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Arcanum: PURE ORE schematic, stats

In Arcanum, Pure Ore is a Novice-level degree of the Smithy technological discipline. Amalgamation requires a minimum Expertise score of 10.

A new player may ask themselves, "What the hell do I want this for?" Well, it facilitates the forging of Balanced Swords.

An amalgam iron and steel that allows both increased strength and lightness!

Pure Ore stats are as follows:


• Iron Ore location: Randomly and commonly spawns in blacksmith vendor inventories (e.g, Lloyd Gurloes of Shrouded Hills).

• Steel location: As per above.

Pure Ore randomly and commonly spawns ready-made in the Wheel Clan blacksmith's vendor inventory. Bessie Toone also leaves behind Pure Ore.

Arcanum Arcanum Weapons Arcanum Armor

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