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Arcanum: Random Encounters & Waylays

Arcanum Random Encounters & Waylays

As can be seen by Part III of my walkthrough, some quests in Arcanum - even unassuming starter ones - take us far and wide. That also means we must negotiate random encounters and waylays aka ambushes as we explore the Arcanum map.

Some waylays are scripted: a 10th level ruffian of the Molochean Hand ambushes us in the wilderness between Shrouded Hills and Tarant:

We looted his corpse for Leather Armor, Fine Steel Dagger and Molochean Hand Amulet (the same amulet we found on the ogre pilot, the elf assassin and the gnome assassin).

Agents of the Hand continue to waylay us on the overworld, and also scale to our level (as does their gear).

  • 6th level and under: there is only one agent (leather armor, fine steel dagger)
  • 10th level: can be up to 3 enemies, any combination of 5th level cloaked figure and a 10th level ruffian (robes, fine steel dagger, leather armor).
  • At high levels (20+), we are waylaid by "Dark Individuals" wielding scimitars and wearing magickal cloaks; or Dangerous Looking Men wielding quality swords and wearing Studded Leather Armor.

Arcanum Random Encounters

Arcanum random encounters can be frequent and brutal. For example, at 6th level, I encountered two 20th level Golden Bears en route to Shrouded Hills from Dernholm (they ripped my party to shreds); and en route to Tarant from Shrouded Hills I encountered no fewer than six waylays. It gets annoying. Save often.

Infinitely farmable, Arcanum random encounters become lucrative in terms of power progression and wealth accumulation; so much so, that power-gamers will ignore questing almost entirely as a facilitator of such.

This is one of the biggest mistakes Troika made in their design of Arcanum: combat-based XP far outstrips quest XP, and is much easier and quicker to farm than doing quests.

If you're struggling on the overworld, you can right-click in order to interrupt waypoint travel. Travel a bit, stop and save the game, travel a bit, stop and save the game. After gaining levels and equipment, the vast majority of waylays stop being too dangerous.

Generic, non-scripted waylays are random in their triggering and semi-random in their composition (what we have to fight). Some enemies only appear in certain regions and some enemies only appear with certain other enemies.

Arcanum Random Encounters Examples

Note the XP yield (assumes PC alone performs full damage + slay):

  • 1x first level Ailing Wolf: 192 XP
  • 1x third level Kite Warrior: 408 XP
  • 1x sixth level lycanthrope: 480 XP
  • 2x sixth level enraged boar: 960 XP
  • 1x Grizzly Bear: 1104 XP
  • 4x seventh level timber wolves: 2112 XP (easy as hell to beat)
  • 4x twelfth level Putrid Rodents: 3,456 XP (easiest XP gain ever)

Arcanum Vorpal Bunny Waylay

Other than the vorpal bunny (which can TPK us easily), the 25th level wererats are probably the nastiest; they hit like trucks.

1x fortieth level Vorpal Bunny: 4104 XP (wilderness between Shrouded Hills and Dernholm, PC ~20th level)

Stillwater Giant Waylay

The 30th level Stillwater Giant, after completing Myrth's quest in Stillwater:

Orc Waylay

8th level orc ringleader + 2x 5th level orc bandits (on the Morbihan Plains):

Loot: Sword + Red Barbarian Clothes (good for Gar).

Arronax Waylay

En route to or upon our arrival to the entrance of the Wheel Clan, we are waylaid by a mysterious apparition of 50th level:

This is just a scripted waylay that fires in order to introduce, Arronax. He demonstrates his power by slaying our party, but we are resurrected after he leaves.

Arronax was mentioned by Stennar Rock Cutter at the crash site ( "... He, of great power"), and also by the Panarii priest in Tarant.

Go back to Part IV of walkthrough.

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