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Arcanum Best Build

Arcanum Best Build

The best build in Arcanum is the Magick-based build that invests heavily into the Force, Fire and Conveyance colleges. Magick builds aka Mage Builds are also the best in Arcanum because Magick itemization is stronger than Tech itemization, and Mage gameplay is much easier than Tech gameplay. 

Along with Necromantic Black for Harm and Force for Disintegrate, you are going to want Fire for Fireflash and Agility of Fire, and Conveyance for Unlocking Cantrip and Teleportation. cf. Arcanum Best Spells.

Arcanum Best Build Foundation

For the best build in Arcanum, your first five points should be spent on acquiring Harm of Necromantic Black, Stun of Mental and Unlocking Cantrip of Conveyance. Choosing these spells gives you the ability to inflict non-trivial damage (which scales with magick aptitude), immobilize strong enemies (such as Stringy Pete) as well as deal with locked doors and chests which often impede exploration and treasure-hunting. In many ways, Magick is the shortcut through Arcanum.

Arcanum Best Build Progression

Per casting, Harm scales from 4-40 physical damage based on magick aptitude. A first level Elf OC (MA 40, Dex 9) inflicts 17 damage per spellcasting on single targets, and receives 3x spellcastings per turn.

A Dexterity score of 20 at maxed magick aptitude inflicts up to 40x8 damage per turn on single targets whereas Fireflash inflicts up to 45x8 fire damage per turn on each and every target caught within its fiery AoE.

And Disintegrate is our instant-death spell once 15th level is reached, inflicting up to 30,000x8 electrical damage per turn on single targets. Buffed with Hasten, the result is 14 spellcastings per turn. And buffed with Tempus Fugit as well, the result is 19 spellcastings per turn.

Number of character points gained before reaching Shrouded Hills: 5. Taking Hasten and Agility of Fire, Harm now inflicts 27x7 damage at 5th character level. That also means we can Stun seven enemies per turn.

You should also take Dominate Will and Reflection Shield if you want to break the game by being able to recruit almost any NPC or enemy into the party. Please refer to Arcanum companions for more info on that glitch.

The two Healing spells of Necromantic White are important (Minor and Major Healing). However, Virgil fulfills the healbot role already, and best builds always take Virgil. In addition, the Shaman Staff is easy to acquire and comes with built-in Major Healing.

Willpower and Dexterity should be maxed to 20 eventually. Only raise Willpower when its score unlocks the spells you want. In addition, it is best to raise Charisma and Persuasion in order to assemble a party and complete Persuasion Master Arcanum (though it is not necessary to branch into diplomat).

Note that the Intelligence score determines the number of spells that can be simultaneously active, which just concerns buffing and summoning spells. Thus, some investment in Intelligence can be useful though it really depends on spell choices and playstyle. That is, if you don't summon or feel the need for more than two sustains, you don't need to increase Intelligence by much, if at all.

Likewise, Constitution: its mana-pool benefits are not worth the investment. Investing 12 points into Con only grants +24 mana and increases Fatigue regen rate. I'd rather take more spells and instead rely on staffs and potions for mana.

Do NOT waste character points on Beauty, Strength (see encumbrance below) or any skill other than Persuasion. As a dedicated spellcaster, you do NOT need Dodge let alone Melee. Don't be frivolous and don't diversify or dilute the build outside of (perhaps) diplomacy. Stay ultra-focused on the arcane. Mages rule.

The goal is to reach 100% aptitude in magick because the effectiveness of some of the best spells scale with magick aptitude, as does the effectiveness of magick items. Magick aptitude is increased by spending character points on spells. You can also employ the Dark Helm.

By 20th level the Mage build should be more or less complete as it pertains to its main function of spellcasting: Willpower and Dexterity should have been maxed, and key spells should have been acquired. The level cap is 50.

Exact order of build progression depends on order of combat and questing within an open, non-linear gameworld. That is, exactly when character points are placed into this or that attribute or skill depends on context. Even if I told you exactly what to do and when to do it, your build would still end up being at a different stage of development than mine because combat XP, waylay frequency and random itemization cannot be controlled.

Don't spend character points as you get them, spend them as you need them. And if you have already spent your character points but need more in order to solve a problem or overcome a roadblock, you are going to need to quest in towns or farm overworld waylays for more character levels.

For more information on how to play a Magick-based character, consult my Arcanum Walkthrough, which was written from the perspective of a Mage-diplomat build.

Arcanum Best Build Items

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