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Maximum Unarmed Monk Damage (Gauntlets of Crushing), Baldur's Gate 2 BG2

Maximum Unarmed Monk Damage

The above screencap depicts the authoritative Core Rules damage calculation. Damage sources are as follows:

  • Monk Fist: 1d20 +4 (24)
  • Strength 25: +14 (38)
  • Gauntlets of Crushing [BRAC19]: +4 (42)
  • Critical x2 (84) (Critical Strike)
  • Average dmg per hit: 22-42 (32)

If you don't know how we get Strength 25 on a Human Monk, then you mustn't have been reading the other write-ups: Blackrazor BG2.

Most players don't even know the Gauntlets of Crushing exist. Note, however, that the Gauntlets of Extraordinary Specialization are superior due to +ApR, but this write-up is only concerned with maximum raw physical-based damage inflicted in a single blow.

• Damage (Kai + Critical Strike): 10 (maxed weapon roll) + 3 (enchantment) + 4 (nerfed GM) + 13 (kensai dmg) + 14 (Strength 25) = 88 dmg.

Of course, Kensai can wield more damaging weapons than Celestial Fury.

Maximum Melee Damage BG1 Kensai Kai Damage BG2 Assassin 21 Mage 24 Backstab
Maximum Backstab Damage BG1 Kensai 21 Thief 31 Backstab Assassin 21 Cleric 32 Backstab
Maximum Ranged Damage BG1 Monk Unarmed Attack Damage Vorpal BG2

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