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ARCANE SPELLS, Baldur's Gate 1 Original

Baldur's Gate 1 Arcane Spells

For the past two decades, the general consensus has been that arcane spellcasting "is weak" in Baldur's Gate 1 Original, but the truth is that Mage BG1 can dictate cRPG combat encounter design outcomes from first level onwards.

For example, one spellcasting of Sleep can dictate mob-based combat encounters of <=4HD+3 HD, and one spellcasting of Blindness can dictate CEs against singular toughies of any HD. These are both first circle spells.

Moreover, Web (second circle) allows us to lock down almost any form of aggro and then light it up with direct damage AoEs. Sleep, Blindness and Web are Baldur's Gate Best Spells which should constitute the backbone of our arcane arsenal, yet they are often overlooked by sloppy players who opt for direct damage only. As we see in this post, arcane spellcasting is far more elegant, efficient and versatile than that.

Baldur's Gate Arcane Spell List

There are 69 spells available to Mages (and 62 to Bards):

  • Some spells are borderline useless (Infravision, Know Alignment)
  • Some are clunky or annoying to aim (cone-shaped spells like Color Spray)
  • Some have questionable utility (Shield)
  • Some are very specific in their utility (Protection From Petrification)
  • And others dominate the arcane repertoire of players who appreciate elegant and efficient solutions to combat encounters (Sleep, Blindness, Web, Slow, Skull Trap)

In addition to descriptions of what they do, the spells are ranked by me. The ranks are: God-tier, Top-tier, Mid-tier and Bottom-tier.

Note that Edwin BG1 is the strongest arcane spellcaster due to receiving bonus spell slots over CHARNAME Baldur's Gate specialists. He receives three 5th circle spell slots at max level, which is, however, more than enough for BG1.


Arcane Spell Range

The arcane spell range is 69; that is, there are 69 unique arcane spells in the original version of Baldur's Gate & Tales of the Sword Coast. There are five circles of arcane spellcasting available within the 161,000 XP cap:

cf. Cleric, Druid and Ranger/Cleric divine spell ranges.

Generalist Mages gain access to all above-pictured spells whereas Specialist Mages have Opposition Schools to be concerned with. Bards, who are also arcane spellcasters, gain access to spells up to the fourth circle only. The advantages of Bardic spellcasting is covered in Best Classes Baldur's Gate.

Arcane Bhaalspawn Powers

A few arcane spells can also be acquired as Bhaalspawn Abilities Baldur's Gate, regardless of class. Arcane spells from left to right (red only): Larloch's Minor Drain, Chill Touch and Vampiric Touch:

Let's now make some general remarks in reference to the basic spell-types as outlined in Baldur's Gate Magic:

Basic Arcane Spell Types

I identify 11 basic spell-types in Baldur's Gate 1, though some spells can perform more than one function.

Arcane Immobilization Spells

(exemplified by Web)

Lock 'em down.

Arcane immobilizers constitute some of the most elegant, versatile and powerful spells on the Infinity Engine. They are employed when we want to lock down the aggro so that it can't attack or even move. Sleep (AoE), Blindness (single-target), Web (AoE) and Emotion (AoE) are some of the best examples of immobilization spells.

Arcane Direct Damage Spells

(mundane, magical, elemental and para-elemental):

Light 'em up.

Direct damage spells are employed when we want to inflict damage, death, spell disruption and movement rate reduction on our victims (stun-lock). Bread and butter spells of this kind include Magic Missile (magic dmg, single target), Skull Trap (magic dmg AoE), Fireball (AoE) and Lightning Bolt (bounce/ricochet).

Arcane Damage-over-time Spells

(disease, poison, acid):

Make them die slowly.

Damage-over-time spells are employed for the same reasons as above; the difference being that their effects are ongoing. Whereas the effects of direct damage spells are acute in nature, those of damage-over-time persist over time. Notable spells of this kind include Melf's Acid Arrow (acid, single-target) and Cloudkill (acid, AoE).

Arcane Buffing Spells

(to THAC0, AC, ApR, saving throws, HPs, Ability Scores etc.)

Turning wusses into warriors.

Buffs are usually applied to allied physical-based damage-dealers such as Fighters and summons; basically, to make them better at offense and defense, to make them better at fighting. However, divine spellcasting is tailored more to this purpose than the arcane. Notable arcane party buffs include Haste, PfE, Strength, Improved Invisibility and Spirit Armor.

Friends is also notable for haggling purposes (caster-only, Charisma).

Arcane Debuffing Spells

Turning warriors into wusses.

Arcane spells are much stronger than divine ones in regards to debuffs. Debuffs are employed when we want to reduce the stats of enemy mobs or singular toughies. Without a doubt, Slow is the preeminent debuffer because it not only reduces the movement rate and attack rate of mobs, but also penalizes their AC, THAC0 and all-saves.

Arcane Utility Spells

(open locks, identify items, haggling, scouting, clairvoyance)

It's not all about the killin'.

Utility spells are unique in that they are not combat-based. These spells are so useful that they can reduce the need for Thieves and Bards, though such Rogues can perform these functions without limit and at no cost. KnockIdentifyFriends and Invisibility are the key utility spells.

Arcane Mobility & Escape Spells

(Dimension DoorHasteInvisibility)

Run rings around the enemy.

In addition to our attack rateHaste (party-wide buff) increases our movement speed which facilitates kiting, fleeing from aggro and getting in the face of ranged aggro before it can cast a spell or pepper us with arrows.

Example of kiting: The aggro catches sight of us, locks on and gives chase in blind hatred. With our superior movement speed, we lead it around in circles. Meanwhile, the aggro is being picked apart by our archers and ranged spells.

cf. Modes of MovementMovement & Positioning.

Arcane Divide & Conquer Spells

(enchantment or charming)

Turn them against themselves.

Divide & conquer spells are usually employed when we want to break mobs up into more manageable, bite-sized chunks, but they can also be employed on single targets in order to gain a powerful temporary ally. For example, turn the sergeant against his soldiers.

In addition, some NPCs can be spoken to while charmed, under which state they may reveal their motives or the motives of their superiors. See: Charm Dialogue Baldur's Gate.

Dire Charm (single-target) and Chaos (AoE) are prime examples of divide and conquer spells.

Arcane Protection Spells aka Wards

(Illusions & Abjurations)

The best supertankers are Mages, not Fighters.

Illusions and abjurations are powerful in that they make the arcane spellcaster invulnerable to certain types of damage, certain negative status effects and even entire spell circles in the case of Minor Globe of Invulnerability. That abjuration, along with the illusion, Mirror Image, are indisputably god-tier.

Arcane Summoning Spells

(undead, animals and monsters)

When we get lazy.

Due to the lack of a summon cap, summoning spells are essentially broken. However, they can still be interesting and fun due to the variety of monsters that can be called forth and sent into battle. Most are melee-based mobs, some are ranged, but none are spellcasters. Summons are usually employed as cannon fodder: to face the brunt of a mob or the initial barrage from an enemy mage, but due to the lack of a summon cap, they can overwhelm and dominate almost any CE with their collective ApR, especially when buffed.

Note that Animate Dead was omitted from the arcane range. It is included in the game but its scroll is unitemized. Thus, Animate Dead is Cleric-only, and the Monster Summoning line is the only line available to the arcane.

Arcane Shapeshifting Spells

(Polymorph Self/Other)

I always wanted to be a jelly.

Arcane spellcasters lack proper Druid shapeshifting (e.g, shift into a raging bear), but their polymorph line is quite amusing. Polymorph Other turns an enemy into a harmless squirrel which then wanders off into the woods whereas Polymorph Self allows arcane spellcasters to assume the form of certain animals and monsters, and take on their traits (see specific entry below).

Baldur's Gate versus AD&D 2nd Edition

Baldur's Gate employs arcane spells mostly from the Player's Handbook (TSR 2101, 2159, PHB), but also a few from the Wizard's Handbook (Chromatic Orb, Ghoul Touch, Vocalize). In addition, Spirit Armor and Greater Malison were drawn from the Tome of Magic (TSR 2121).

Spell ranges (no. of spells) circles 1-5

  • Baldur's Gate + TotSC: 17/18/15/12/7 (69)
  • AD&D 2nd Edition PHB: 45/44/36/42/41 (208)
  • Wizard's Handbook: 5/7/7/5/8 (32)
  • Tome of Magic: 9/9/13/13/9 (53)

Thus, Baldur's Gate employs about 20% of AD&D 1-5 spells.

Presumably, the omission of many spells is due to time limits in the dev cycle and technical limitations of the Infinity Engine. For example, spells that involve Feather Fall could only be clumsily employed due to the engine's lack of verticality (say, through dialogue options).

In addition, some spells were not employed accurately, such as the damage of Magic Missile. Indeed, there are dozens of examples of spells having incorrect casting speeds, durations, ranges and effects.


The employment of arcane spells in Baldur's Gate is a bit rough around the edges, but that's part and parcel of a fledgling developer's first foray. For those players who were familiar with AD&D before playing BG, it was a delight to try out all the spells. Indeed, previous knowledge of AD&D and FR increased the enjoyment of BG across the board.

The language employed in the spell descriptions is memorable:

  • By means of this spell, the wizard creates a magical arrow that speeds to its target unerringly.
  • When a wizard casts a sleep spell, he causes a comatose slumber to come upon one or more creatures
  • This spell holds a single human, demihuman, or humanoid creature rigidly immobile and in place for five or more rounds.

It's proper AD&D 2nd Edition language, and it doesn't assume the player is illiterate.

Veterans of BG know how cool it was to discover these spells for the first time; to work them out, to experiment. It was a great time to be a gamer back in '98-99!


  1. Awesome, top quality write-up, as always. Really enjoyed the ranking, it must have taken a while to complete.

    There are 3 spells that I would like to comment on:
    - Agannazar's Scorcher is single target only in the original BG1. That was changed in IWD and onward with the AoE damage.
    - Haste does not give fatigue in the original BG1. The same as above, it was changed in IWD and later games.
    - Vampiric Touch does not summon a weapon, like Chill/Ghoul Touch, it is more like Shocking Grasp - one-hit only.


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