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Neverwinter Nights Henchmen Guide, Original Campaign

In Neverwinter Nights, "Henchman" is the word BioWare decided to use for companion. The NWN OC allows the player to recruit one Henchman at any given time from a pool of six, who will happily follow, fight alongside and risk their lives for the player for a small initial fee. The companions are as follows:

Squishy Wizards would do well to take the Barbarian or the Monk Henchman to keep the aggro at bay; Rogues and Clerics complement warrior PCs, as a rule, but really, no choice is wrong and doubling up isn't the end of the world.

Regardless of Player Character level, Henchmen are 4th level upon being hired. They level up with the PC up to 14th level (see above pic), but are always one level behind the PC unless the PC levels above 15 or is of lower level, which only happens if we skip the Prologue.

Henchman character sheets can be accessed to check out their stats. Unlike the subsequent SoU and HotU expansions, we can't access their inventories to equip them how we like. Instead, they handle their gear upgrades automatically as a result of level progression.

Henchmen are naturally immune to charm and dominate spells (Charm Person or Animal, Charm Person, Dominate Person, Mass Charm).

Henchman Tales

Each of the six Henchmen has their own lengthy and entertaining tale to tell (they are well-written), plus NWN Items to be found within the game-world related to the tale. Once the Henchman receives the item, they reward the PC with a powerful gift which is upgraded in subsequent chapters. The rewards from Boddyknock and Sharwyn, being Charisma-based, are a priority find for Sorcerers and Bards, for example. However, we can net all six items if we do all six quests.

AI & Control

NWN does not feature Full Party Control, aka FPC. Thus, we have little control over what a Henchman actually does in combat (ie, "tactics"), but easily the most important commands at our disposal are attack nearest, follow and stand your ground - which, to save my sanity, I like to hot-key to the quickbar, immediately. 

In dialogue, and outside of combat, Henchman "follow distance" can be changed to "close", "medium" or "far", they can be asked to fight in melee or from range, and they can also be asked to help (or not to help) open locked doors and chests. That is literally the limit of our Henchman control. Companion control is basic, but it's very important to use correctly.

Best Henchman Neverwinter Nights

Due to his increased movement speed and increased survivability by virtue of being a Monk, the best Henchman in Neverwinter Nights is Grimgnaw.

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