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Gilbert Bates' Ring Arcanum

Gilbert Bates' Ring Arcanum

Gilbert Bates' Ring is an Arcanum Item in Troika's cRPG of 2001, Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura.

Before he dies of his wounds at the crash site, a "gnome" passenger of the I.F.S. Zephyr zeppelin called Preston Radcliffe gives you an old, silver signet ring, which has the initials G.B. set into its face, and the words "P. Schuyler and Sons" inscribed on its band. This is the Ring of Gilbert Bates, crafted by P. Schuyler and Sons. The gnome wants you to deliver the ring to "a boy" and warns you that someone -- a "He of great power" -- is coming back "to destroy everything and everyone".

The gnome is later revealed to be a dwarf: Stennar Rock Cutter of the Black Mountain Clan.

The boy referred to is now an old man: Gilbert Bates of Tarant (G.B.).

And the "He of great power" is Arronax though it turns out that Kerghan is the threat. See: Caladon Arcanum.

While Gilbert Bates' ring is technically plot-critical (we auto-acquire it at the crash site, post-cutscene), it is not necessary to keep the ring in our possession because we can describe the ring in order to progress through the main quest. However, I recommend holding onto the ring until meeting Gilbert Bates instead of selling, discarding or giving it away beforehand. See: Bessie Toone Mine.

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