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Maximum Melee Damage, Baldur's Gate, BG1

Maximum Melee Damage, BG1

Maximum melee damage in Baldur's Gate 1 is achieved as follows:

However, there is something odd afoot. The maximum damage reported was actually 70.

Strength 25 = DUHM + Potion of X Giant Strength or Violet Potion.

Note: Only concerned with maximum, raw physical-based damage inflicted on singular hits from proper melee weapons. Staff of Striking [STAF05] inflicts 1d6 +9 +3 so technically it qualifies (thus, 78 max dmg), but the weapon is then destroyed. The DoV (+link) is the most damaging melee weapon in Baldur's Gate handsdown, but that is because of its cumulative poison proc (non-raw).

Maximum Melee Damage BG1 Kensai Kai Damage BG2 Assassin 21 Mage 24 Backstab
Maximum Backstab Damage BG1 Kensai 21 Thief 31 Backstab Assassin 21 Cleric 32 Backstab
Maximum Ranged Damage BG1 Monk Unarmed Attack Damage Vorpal BG2

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