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KNOCKDOWN, Neverwinter Nights 1, NWN1

Knockdown NWN

Knockdown is a General feat in BioWare's cRPG Definition of 2002, Neverwinter Nights. Successful knockdowns are not dependent on the Strength score of NWN builds, or on weapon size; only size categories and attack roll vs. the target's Discipline skill.

Knockdown Sneak Attacks, as I call them, are one of the most satisfying combat manoeuvres in NWN: target is knocked down and prone → follow-up Sneak Attack.

Knockdown Feat Rules

  • Type of Feat: General
  • Prerequisite: None.
  • Required for: Improved Knockdown.
  • Specifics: A character with this feat can attempt to knock his melee opponents to the ground. The character makes an attack roll at -4, and if successful the defender makes an opposed Discipline check against the character's attack roll. If the character wins, the defender is knocked to a prone position.
  • Use: Selected. Prone characters cannot attack. Characters receive a +4 bonus to attack prone opponents in melee, but a -4 penalty to attack them with a ranged weapon. A character can only make a Knockdown attempt on opponents that are one size category larger than himself, or smaller. The opponent gets a +4 bonus on his opposed check for every size category he is larger than the attacker, or a -4 penalty for every size category he is smaller. Monks receives this feat for free at level 6.

Improved Knockdown Feat Rules

  • Type of Feat: General
  • Prerequisite:  Int 13+, Knockdown, base attack bonus +7.
  • Specifics: A character with this feat counts as one size category larger when he makes a knockdown attack. All other knockdown conditions still apply.
  • Use: Selected. Monks receive this feat for free at level 6.

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