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Arcanum Remake

Arcanum Remake

Arcanum of Steamworks & Magick Obscura is a classic computer role-playing game developed by Troika in 2001.

Arcanum is one of the few historically significant cRPGs that has not been enhanced, remade or reddit RPG Game Remastered; that is, Arcanum has not yet been butchered, blasphemed and casualized.

Arcanum does not even need third-party patches or mods to be playable.

  • How did I write my Arcanum walkthrough based on the original if the original needs mods to be playable?
  • How is it that I am playing the original Arcanum in 2024 on Windows 10 and 11 if it doesn't work on 10 and 11?

I must be a towering genius for knowing how to run classic computer games on current-generation hardware and operating systems. Afterall, I don't even need GoG installers.

Let us hope that Arcanum is never enhanced, remade or remastered for the masses that do not even like cRPGs. The mutt-like mainstream hates real cRPGs, which they refer to as RPG Games. You must understand that. These people hate computer games so much that they call them VIDYA.

Let us also hope that a sequel to Arcanum never comes out. Indeed, let us be glad that Arcanum 2: Journey to the Center of Arcanum was never made, because it probably would have been a monumental disappointment.

And let us hope there is never a ToEE remake or sequel: Temple+ is all we "need". I put that in quotes because guess what:

I have played patch2 of ToEE on and off since 2003 -- for two decades. My ToEE review and 11 of my ToEE Builds are based on 2003 ToEE patch2. So please, don't try to tell me that ToEE is unplayable without fixes and mods.

And having said all of the above, why should I not go the whole nine yards: let us hope there is never another Fallout game ever again, even if it was to be made by the original Interplay crew of 1997.

And finally, to end on a high note, let us remember Oblivion With Guns.

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