ApR or 5 ApR under Improved Haste. ApR maxes out at 6 but with this kind of damage that's enough to quickly bore a hole through the guts of a dragon. Bring in Called Shot and the RoE debuff, and it drops like a fly.

[1] THAC0 +13 from warrior levels, THAC0 +1/dmg +2/ApR +½ from Specialization, ApR +1 from warrior 7th and 13th, full warrior HD from 9 warrior levels.

XP Cost. 1,500,000 for Archer 13th, 1,350,000 in downtime for Cleric 14th, 6,525,000 for Cleric 36th.

Chargen. Must be Human. Must be Lawful, Neutral or Chaotic Good. Must have at least 15 Strength and 17 Wisdom. Recommend 18/91-18-18-dump-18-dump. (Imports are 19-19-19-dump-21-dump). Recommend Grandmastery in Shortbow and Proficiency in Sling. Recommend Racial Enemy of Dragon, Vampire or Demon/Fell.

Leveling. Work from Archer 7th to 13th. Take Specialization in Sling at Archer 9th. Dual at Archer 13th and work to Cleric 14th. HLAs come at Cleric 22nd.

Weapon progression. Wield the early-itemized Tuigan BG2 shortbow from Archer 7th to 13th (+1 ApR over other ranged weapons). Then, wield the similarly early-itemized Sling of Seeking from Cleric 1st to 14th - and beyond (applies Strength modifier to damage for 30 dmg hits and 60 dmg crits). SoS is absolutely key. SoA itemizes +2 bullets and ToB itemizes +3 and +4 bullets (1d4+5). Elemental bullets are rare (Sunstone Bullets add +2 fire and can be found in the Temple Ruins and Watcher's Keep).

Item Progression. Key weapon wield aside, this is not a gear-dependent build concept or playstyle (we've got spells and we're a backrower). That said, Gauntlets of Extraordinary Specialization grants ApR +½ and White Dragon Scale (AC-2) erroneously does not disable our conventional stealth, which we can also augment with the Cloak of Non-Detection in order to stay hidden from divinations up to and including True Sight. It is notable that, when wielding slings on-hand, shields such as Shield of Harmony may be wielded off-hand. Everything else is par for the course.

Spells & HLAs. Ranger/Cleric multi- and dual-classes erroneously receive Druid spells above third circle. That means they boast of the greatest spell range possible in the Bhaalspawn Saga. 

The best divine spells for this build are Sanctuary, Armor of Faith, DUHM, Animate Dead, Freedom of Action, Death Ward, Negative Plane Protection, Righteous Magic, Insect Plague, Iron Skins, True Sight, Chaotic Commands, False Dawn, Blade Barrier, Nature's Beauty and Regeneration.

The best HLAs/Quest Spells are Summon Deva, Globe of Blades and Elemental Summoning.

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Archer Cleric dual-class Ranger Cleric dual-class Cleric Ranger multi-class Fighter Cleric multi-class

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