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Arcanum BEST ARMOR Shields, Helmets, Gloves, Boots

Best Armor Arcanum

This is a list of the best Arcanum armors, shields, helmets, gloves and boots that I have so far covered. At present, the items are sorted into Magick, Tech and Neutral categories. I have listed the items in alphabetical order for now, but I'm going to categorize them in numerous ways in the future.

Note that, as it pertains to defense and survivability, damage resistance > armor class (AC). Note also that DR is modified by armor size. Thus, large armors for half-ogres have more DR than small armor for diminutive Arcanum races. However, this is offset by the fact that many armors do not come in the large size.

Magick and Tech optimal itemization comparison at Neutral aptitude and maxed Magick and Tech aptitudes:

The above infographic clearly shows that Magick items are better than Tech ones as it pertains to defense.

Each entry below tells you where to get the item, how to make it and quotes its stats.

Magical Armor Arcanum

Tech Armor Arcanum

Neutral Armor Arcanum

Arcanum Armor Stat Abbreviation Meaning

  • AC: Armor Class
  • FT: Fatigue Damage
  • DR: Damage Resistance
  • MR: Magic Resistance
  • FR: Fire Resistance
  • ER: Electrical Resistance
  • PR: Poison Resistance

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