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Arcanum: Best Gun, Hand Cannon, Gunslinger, Sammie White

Best Gun Arcanum

Hand Cannon is an Arcanum weapon in Troika's cRPG of 2001, Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura. As it pertains to stats, ease of acquisition and how much use it gets, the best gun in Arcanum is Sammie White's Hand Cannon.

With this unbelievable firearm, you've got a full arsenal you can hold in one hand!

  • Hand Cannon: Damage: 5-35
  • Hand Cannon Fatigue Damage: 1-10
  • Hand Cannon Speed: 8
  • Hand Cannon Range: 12
  • Hand Cannon Weight: 80 stone
  • Hand Cannon Minimum Strength Requirement: 5
  • Hand Cannon Ammo: Bullets Arcanum

Note that the Speed rating (which dictates AP expenditure) is dependent on the character's training in the Firearms skill. e.g., Appentice level Firearms confers a 5-point bonus to SR, which lowers the AP expenditure of firing the gun.

Hand Cannon Location

Upon reaching Tarant (very early in the campaign), gunslingers can Fate Point pick pocket Sammie White for the Hand Cannon. Sammie is a 40th level halfling standing around at Steamrail Station G: Kensington Park.

Hand Cannon Schematic

Hand Cannon schematic assembly requires Professor-level gun smithy, an Expertise score of 70 in gun smithy as well as Clarington Rifle and Fancy Pistol components.

Compare Arcanum Best Gun With Other Firearms

When comparing Hand Cannon with other firearms, keep in mind Hand Cannon's ease of acquisition in comparison to, say, Droch's Warbringer. While Droch's Warbringer is statistically the most lethal and powerful firearm, it cannot be acquired until great progress in the game has been made. Meanwhile, our Hand Cannon has carried us through most of the game and has served us well during the uphill battle, which is what counts. Thus does Hand Cannon inarguably overshadow DWB.

Elephant Gun is also comparable to Hand Cannon, but acquisition of the Elephant Gun requires Bedokaan Village progression or an 8-character-point investment for assembly (base Human NSB), whereas Hand Cannon costs just one lousy Fatepoint.

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