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BEST CLASSES & BUILDS: Baldur's Gate 1, Baldur's Gate 2

The Gnome Fighter Illusionist is the best class in the Baldur's Gate series. The best class for solo is the Sorcerer or Kensai Mage dual-class build.

Best Class in Baldur's Gate 1

Thanks to Best Spells Baldur's Gate, the Mage is easily the best class in Baldur's Gate 1. Indeed, there is nothing more impressive than Mages casting spells. Mages almost always impact combat encounters, if not dictate their outcomes completely. Mages are the favorite class for many Baldur's Gate players because their spellcasting makes Baldur's Gate more interesting to play. Mages are also the most fun class to play because they cast spells such as Fireball.

Note that our Intelligence score does NOT dictate the maximum spell circle we can cast, how many spells we can cast per day, or how powerful our spells are. That is governed by our character level. Our Intelligence score ONLY dictates how easy it is to scribe the spell to our spellbook and how many unique spells can be scribed per circle. Thus, we can start with an Intelligence score of 9 and simply quaff Potions of Genius before attempting to scribe (not recommended due to tedium).

Not only does Baldur's Gate Specialist Mage gain +1 spell slot per circle (at the expense of being banned from Opposition School spells), but their enemies incur a 2 point saving throw penalty when attempting to resist a spell cast by Specialists IF the spell is of the school of which the Specialist belongs. Thus, for example, Domination's 2 point penalty becomes a 4 point penalty when cast by an Enchanter such as Xan. Conversely, Specialists receive a 2 point saving throw bonus when attempting to resist a spell of their school.

Best Class in Baldur's Gate 2

The Fighter Illusionist build is the best class in Baldur's Gate 2. It has the following abilities:

  • Martial prowess of the Fighter paired with an extensive arcane repertoire of the Mage. Even when in spellcasting mode, weapons should be wielded during 1-round cooldown intervals. In other words, cast spell, whale away, cast spell, whale away. At 10 ApR with Critical Strike.
  • +1 spell slot per circle.
  • Intelligence score of 19, making spell scroll scribing easier.
  • The ability to on-hand Flail of Ages or Celestial Fury with Belm off-handed. Also, Staff of the Magi.
  • The ability to wear GoES.
  • The ability to wear the Robe of Vecna for increased casting speed factor.
  • +1 saves vs. Wands and Spells for every 3.5 points in the Con score (+5 at 18 Con)
  • The ability to run two Strongholds by reason of developer oversight: the Planar Sphere and the keep of de'Arnise. To pull off the exploit simply acquire the sphere before the fortress.

Gnome Fighter Illusionist Stats

  • THAC0-4 (20 warrior THAC0, +1 Spec, +3 18/00)
  • Bonus damage: +8 (+2 Spec, +6 18/00)
  • Base AC: 6 (18 Dex)
  • HPs: 124
  • Lore: 80
  • ApR3 (Base 1 + Specialization +½ + Warrior 7 +½ + Warrior 13 +½, rounded up)
  • Spell Slots (arcane): 5-5-5-5-5-5-4-4-2 (Elf), Gnome+1 spell slot per circle
  • Saving Throws3-5-4-4-6 (Elf), Gnome3-0-4-4-1
  • Proficiency allotments: 12
  • HLAs18 HLAs drawn from the Warrior and Mage pools.
  • Key HLAsGreater Whirlwind Attack (for 10 ApR under two-handed & sword n board setups), Critical Strike (for 10 crits per round on anything not crit-immune), Hardiness (60% DR with DoE off-hand adds another solid layer of defense), Smite (a nice opener against a demi-lich, followed up by IMoD GWW for disruption). Also, Improved Alacrity and Summon Planetar.

THAC0 progression for the multi is slower than single class warriors but caps out with no differenceWhy is that? THAC0 progression grinds to a halt at warrior twentieth level (i.e, at Base THAC0 of 0). Thus, at the end of the day, the difference in THAC0 between doubles and singles is nothing except in the case of Kensai and Archer PRCs whose to-hit bonuses allow them to reach godly negatives.

Overall, Fighter Mage-based multi-classes and dual-classes are for players who want to crash through the campaign by employing a mix of martial and arcane playstyles, though the martial augmented by the arcane invariably takes over due to OP campaign weapon itemization and plentiful ApR boosts that increase killspeed.



  1. I'd say the cleric/mage multi is worth mentioning, especially since the f/m/c is on the list. It's one of the more interesting spellcaster combinations in the game.

  2. Cleric/Mage is not necessarily an especially strong class, but it can be quite fun to play. Note that this class can include Cleric as well as Mage spells in Contingencies and Sequencers, making for some interesting possibilities.

    Ranged combatants of various classes tend to be very good in BG1. A TLDR version of recommended classes would be: play a warrior focusing on archery to dominate BG1, play a Fighter/Mage to dominate BG2.

    A simple Fighter/Thief multi is a solid if not necessarily outstanding class in either game. Excellent Backstabber, excellent point man who can either tank mobs or deal with traps, and fairly easy to play so a reasonable choice as a Newbie class.

    A Cavalier can use Throwing Axes like Azuredge to get around their ranged weapon restriction. I cannot recall ever checking, but I expect they can use Throwing Daggers too. Of course, it is open to question whether taking advantage of such an exploit is consistent with a Paladin's honor.

    Inquisitor has yet another issue beyond those you mention. You have access to an Inquisitor companion making a Charname Inquisitor rather redundant.

    1. Good points. Didn't know about Cavalier ability to wield Azuredge; that is quite a cool exploit. Early disruption capability renders Undead Hunter bonuses even less significant.

      But that reminds me, Kensai are just as dmging if not moreso in regard to ranged attacks than Archers themselves are, with access to throwing axes, daggers and hammers, though archers certainly get more options through weapons and ammo, albeit nerfed elemental ammo (from 2d6 to 1d3 in the case of Acid). I don't think there are detonation arrows in BG2, and Dispel arrows are extremely rare finds.

      Glad you share my view on Fighter/Mage and Inquisitor (a lot of people don't).

    2. Say no to Paladins exploiting throwing axes!

      Ahem. I ROLE PLAY my cavaliers, thank you. Easily my favorite class to play. Even as I admit the overlordly power of kensai/mage.

  3. Just discovered your blog. I am a great fan of Baldur's gate and I like your blog a lot.
    Thanks for this.

    1. You're welcome. It's always fun rambling on about 19 year old RPGs. :P

  4. Ah, the Monk... I do like the class myself and it has some fun abilities, but I wouldn't think for a moment that it's anywhere as good as a lot of the other available options.

  5. I have expanded the Fighter section of this post. Basically, to help newbies better understand the factors that contribute to Fighter offense and defense.

  6. For me Wild Mage is totally broken, five Mordenkainen's Sword at once? easy!. Another benefit of Wild Mage - with Nahal's Reckless Dweomer (1-st lvl spell) you can cast any spell in your spellbook, even if doesnt have enough lvl.


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