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Maximum Ranged Damage, Baldur's Gate, BG1

Maximum Ranged Damage, BG1

Maximum ranged damage in Baldur's Gate 1 is achieved as follows:

= max 30 per hit @ 4 ApR for max 120 dmg per round. Compare with. I'm actually getting 31 damage and 62 on a crit. Can't be assed working out where the +1 is coming from, but I'll take it. Of course, the Strength modifier to damage is erroneously applied to Arrow of Biting, but I report only on vanilla BG as released and patched by BioWare. Titan Strength is gained by casting Bhaalpower DUHM after quaffing a top-tier Strength potion (such as Cloud 23 and above). DUHM does not stack with itself.

Throwing Axe +2 (1d6 +3) would be a contender if the Strength modifier was being applied to damage, but it isn't. I tested it. 25 Strength or 18 Strength, the damage is the same.

The most damaging ammo is:

  • Arrow of Detonation (auto-hit [no to-hit roll], 1d6, 6d6 fireball, save vs. spell for half, AROW06). Mainly, for the fire splash on mobs.

As a rule, this is followed by:

  • Arrow of Biting (Poison: 30% of Max HPs in 20 secs, save vs. death for none, erroneously applies Strength modifier to damage, AROW05)
  • Bolt of Lightning (4d4 electrical, save vs. breath for half, )
  • Acid Arrows (THAC0 +1, +2d6 acid, no save, AROW04)
  • Arrows of Piercing (THAC0 +4, +6 dmg save vs. death for none, AROW10)
  • Arrows of Ice (+1d6 cold, no save, AROW09)

The top three DpR bows in the game are:

  • Composite Longbow +1 (THAC0 +2, dmg +3, BOW02)
  • Longbow of Marksmanship +3: Dead Shot (THAC0 +3, dmg +2, BOW07)
  • Shortbow +2, Eagle Bow: Protector of the Dryads (THAC0 +2, dmg +2, BOW08)

All bows grant +1 ApR so they are superior to crossbows in DpR. The Light Crossbow of Speed: Army Scythe (THAC0 +1, dmg +1, ApR +1, XBOW06) grants +1 ApR but is not as damaging as the bows (as can plainly be seen).

The most accurate weapon in the BG1 is the Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy (THAC0 +5, dmg +2, XBOW03)

But THAC0 is not so important unless we are facing off against AC lords such as Drizzt, Sarevok and Aec'Letec

This is followed by the Sling +3: Arla's Dragonbane (THAC0 +3, dmg +3, SLNG03) and the Longbow of Marksmanship +3: Dead Shot (THAC0 +3, dmg +2, BOW07).

The top three archers in the game are Coran, Kivan and Khalid (in that order). This is due to them having good Dex and the >=Specialization in bows. 

In archery, Coran is technically superior to an optimized Charname if we give him the Dex tome for 21 Dex (though the one-point THAC0 boost barely matters). 

Shar-Teel can only achieve Specialization in crossbows. Still, she reaches the max 4 ApR with the Light Crossbow of Speed, just like the guys.

Sniping is not all about damage; it also has utility purpose. The speed at which projectiles can be launched, coupled with their flight-speed (darts and throwing axes are slower), makes them particularly effective in disrupting enemy spellcasting (causes spell incantations to fizzle). As well, the on-hit Dispel Magic of Arrows of Dispelling makes for good magebane material. Dart of Stunning is handy for immobilization purposes (save vs. Spell or Stunned for 7 rounds), and Bolt of Polymorphing is an amusing debuff (save vs. petri/poly or turn into squirrel).

Below we have Arrows of Detonation in action. Each member of the party sports 4 ApR when hasted. Thus, the party is able to fire 24x 6d6 fireballs per round.

[Make-shift firing range on the bridge to Baldur's Gate city]: Volley launched!

The arrows detonate on their targets:

And expand into a conflagration:


Thank you to the companion sacrifices who aided me in my tests. Your cries of pain echoed downstream and were heard far and wide. You will be remembered.

Maximum Melee Damage BG1 Kensai Kai Damage BG2 Assassin 21 Mage 24 Backstab
Maximum Backstab Damage BG1 Kensai 21 Thief 31 Backstab Assassin 21 Cleric 32 Backstab
Maximum Ranged Damage BG1 Monk Unarmed Attack Damage Vorpal BG2


  1. Arrows of Detonation might be the best in terms of raw damage, but they can also hurt other party members with their blasts, limiting tactical flexibility, so I would not say they are the best in a completely unqualified way. Arrows of Biting are great against certain opponents, but generally wasted on trashmobs, who will generally die long before the poison has done its full damage. As a result, I generally end up using Acid Arrows most of the time, with the other types there to be substituted on special occasions.

  2. Unqualified statement fixed. And agree with your ammo of choice.


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