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Best Turn-based cRPGs

Best Turn-based Tactics cRPGs

In cRPG History turn-based tactics computer role-playing games have largely been developed for combat connoisseurs, tactics aficionados and elite gamers, but many of these computer games can be enjoyed by general gamers as well.

In turn-based tactics the player and the AI take turns in issuing orders to their combat units, and the battles (movement, attacks) continue in discrete turns until the player has won, the AI has won, or the player aborts the mission or leaves the combat zone.

Turn-based tactics computer games are often contrasted with:

Just because a computer game is turn-based, doesn't make its combat system good. Some turn-based combat systems are garbage even in comparison to active pause combat systems, such as the Infinity Engine combat system.

However, when executed correctly the turn-based combat system is supreme. The combat systems of Diablo and Baldur's Gate are absolute laughing stocks in comparison to the best turn-based combat systems.

Consider also that the best strategy games are also turn-based, not real-time. The genre of turn-based strategy games has been the most elite genre in gaming for the past four decades. We're talking about seminal games and industry prime-movers -- they are turn-based.

Seminal Turn-based Tactics

Since they heavily influenced the greatest turn-based tactics computer games of all-time, the seminal turn-based tactics franchise is Rebelstar Games ZX Spectrum.

A List of the Best Turn-based cRPGs

Ranked in order of their greatness, the best turn-based cRPGs on the PC platform are as follows:

If we rank strictly by tactical combat system and combat encounter design:

  • Jagged Alliance 2 (Sir-Tech, 1999)
  • X-COM UFO Defense (Mythos Games, 1994) [*]
  • Jagged Alliance (MadLab, 1995)
  • Silent Storm (Nival Interactive, 2003)
  • Temple of Elemental Evil (Troika, 2003) Lacks verticality and destructibility
  • Dungeon Rats (2016, Iron Tower Studios)
  • X-COM: Apocalypse (Mythos Games, 1997)
  • Steel Panthers (SSI, 1995) [*]
  • Laser Squad (Target Games Ltd., 1992) [*]
  • Master of Magic (SimTex, 1994) [*]
  • Fallout 2 (Black Isle Studios, 1998)
  • Fallout 1 (Interplay, 1997)

[*] Turn-based mode is persistent (the game never switches to real-time).

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