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BG2 Improved GUI

BG2 Improved GUI

BG2 Improved GUI is a cRPG User Interface and engine mod for Baldur's Gate 2 and Baldur's Gate 1 running in the BG2 engine (Tutu, BGT, EE). BG2 Improved GUI is a great mod, overall. But unfortunately, BG2 Improved GUI 5.3 (the latest version) seems to have a couple of bugs on both Baldur's Gate 2 Original and Baldur's Gate 1 EasyTutu installations.

Note that BG2 Improved GUI is reliant on ToBEx BG2.

cf. Best BG2 Mods. The above infographic depicts a character from Tactics Mod BG2.

BG2 Improved GUI Bugs

  • Improved GUI 5.3 has a bug that did not occur in some earlier versions of the mod: the component THAC0 and Damage info on Inventory screen does NOT show off-hand THAC0, damage range and average damage in the space allotted to off-hand stats. In the above infographic, we can see that an older version of BG2 Improved GUI (5.1) is displaying off-hand stats. But 5.3 does not.
  • Also, Improved GUI does not report off-hand THAC0 stats on inventory screen when armor piercing strike of Spectral Brand  BG2 is activated.
  • Update on the above two comments: Actually, at least on the original BG2 engine, the component is a complete and utter broken mess after about v4.6.
  • In addition, the display of off-hand damage in the sidepanel is broken (component: Weapon Damage info on Record screen) in that it doesn't report the correct off-hand damage (the readout of the off-hand damage range is completely wrong: 0-0, 4-4, 9-9 etc. -- and yes, that is a Core rules readout).
  • Melf's Minute Meteors damage is also not calculated correctly.
  • Mouse-wheel scrolling doesn't work when reading item descriptions in vendor inventory mode.

The bugs occur in the following Original-game installations:

  • Pristine BG2: SoA & ToB installation patched to v2.5.26498
  • Pristine BG1 + TotSC patched to 5512 running in pristine BG2: SoA + ToB v2.5.26498 via Easytutu.

WeiDu Log

  • TobEx - Core: Beta 0025
  • Enable Animation Attack Sounds: Beta 0025
  • Make All Attack Animations Genuine Attacks: Beta 0025
  • Widescreen Mod -> for the original Infinity Engine: Widescreen Mod v3.07
  • Install Bigger fonts for Baldur's Gate 2: v0.1

BG2 Improved GUI WeiDu Log

  • Colorize icon of not memorized scrolls: 5.3
  • Hide 'Write magic' button for already known spells and for opposition schools: 5.3
  • Show Hit Points on NPC/ Party ('tab' pressed) -> All NPC + Party: 5.3
  • THAC0 and Damage info on Inventory screen -> Default background picture: 5.3
  • Weapon Damage info on Record screen: 5.3
  • Dark portraits on party when dragging not allowed item + Yellow Border if Char too far for Item Transfer: 5.3
  • Journal with folding quests -> Original text area (recommended): 5.3
  • Show Character's active effects on right mouse click -> Casted spells + show remaining time only for spells cast by Party (recommended): 5.3
  • Extended Items/ Quest/ Spell messages: 5.3
  • THAC0/ Saving throw/ Damage extended text -> Type of damage + THAC0 + Armor Class + Damage/ Saving throw calculation: 5.3
  • Highlight Active Zones/ Points -> Pushable actions + Information plates + Transitions/ Exits + Door Entrances/ Enters: 5.3
  • Fast Load/ Save Progress Bar Screen: 5.3
  • Innate/ Ability/ Spell Description Screen on Right Click (includes Icon/Item Abilities/ Tooltip fixes and Innate/ Ability text update by Prozh): 5.3
  • Disable Portrait Icons Added by Class Abilities/Equipped Items: 5.3
  • New Spell Selection Overlay Menu: 5.3
  • Additional Character Information on Record Screen (intoxication, fatigue, luck, casting speed, thac0 specialization bonus) -> Show always: 5.3

BG2 Improved GUI should be installed after 1PP, though it can be installed before 1PP if, and only if, the GUI modifications of 1PP are NOT being installed.

It would be nice if we could vertically extend the dialogue window / combat feedback window by more than just one-third of the screen. 100% would be great.

One nice tactical innovation in Icewind Dale 2 is that the player can use their Spellcraft skill in order to auto-identify spells as they are being cast and over the combat unit that is casting them.

While BG2 does not have the Spellcraft skill, it would be nice to have this feature in BG2 as well.

Baldur's Gate 2 OriginalTactics Mod BG2Baldur's Gate 1 Original
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ToBEx BG2BG2 Improved GUIDark Side of the Sword Coast
Ascension BG2IWDification ModDSotSC Items
BG2 FixpackSword Coast Stratagems GuideDrizzt Saga Baldur's Gate

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