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Level 5 Arcane Spells Baldur's Gate 1

Level 5 Arcane Spells Baldur's Gate 1

There are only seven level 5 Baldur's Gate arcane spells in Baldur's Gate 1 Original. Most level 5 spells were added by the Tales of the Sword Coast expansion.

In a nutshell:

At least, for Edwin BG1 they do. Generalists will only have one fifth circle slot; Specialists two. Thus, lower circle spells are still employed regularly at the highest caster levels. This is true in Baldur's Gate 2 as well.

Chaos Baldur's Gate 1

Chaos (Enchantment, SCRL5P): An upgraded Confusion. The last word in AoE divide & conquer. Victims <=4th level don't get a saving throw but victims >=5th get to make a saving throw though with a 3-point penalty. Nasty.
Rank: Top-tier.

Cloudkill Baldur's Gate 1

Cloudkill (Evocation, SCRL2E): Upgraded Stinking Cloud. A poisonous long-cast damage-over-time 40-radius AoE that auto-slays <=4+1 HD, slays 5 HD on a failed save vs. poison at -4 and inflicts 1-10 poison dmg per round on >=6 HD for up to 10 rounds. The poison damage stacks with multiple castings. Note that our Cleric's skeletons become aggro if they are caught within CK's AoE because they are not immune to its poison dmg.
Rank: Top-tier. (It could be called the Mother of All Spells: on an absolute level, it's god-tier).

Domination Baldur's Gate 1

Domination (Enchantment, SCRL5N): Upgraded Dire Charm in terms of duration (12 hours) and reliability (3-point save penalty). Reliable, and long-term.
Rank: Top-tier.

Feeblemind Baldur's Gate 1

Feeblemind (Enchantment, SCRL5Q): Single-target immobilizer because its intelligence score debuff holds the victim fast. Save vs. spells at -2. Note that Feeblemind is permanent until dispelled.
Rank: Top-tier.

Hold Monster Baldur's Gate 1

Hold Monster (Enchantment, SCRL5O): Upgraded Hold Person in that its AoE immobilization holds 1-4 enemies of any non-undead type rigidly immobile for 2 rounds per level. Save vs. spells at -2 negates. 
Rank: Top-tier.

Monster Summoning 3 Baldur's Gate 1

Monster Summoning 3 (Conjuration, SCRL2G): Conjures 8 HD worth of monster allies. In practice, that means packs of ghouls, worgs, ogrillons and dire wolves. No summon cap.
Rank: Top-tier.

Shadow Door Baldur's Gate 1

Shadow Door (Illusion, SCRL2H): The only advantage this mobility/escape spell has over Improved Invisibility is that its casting time is shorter and it's harder to dispel. But it gives no combat bonuses.
Rank: Bottom-tier.

Animate Dead Baldur's Gate 1

Animate Dead (Necromancy, SCRL2D, unimplemented): Uncapped summons, buffing potential, and the ability to wade into Stinking Cloud due to being immune to the noxious fumes, means Animate Dead is one of the best summoning spells in BG1. Note that undead sport 50% resistance to slashing and piercing as well as immunity to cold and mind-affecting. The 8 hour duration means they'll tank for us until dungeon's end: that's staying power. However, officially, this spell is only available to Clerics in BG1.
Rank: Top-tier.

Cone of Cold Baldur's Gate 1

Cone of Cold (Evocation, SCRL2F, unimplemented): Quick-fire cone-shaped AoE that inflicts 1-4 +1 cold dmg per caster level, up to a max of 10d4 +10. Save vs. spells for half. As per Wraith Form and Animate Dead, the scroll is not itemized in the game.
Rank: Top-tier.


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