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Weapon Specialization NWN

Weapon Specialization is a Fighter-only feat in BioWare's cRPG Definition of 2002, Neverwinter Nights. Players often take four levels of Fighter in order to be able to select Weapon Specialization for martial NWN builds.

4th level warriors inflicting +2 dmg with each hit -- that's going to add up. In the early going, slaying a goblin outright is better than having to hit it again to do so (which would give it a swing at us).

WS is mutiplied by criticals. Thus, for example, Scythe-wielding Weapon Masters are inflicting +10 dmg per hit from WS alone.

How valuable the dmg bonus is depends on weapon itemization. If the module in question is low-magic, it stands out more.

Undocumented in its entry, is that WS is a prerequisite to EWS. Thus, the feat is more attractive than it would otherwise be (assuming the player is taking a character into epic levels, that is).

Weapon Specialization Feat Rules

  • Type of Feat: Special
  • Prerequisite: Must be a fighter, base attack bonus +4, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon group.
  • Specifics: A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, and gains a +2 damage bonus when using these weapons in combat.
  • Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case.
  • Special: Halflings and Gnomes are small creatures and as such they can never use the following Large weapons: dire mace, two-bladed sword, double axe, greataxe, greatsword, halberd, heavy flail, and scythe.

Epic Weapon Specialization Feat Rules

  • Type of Feat: Combat
  • Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization in the chosen weapon.
  • Specifics: The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage done by the chosen weapon.
  • Use: Automatic.

Weapon Focus NWN Power Attack NWN Great Cleave NWN Overwhelming Critical NWN
Weapon Specialization NWN Cleave NWN Improved Critical NWN Devastating Critical NWN

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