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Arcanum Races, best

Arcanum Races

The best race for Arcanum characters depends on the build and playstyle: Dwarves make for the best technologists, Elves the best Mages, Halflings the best Thieves and Half-Ogres the best hulk smash builds due to their Strength and damage resistance. Above pic: Elves are the best Race for Mages. Indeed, Elven Mages are Arcanum Best Build.

There are eight playable races in Arcanum. Race-based cRPG reactivity is both flavorsome and mechanical. As a rule, Humans and Half-Elves are liked the most in the gameworld; Half-Orcs and Half-Ogres the least.

Human Arcanum

Arcanum Humans have no special modifiers to their stats and abilities. Humans are the most populous and distributed race by far, having numerous cities and kingdoms throughout the world. They interact with the other races as much as the gnomes, and they interbreed with everything (hence, half-elves, half-ogres, and half-orcs). They are not inherently predisposed towards magick or technology, but they are the front-runners in the latest technological race. Being shorter-lived than most of the other races as well as fairly ingenious tinkerers, they are probably attracted to the quick return on investment that technology promises.

The good ol' generalist race. Can't go wrong. But you'll never be as good as a Dwarf when it comes to Technology, and you'll never be as good as an Elf when it comes to Magick.

Dwarf Arcanum

Arcanum Dwarves gain +1 strength, +1 constitution, +15% to Technological Aptitude and +2 ranks to all tech skills. The Dwarf suffers -1 charisma and dexterity and is hampered in throwing spells, finding that they cost twice as much to cast.  Dwarven males are short, stocky, bearded people. Although very wide and stout for their height, dwarves tend to be muscular and not fat. They are hard-working, prideful and focused almost to the point of being humorless, although most dwarves enjoy a good mead. Dwarves tend to be quick to judge and quick to anger. Dwarves dislike elves but are respectful to humans and gnomes.

Male only. Dwarves are born technologists, skillmonkeys and warriors. They suck as Mages.

Elf Arcanum

Arcanum Elves gain +1 dexteritywillpower and beauty and +15% to Magickal Aptitude but suffer -2 constitution and -1 strength and -2 ranks to all tech skills.  Elves are slender and pale, having a natural, exotic beauty that is the envy of the other races.  Elves are a philosophical race, the dreamers and poets of Arcanum. They prefer to live near forests and rivers, spending their time feasting, singing and talking. Elves can be rather arrogant to all other races, but they especially disdain dwarves.

Elves make good Mages. They suck as Techies.

Half-Elf Arcanum

Arcanum Half-elves gain +1 dexterity and beauty and +5% to Magickal Aptitude but lose 1 point of constitution and 1 rank to all tech skills. In build and appearance, Half-elves resemble their human parents more, but some half-elves possess the pointed ears and pale, delicate features associated with their elven parents. Half-elven personality ranges the entire gamut available to humans and elves, although most of them have a natural bent to their personality and enjoy spending time out-of-doors. Half-elves do not come across as arrogant to the other races and are generally well-liked by everyone.

Gnome Arcanum

Arcanum gnomes gain +2 willpower2 ranks of Haggle and +10 to any bad reaction, but suffer -2 points of constitution.  Gnomes are short with very big noses and while not usually overweight, they do tend to get pot-bellied in later years.  Gnomes tend to be a hard-working people.  They are equally at home in cities, underground or in the forest.  Since they get along well with most other races and because they love wealth, they tend to be merchants and traders. Like humans, they have little predisposition to either magick or technology. They can use either, but most often they choose to abstain from both.

Male only. Gnomes make for good Mages.

Halfling Arcanum

Arcanum Halflings gain +2 dexterity2 ranks of Prowling1 rank of Dodge and +5% critical hit chance, but then suffer -3 points of strength.  Halflings are short people, smaller even than gnomes and dwarves. They enjoy cooking and eating and tend to be overweight. They do not wear shoes, instead relying on their heavily-soled and hair-topped feet. This also means halflings can be very quiet when they want to be. Halflings are a quiet, rustic folk who tend not to dabble in either magick or technology, although nothing inherent prevents them from doing so. They are regarded as lazy by the other races, but despite this reputation, they are generally well liked.

Male only. Born to be Thieves. No surprises there. Good gunfighters, too.

Half-Orc Arcanum

Arcanum Half-orcs gain +1 constitution+1 strength2 ranks to both Melee and Dodge, and an extra 10% poison resistance, but lose 2 points of beauty and 2 points of charisma. Half-orcs are the progeny of orc and human parents, usually a male orc and an unwilling female human. This history makes half-orcs a despised segment of the human population. Most half-orcs can pass as full humans (albeit ugly ones), but they usually have some trait that identifies their orcish blood (upturned nose,  hairiness, foul temper) to the careful observer, and people usually discriminate against them when they discover their race. Half-orcs are quick-tempered and violent like their orcish parent. Some have learned to control their temper, but this usually means that instead of attacking immediately, they will plot revenge.

Half-Ogre Arcanum

Arcanum Half-ogres gain +4 strength and an extra 10% damage resistance but then lose 1 point of beauty4 points of intelligence and 2 ranks of Prowling. Half-ogres are half-human, half-ogre individuals, a seemingly rare combination. They tend to be large and heavy and thus cannot wear most armor or use certain technological items. In appearance, they resemble, but are not as violent as, their ogrish parents. They are slow to anger and tend to be gentle with smaller folk and if acting as bodyguards, they will defend their charges to the death. Due to their large size, they rarely face open discrimination in human cities.

Male only. Hulk smash. Note that Half-Ogre armor selection is limited in the early game.

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